Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

General Rules

1. Basics

1.1. All players are welcome

1.1.1. Only registered players are eligible

1.1.2. Any Form of Harassment/Racism/Toxicity/Etc is Punishable

1.2. ETF2L Timezone = CET/CEST

1.3. Official matches have to be entered on ETF2L

1.3.1. Separate schedule & match deadline for every match – Default Date for all matches Only submitted playdays are used to generate the Default Date Matches can only be rescheduled by mutual agreement Late matches are not allowed

1.4. Use the match comments to record agreements on mercs, servers and other cases

1.5. Roster locks

1.6. Warnings may lead to point deduction and/or removal from a competition

1.7. Committing or supporting fraud is strictly forbidden

1.8. Disruption of ETF2L and its services is strictly forbidden

1.9. Players may not bet on their own matches on third party betting & gambling services

1.10. Team and Player Sponsorships

2. Players

2.1. Every player has to record demos

2.1.1. Penalties for not providing requested demos

2.1.2. Lower demo infraction limit for players with previous cheating or TF2 VAC league bans that are less than four years old

2.2. Nickname rules

2.2.1. Nickname changes allowed in total

2.2.2. Players playing in matches casted by an org must use their real nicknames

2.2.3. Offensive messages, nicknames and avatars are not welcome

2.2.4. Different nicknames during official

2.3. Two team change per competition allowed

2.4. No account sharing and usage of multiple accounts

2.5. No wiping of a player’s ETF2L history

2.6. Flag/Nationality change

2.6.1. Flag change allowed in total

2.6.2. Nations Cup

2.6.3. Punishment

2.7 Player Experience

3. Match Rules

3.1. League Configs must be used for all matches

3.2. Status & Scoreboard screenshots required

3.3. A delay of 15 minutes is allowed

3.4. Maps need to be played in the set order

3.5. Deciding sides

3.6. Hijacking teams is not allowed

3.7. Skill Contribution

3.7.1. All previous experience will be taken into account in the Division 6/Open/Fresh Meat tier

3.8. Player changes during a match

3.9. Only authorized spectators allowed

3.9.1. No Live Coaching allowed

3.9.2. Streaming official matches

3.10. Pauses & Breaks

3.10.1 Pauses

3.10.2 Breaks

3.11. Picks & Bans Matches

3.12. Weapons and Hats rules

3.12.1. Weapons reskins allowed

3.12.2. Taunts

3.13 Match Dispute

3.14 Teams must wait out the SourceTV broadcast delay in all matches casted by an organisation

4. Premiership Only Rules

4.1. Premiership players must always use their ETF2L nicknames during officials

4.2. Premiership teams have a limited amount of team name changes

4.3. SourceTV demos for premiership matches are mandatory

4.4. Penalties during Premiership Playoffs and Tiebreakers

5. Servers

5.1. Be reasonable regarding servers

5.1.1. European server recommended

5.2. Servers need to be password protected

5.3. Unusual server settings may be considered cheating

5.4. Servers must be started with “-sv_pure”

5.5. Teams must be able to provide STV demos when requested

6. Cheats & Scripts

6.1. Bug-Using is not allowed

6.1.1 Abusing Map Bugs is not allowed

6.2. Cheats are not allowed

6.2.1 Permanent Cheating Ban Appeals

6.3. Scripts

6.4. Game Modifications

6.5. VAC Bans

6.5.1 Multiple VAC Bans

6.6. Exploiting the retry command is not allowed

6.7. Masking ping is not allowed

7. Admins

7.1. Requesting admin help

7.2. Admins are listed on the staff page

7.3. Admin discretion

8. Explanations

8.1. Default dates

8.2. Heavy Fist Fight

8.3. Picks/Bans System

8.4. Loser’s Pick System

1. Basics

1.1. All players are welcome

Any player of any country is welcome to play in ETF2L. However, ETF2L reserves the right to exclude certain players from its competitions.

1.1.1. Only registered players are eligible

All players participating in matches must be registered on ETF2L. Using a player not registered on ETF2L will result in the match being defaulted in the opponent’s favour. A registered player that is not verified on a team’s roster before an official match’s start time (listed as unverified on the roster, or not on the roster at all), as displayed on the match page, counts as merc. Players are  verified after being rostered for 24 hours. Competition-specific merc clauses apply.

