

Created 2nd February 2008 @ 15:35

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it's a farm

Hey people,

please use this thread for giving us your opinion and thoughts about the ETF2L.
Which things do you like?
Which things we should change?
Any wishes for upcomming competitions?
Did you find any site errors or mistypes?

Feel free to post in here!

– dAy


RaWr ::

Perhaps using the same map twice in the fixtures is a bit wierd. Imagine if 2 teams picked dustbowl?! my god a late night for them hehe.

With the 2nd CUP, i think the main Cup should be your standard format of m1cl2 nocrits. But maybe do a fun cup too, the recent highlander cup(s) seem to have been really fun!



1) YOU set the maplist for each week, every team has to play this map this week, then these maps next week. Its a lot more fair for the teams as they all play the same maps. Maybe then you can introduce some more custom maps like warpath and turbine :).

2) Sorting out a sign-up for clans mid-season. So there can be a waiting list etc.

3) Starting cup should be the ruleset to get teams into the readiness for league.

4) Have a fun cup also going on at some time, maybe end of season fun cup for a cool down. (Valves map Goldrush is coming out soon) :p.

5) Maybe run a 1v1 ladder :). Soldier vs Soldier or scout vs scout or whatever the people decide on for the matches. (For laughs).



6) Maybe getting some more etf2l staff, maybe for weekly predictions or anything, maybe this whole commetary thing you got going on, somehow get them to commentate on the bigger matches in divisions if they have sourcetv etc ;p.


RaWr ::

Yeah, I remember in several TFC leagues they had a pundits section and possibily like a blog section as well. But the pundits part would be great! :)



Also get a public server running ETF2L rules. Like an official ETF2L Public Server :}. Raise awareness for unknown clans maybe? Get loads of affiliates etc.


Increase the leagues to 10 teams.
Remove 2fort and add badlands to the map pool.
As said, you guys pick the maps for each week.
Stopwatch for dustbowl and gravelpit.

And lastly what I can come up with right now, just something that has been bugging me :P Change the place on draw and loss in the tables. I’ve always seen tables with Win – Draw – Loss.

Thanks for a great league so far!



Go up to 8vs8, ml1cl2. It suits TF2 much better and provides more interesting games with more classes to be used.


See my thread here:

A suggestion to make scheduling matches more fair.


element //

Add a possibility for teams to add a team logo

Add the possibility to declare a war arranger who can shedule / add matches besides the team captain (who is most probably not always here)

Add match reports before the actual match has been played (like esl), give the possibility to add comments to the match and give people a better overview about the game that is about to be played – maybe with a “lineup” function, the sourcetv and maybe give people the ability to vote for the winner.


Hi there,

I’m an American who enjoys playing TF2 and I have to say that it was a great pleasure watching the demos you guys have posted here on this website. I especially enjoyed watching plan-B’s 2fort engineer strategy (wonderfully fool proof) and learned a lot from 4K^’s badlands strategy.

Also, excello. performed very well in cp_well and taught me that the uber push in cp_well is pretty much the only way to go.

I’m going to keep watching the demo replays you guys have made, so thanks to all the teams and the site for helping me get better at Team Fortress 2.



also, since your main colors are orange, i thought i’d include these icons i did for perhaps using on your team pages:



nice little logos there


it's a farm

@wand: Thanks a lot for your feedback and these images, as you can see we added them to the site :)



I am very happy with the front-end and irc support.
What i am missing is the section under “demos” to see pending demos to be approved.
Schedule for matches/event entry should be little bit more intuitive like when set the week of match, prelist the days with their dates. Like small calendar or dropdown list.

The match list are very nice, but i am wondering why the “match reports” is just aggregation of matches or different layout of calendar section. Are there any plans to have some real “report” page. I mean if someone wrote something like report :) about the match. As i noted most of the comments under the matches are mostly about org-ing the matches not real reports.

all of these are just cosmetics, nothing major so far :) ….
Keep it going and Respekt guys for you effort.


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