1.1.2. Any Form of Harassment/Racism/Toxicity/Etc is Punishable

ETF2L does not support any form of harassment of its players. People harassing others based on ethnicity, culture, religion or similar will get punished for their actions. We understand that things can get heated within a competitive game and will handle cases with this in mind. We do ask people to keep it civil.

1.2. ETF2L Timezone = CET/CEST

ETF2L announces all times in either Central European Time (CET) or Central European Summer Time (CEST). A clock displaying the current time can be found on the homepage. All times and/or timestamps on the website are displayed in one of the two timezones.

1.3. Official matches have to be entered on ETF2L

All official matches are to be scheduled on ETF2L. Teams may only claim a Default Win if the match has been scheduled.

1.3.1. Separate schedule & match deadline for every match – Default Date for all matches

Every official match has its own schedule and match deadline. Both can be found on the official’s respective match page.

Default Dates for every match are set at the earliest possible time after the schedule deadline is over. Date proposals and match comments from both teams are taken into account in order to ensure the best compromise in case the proposals do not match. Default Dates are set automatically in the tiers using the Swiss system. Only submitted playdays are used to generate the Default Date

Default Dates in regular seasons and playoffs stages are issued only using league rules, newsposts and playdays supplied by both teams. Any sort of schedule-related communication exchanged between players, teams and casters, or in private conversations with admins (including schedule proposals and notices of availability) is not valid and will be ignored when deciding Default Dates. Matches can only be rescheduled by mutual agreement

A scheduled match can only be rescheduled within the match’s deadline once both teams have agreed to it. Late matches are not allowed

Every match has to be played and submitted within its deadline, shown at the top of its match page. If results are not submitted before said deadline, both teams will receive no points and Minor Warnings will be issued. These warnings cannot be removed, even if the match is played at a later time and results are submitted. Late result submissions within a Swiss style competition are not possible.

1.4. Use the match comments to record agreements on mercs, servers and other cases

We encourage using the match comments to keep in touch with your opponents. Any agreement between two teams regarding the use of mercs or servers must be recorded on the relevant match page and cannot be retracted. Only Leaders and Deputies are given the authority to make decisions on these issues. 

If your opponent allows a merc, you are expected to extend the same courtesy to them.

1.5. Roster locks

All competitions have a roster lock during which participating teams may not add new players to their rosters. Roster locks are at the start of the final week of the competition’s regular season /  group stage, unless specified differently for the competition. A competition’s roster lock is lifted once its wrap-up post is published.

1.6. Warnings may lead to point deduction and/or removal from a competition

General System:

  • 3 Minor Warnings – 1 Major Warning
  • 1 Major Warning – deduction of 1 point
  • 2 Major Warnings – 1 Meta Warning, deduction of 3 points
  • 3 Major Warnings – expulsion from the current competition

Minor Warnings:

  • Incorrect/missing screenshot (1st time, removable if the screenshot is provided later)
  • Using an unregistered player
  • Violating a competition’s merc clause
  • Violating the Pause Rule (1st time)
  • Using a banned weapon
  • Use of non-English language (note: other languages are allowed if both teams are from the same country)
  • Unable to provide a requested demo file (1st time, removable if the file is provided later)
  • Flaming (1st time)
  • Not showing up for an official match (plus a Default Loss for that particular match)
  • Any other rule break (1st time)

Major Warnings:

  • Incorrect/missing screenshot (after 1st time, removable if the screenshot is provided later)
  • Any attempts of fraud
  • Unable to provide a requested demo file (after 1st time, removable if the file is provided later)
  • Violating the Pause Rule (after 1st time)
  • Flaming (after 1st time)
  • Cheating (plus a possible reduction of extra points and banning of the player involved, case-by-case basis)
  • Any other rule break (after 1st time)

Three Minor Warnings stacking up to a Major Warning makes the Minor Warnings in question no longer removable.

To have Warnings related to missing screenshots and/or demo files removed, please contact the league admins on [ETF2L’s Discord server] after submitting them on the website.

1.7. Committing or supporting fraud is strictly forbidden

Committing or supporting the act of fraud is strictly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Playing a match to a completely or partially pre-determined result.
  • Manipulating screenshots, chat logs or match results.
  • Impersonating other players, ETF2L staff or contacts of the league (with malicious intent).
  • Non-permitted acquisition of profits (e.g. selling spots on your roster, monetizing ETF2L-specific content without our permission).
  • Using alternate accounts to vote in the award polls.

All cases are reviewed individually. Penalties may vary based on the severity of each offense, with any decisions being made at the discretion of the admin team. All circumstances will be taken into account.

1.8. Disruption of ETF2L and its services is strictly forbidden

Causing disruption to ETF2L (i.e. the ETF2L website, ETF2L matches and any other service run by ETF2L) is strictly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to:  

  • Intentionally connecting to an in-game server during an ongoing match.
  • Tampering with server settings to disrupt or create an advantage for a team.
  • Attacking a server with a Denial of Service attack.
  • Connecting to a team’s voice server during an ongoing match with the intention of causing disruption.

All cases are reviewed individually. Penalties may vary based on the severity of each offense, with any decisions being made at the discretion of the admin team. All circumstances will be taken into account.

1.9. Players may not bet on their own matches on third party betting & gambling services

ETF2L holds no responsibility for risks connected with gambling and/or betting on third-party services.
This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Lost bets.
  • Overturned results.
  • Other events leading to the loss of valuables and/or profit.

Players caught betting on their own matches, taking bribes or having an incentive to tamper with the genuine result of a match in any way are subject to penalties such as league bans and potential bans on the third-party service site.

Naturally, the usage of alternate accounts or other people as betting proxies is also forbidden. Accomplices in any case covered by this rule will face a penalty as well.

1.10. Team and Player Sponsorships

Any reference to gambling websites or content unsafe for minors is forbidden. This includes: Player Names, Player Tags, Team Tags, Team Names, Team Profile Pictures and any other content on this platform.

2. Players

2.1. Every player has to record demos

Demo files can be requested by an admin or any player of the opposing team.

Admins may request demo files at any time until the end of the competition an official match was played in; a competition is considered ongoing until its wrap-up post is published. Admins may request as many files as they require.

After a match was played the opposing team can request demo files at any time until 48 hours have passed after an official match was scheduled to start. They can request demos from up to two opposing players, who will then have to provide their demos for all played maps. A team is only allowed to make four demo requests in a single competition.

Players have to record the entirety of their official matches. Missing segments of any kind (e.g. rounds, halves) can count as a missing recording and may result in a team Warning and an infraction for the player. As a rule of thumb, we advise you to check whether you have a demo file recording whenever you join a server, especially after a connection loss or a map switch. A player whose demo files have been requested has 72 hours to upload them, starting from the time the request was made. The demos have to be provided by the requested players themselves, teammates cannot upload demos for them. All requested demos up to 100 MB have to be uploaded to ETF2L; links to third party hosts will be ignored.

2.1.1. Penalties for not providing requested demos

Failure to provide a requested demo file before its due time (i.e. 72 hours after being requested) will result in a penalty for the player and a Warning being issued to their team. Multiple instances of requested demo files not being applied come with greater punishments for both the player and the team.

Warnings applied to teams that fail to provide requested demo files can be removed once those files are uploaded. Player demo infractions expire after four years and will not count towards future penalties.

Player penalties:

  • 1st time – no penalty
  • 2nd time – player is banned for two weeks from all ETF2L competitions
  • 3rd time- player is banned for two months from all ETF2L competitions
  • 4th time and onwards – player is banned for one year from all ETF2L competitions

Team penalties:

  • 1st time – Minor Warning
  • 2nd time and onwards – Major Warning

If a player was rostered in a team before being banned and is unable to rejoin after its expiration due to a roster lock being active, contact a League Admin on [ETF2L’s Discord server] to have the player reassigned to the roster.

2.1.2  Lower demo infraction limit for players with previous cheating or TF2 VAC league bans that are less than four years old

Players who have received an ETF2L cheating ban or a TF2 VAC league ban within the past four years have a lower demo infraction limit. As long as they have no prior demo infractions on their record in the past four years the following applies:

Player penalties:

  • 1st time – no penalty
  • 2nd time – player is banned for six months from all ETF2L competitions
  • 3rd time and onwards – player is banned for one year from all ETF2L competitions

Any players with two or more active infractions who were previously banned for the reasons stated above will not be punished retroactively.

2.2. Nickname rules

2.2.1. Nickname changes allowed

You are allowed 4 name changes in total. A single exceptional permission will be granted to revert your name to a previous version if you have not changed your name in 2 years and that you have not enacted that right before.

To change your nickname you must contact League Admins on [ETF2L’s Discord server] and not be rostered in a team actively playing an ongoing competition.

Note: Nicknames must be at least 2 characters long and some characters are not allowed.

2.2.2. Players playing in matches casted by an org must use their real nicknames

All players who play in matches casted by an organization must use their current ETF2L nickname. Team tags and sponsorship additions are allowed, but the nickname should be exactly the same as on ETF2L. Each incorrect nickname will warrant a separate Minor Warning, meaning a team can receive this punishment multiple times per match.

2.2.3. Offensive messages, nicknames and avatars are not welcome

We do not tolerate offensive team names/nicknames, avatars and messages regardless of where they are posted – this includes (but is not limited to) the forum, match comments, and in-game during official matches. Any form of offensive behavior, including offensive bind spamming in the in-game chat, is not allowed. Admins reserve the right to contact the players involved to have their name changed and will change offensive names on their own if the players are uncooperative. All cases are reviewed individually. Penalties may vary based on the severity of each offense, with any decisions being made at the discretion of the admin team. All circumstances will be taken into account.

2.2.4. Different nicknames during official

During an official match, teams are forbidden from using two or more similar nicknames within their players and from using characters that make player names invisible. Each player should be easily recognizable by their nickname.

2.3. Two team change per competition allowed

A “team change” counts as joining another team and playing an official match for that team. Every player is allowed to change team twice during a competition. 

Note that changing from a “dead team” does not count as an actual change. A team counts as “dead” if, after the player in question has left its roster, the team did not play any other official  matches during the competition.

2.4. No account sharing and usage of multiple accounts

Every player is limited to only one ETF2L account at any time. Creating multiple accounts or sharing one account between multiple players is not allowed. Multiple players from the same household (family, close friends, roommates, etc.) that may be sharing the same IP address must notify admins and use seperate ETF2L and Steam accounts.

Players caught creating multiple ETF2L accounts or allowing the use of their Steam account by a third party in official matches may face punishment, including (but not limited to) any or a combination of the following:

  • Deactivation of the ETF2L account
  • Reversal of the official match’s results
  • A Major Warning for the offending team
  • League ban for the player

Evading bans with the usage of alternate accounts or account sharing with unbanned players is strictly forbidden as well.

Each case will be reviewed individually and penalties will be assigned based on the severity of the offense and its impact on the competition.

2.5. No wiping of a player’s ETF2L history

We do not wipe a player’s ETF2L history (e.g. official match participations, team history) in any way, be it by deleting an account or by allowing a player to use a new account, while blacklisting the older account. Switching the Steam account linked to a player’s ETF2L account is possible however.

If you wish to change the Steam ID attached to your ETF2L account, contact admins with a reasonable motive and they will change it for you if your request seems legitimate. Admin
discretion applies.

2.6. Flag/Nationality change

2.6.1. Flag change allowed in total

Flag change on ETF2L can only be done by League Admins. If you want your Flag changed, contact them on [ETF2L’s Discord server]. You can get your Flag changed a total of two times. This includes European and United Kingdom Flag. There are no exceptions.

2.6.2. Nations Cup

Joining a National Team (and not necessarily playing) whether it’s 6v6 or Highlander will be considered their finale choice of Nation. The player will have to play for this Nation and no other.

2.6.3. Punishment

A player caught trying to get a false Flag/Nationality change won’t be able to change it ever again, will receive 1 month league ban and a permanent ban from Nations Cups.

2.7. Player Experience

A players experience is determined by their last 3 active seasons in both 6v6 and Highlander gamemodes. A season counts as a “active season” if the player played at least 3 matches of the same tier in that season.

Playoffs matches in any tier count towards the tier above.
Participating in a Grand Final of any tier, whether the player won or lost it, will automatically count as a tier above the tier of the Grand Final.

For players participating in the lowest tier of a season, all previous experience is taken into account.

Note: Cups (pre-season cups, one-day cups, nations cup etc.) do not count towards a players experience.
Note: Highlander and 6v6 experience are valued equally between gamemodes.

3. Match Rules

3.1. League Configs must be used for all matches

All ETF2L matches have to be played with up-to-date versions of our [League Configs].

3.2. Status & Scoreboard screenshots required

One member of each team has to take a console status screenshot before a match starts, and after every player switch made by a team during an official. A screenshot of the final score has to be taken at the end of every map/round. Please note that a scoreboard screenshot is not sufficient for all Attack & Defense maps as it does not show the winner – the screenshot explicitly declaring one team to be the winner is required instead. Screenshots should be uploaded while submitting the result, but can also be [uploaded] by either team leader at a later date.

If any map screenshots are missing after the match result deadline and its result has not yet been verified by the teams, both will receive a Minor Warning. Missing console status screenshots will be punished with a Minor Warning even if the teams verify the result. Repeated violations of this rule during a competition, regardless of the type of missing screenshot, will be punished with Major Warnings.

For the status screenshots to be readable by the SteamID parser bot, the screenshots are required to be taken on the Windows version of Team Fortress 2 with the default console font, Lucida Console, in use. Custom HUDs can potentially have different console fonts that cannot be read even when used on Windows OS. We recommend teams and players to ensure that the console font in use by their Team Fortress 2 clients is the default; additionally, we recommend teams to have at least one player running the Windows version of Team Fortress 2 in order to take the necessary screenshots, as OSX and Linux game clients have a different console font in use by default which cannot be parsed by the bot.

Warnings for missing screenshots can be removed by providing the missing screenshot and contacting an admin afterwards.

3.3. A delay of 15 minutes is allowed

A match may be delayed by no longer than 15 minutes. If a team fails to ready up with an eligible team  present on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the opposing team may claim a Default Win. 

After a map change, both teams have up to 10 minutes to organise, starting when the first player rejoins the server. If a team fails to ready up with an eligible team present on the server after a switch, the opposing team can claim a Default Win for the single map/round concerned, instead of for the entire match. In official matches with multiple map series (i.e. officials in playoffs stages), any remaining maps that need to be played after claiming a single map Default Win must still be played.

In order to claim a Default Win, please take a console status screenshot of your team being available on the server at match time, gather any evidence you think concludes the case (e.g. demo files, server logs) and contact a League Admin about the issue on [ETF2L’s Discord server] as soon as possible.

3.4. Maps need to be played in the set order

Maps are required to be played in the order they are displayed on the official match page, from left to right. Teams may play already set season/cup maps in a different order if they choose to, but only if both teams agree.

3.5. Deciding sides

If teams cannot agree which team plays RED and which team plays BLU, they must perform a Heavy Fist Fight. [Explanation]

Note: no unlocks may be used during a Heavy Fist Fight. Only the stock Fists are allowed.

3.6. Hijacking teams is not allowed

Players who have joined the team before the Provisional Tiers have been published are considered verified by the league. Any player joining after that is considered new and unverified by the league.

Provisional tier publishing time will be announced ahead of time, players added anytime after this will count as a late joiner for hijacking purposes.

In 6v6 it is allowed to play with 2 players counting as new.
In Highlander it is allowed to play with 4 players counting as new.

Breaking the rules:
If you go past these limits your team will be punished with:

– Teams breaking the hijacking limit by 1 will receive a Minor Warning for the first offense. Further offense will be followed by a Major Warning.

– Teams breaking the hijacking limit by 2 will receive a Major Warning for the first offense. Further offense result in a default loss.

– Teams breaking the hijacking limit by 3 or more will result in a default loss.

In order to allow leniency for teams that are forced to change their lineups, team leaders are required to contact League Admins on [ETF2L’s Discord server] when facing extreme roster changes.

Each case will be dealt with individually and all factors will be taken into account.

3.7. Skill Contribution

A team’s active line-up may only consist of a limited amount of higher skilled players that joined after the Provisional Tiers were published. A point system is used to determine this restriction. A player will be given one point for each tier of experience higher than the division of the team the player joins. Highlander and 6v6 experience will count as equivalent between gamemodes.

A player’s experience will be determined in accordance with rule 2.7 Player Experience

In 6v6 teams have a limit of 1 point.
In Highlander teams have a limit of 2 points.

Breaking the rules:
– Teams breaking the skill limit by +1 will receive a Minor Warning for the first offense. Further offenses will result in a default loss.

– Teams breaking the skill limit by +2 or more will have their match results reviewed. The circumstances of the rulebreak will be considered when the deterimining punishment.

Please contact League Admin Staff on [ETF2L’s Discord server] if you need your case to be reviewed. The lengths of inactivity will be taken into consideration when making decisions.

Note: Cups (pre-season cups, one-day cups, nations’ cup etc.) do not count towards skill contribution.

3.7.1. All previous experience will be taken into account in the Division 6/Open/Fresh Meat tier

This rule applies to the Division 6/Open/Fresh Meat tier, given that a Division 5/Low tier is currently in play.

For players who joined a team in the lowest skill tier (i.e. Division 6/Open/Fresh Meat) after a competition’s Provisional Tiers are published, all of their previous experience in applicable competitions in any tier higher than Division 6/Open/Fresh Meat (this includes the Division 5/Low tier in 6v6) will be taken into account towards skill contribution.

3.8. Player changes during a match

Teams are allowed to switch players during the match, with or without a pause, only once per map, as long as the joining player is rostered on that team or has been approved as a merc by the opposing team. However, using this to bypass spawn times is strictly forbidden. Furthermore, a team may under no circumstances have more than six players on the server for 6v6, and no more than nine for Highlander.

Teams are allowed to switch as many players as they would like after a map change as long as they are entered correctly on the team roster or have been approved as a merc by the opposing team.

3.9. Only authorized spectators allowed

Only spectators authorized by ETF2L, or for the use of SourceTV, are allowed. Any third party who is caught relaying match information to a team via in-game spectate or similar means (ghosting), and/or teams who intentionally acquire information in this manner are subject to punishments including warnings, match or round overturns and/or league bans depending on the severity of the offense.

3.9.1. No Live Coaching allowed

During an ongoing official teams may not receive specific match directions or guidance by third parties who are not directly involved in the match themselves (e.g. with the help of screensharing, voice communication channels, by watching a player’s POV in person etc.). These kind of interactions must be limited to periods before and after a match, during pauses or in-between rounds.

3.9.2. Streaming official matches

Players are free to stream their matches on any streaming service. While we do not condone stream sniping, we will not punish any offenders as it is a risk players willingly take by streaming their matches. Teams are expected to understand this risk. We suggest adding a stream delay of at least two minutes and taking further measures to reduce the possibility of getting stream sniped (e.g. muting the stream during pauses).

3.10. Pauses & Breaks

3.10.1 Pauses

– Reason

Teams may request a pause at any time during a match. If you need to pause, you must clearly request a pause using in-game chat (e.g.: “Pause please”). The other team is then required to pause at the first appropriate time (e.g. not in the middle of a push) within 15 seconds.

Most common reasons for requesting a pause are:
– One or several players experience a computer issue (game crash, internet loss, computer crash, vocal server died, etc).
– A game update occurred during the official forcing players to update their game and get a new server.
– One or several players don’t feel well.
– Match is not going well and a team wants a tactical pause.

Only the team that originally requested the pause may resume the game. The game may not be resumed under any circumstances without the approval of both teams.

Each team has the right to one pause per map. However, if explicitly allowed by one of the teams, their opponents may pause multiple times per map and have longer pauses if required. If your opponent allows a pause longer than five minutes, or more than one pause, you are expected to extend the same courtesy to them.

– Duration

Pauses may not last more than 5 minutes during a map.

– Penalties

Not responding to a pause request or abusing pause duration during a match may lead to penalties like a Minor Warning or, in extreme cases, a Major Warning and a Default Loss for the map.

3.10.2 Break

– Reason

A short break is allowed between maps and rounds and can last longer if both team agree.

– Duration

Breaks between the maps may not last more than 10 minutes.
In case of Golden Cap and/or Stopwatch maps (i.e. cp_steel/pl_upward) breaks between the rounds may not last more than 5 minutes.

– Penalties

Failing to resume the game in time or abusing the breaks duration during a match may lead to penalties like a Minor Warning or, in extreme cases, a Major Warning and a Default Loss for the map.

3.11. Picks & Bans Matches

Teams have to announce on the match pages the results of the pick/bans (meaning the maps that will be played) at least 48 hours before the official date of the match. If one team reaches out for the pick/ban process and the other team does not respond within the 48 hour pick/ban deadline, the team that reaches out will get the first ban from the other team.

If one of the two teams keeps being uncooperative up until 4 hours before the match is scheduled, the other team will get to choose all the maps for the relevant official.

If there are any issues, contact a League Admin on [ETF2L’s Discord server] as soon as possible. Before the official, match comments must be used to display any official agreements.

3.12. Weapons and Hats rules

Specific whitelists are used during the season for each format. To see the full list of what weapons, cosmetics and taunts are allowed in official matches check the [6v6] and [Highlander] 
whitelist.tf overviews. The ETF2L whitelist matching the competition must be used during all of its official matches, in any competition.

Hats and misc items in general are allowed. Unique and unusual hats are also allowed. All misc items that grant Pyrovision, all noisemakers, all noise-making miscs and the Bombinomicon are banned.

3.12.1. Weapons reskins allowed

All weapon reskins (e.g. Lugermorph, Holy Mackerel, Original, Frying Pan, Iron Curtain, Golden Wrench, Big Kill, Enthusiast’s Timepiece, all Festive/Festivized/Australium weapons) are allowed.

3.12.2. Taunts

Only default weapon taunts and taunts with fixed durations (i.e. taunts that cannot be toggled) are allowed.

3.13 Match Disputes

If a team wishes to dispute a results or report any incident during an official match they have a total of seven days. Past this time the results will remain untouched.
– Default Mercs
– Unallowed Mercs
– Use of bugs and exploits

3.14 Teams must wait out the SourceTV broadcast delay in all matches casted by an organisation

Teams must wait out the SourceTV broadcast delay before changing maps in all matches casted by an organisation (tv_delaymapchange_protect 1). If the server was rented, the reservation may not be ended early before the cast has finished covering the last round. The team responsible for an early map change or a reservation being ended early will be punished with a Minor Warning. Repeated violations of this rule will be punished with Major Warnings.

4. Premiership Only Rules

4.1. Premiership players must always use their ETF2L nicknames during officials

All players who play a match in the Premiership tier must play with their ETF2L nickname. Team tags and sponsorship additions are allowed, but the nickname should be displayed exactly as is on ETF2L. Each incorrect nickname will warrant a separate Minor Warning; a team can receive this punishment multiple times per game.

Premiership players are not allowed to change their ETF2L nickname while the relevant season is underway.

4.2. Premiership teams have a limited amount of team name changes

All Premiership teams are allowed to change their team name to a maximum amount of 3 times per competition. This applies from the day the competition’s main season starts until the team does not have any upcoming matches to play in said competition.

If a team has already reached the maximum amount of team name changes in a competition and wants to change their team name again, they must contact a League Admin before doing so, otherwise the team will get a separate Minor Warning for each additional change; a team can receive this punishment multiple times per season.

4.3. SourceTV demos for premiership matches are mandatory

For every match in the Premiership tier, it is mandatory to upload SourceTV demo files for all maps played.

The responsibility to upload the files is on the team that owns the server or, if the server is owned by neither team, on the team that acquired the server.

In case of a server technical failure backed up by evidence the demo files do not have to be uploaded.

Failure to upload a demo file until 72 hours have passed after an official was scheduled to start will be punished with a Minor Warning for the responsible team. Repeated offenses will be punished with a Major Warning each. These warnings can be removed if the associated demo files are provided before the end of the competition’s regular season (i.e. before the release of playoffs fixtures).

4.4. Penalties during Premiership Playoffs and Tiebreakers

Specific Minor and Major Warnings now result in a cut of any prize money in that specific competition. A Minor Warning results in 10% of any cash prize won being docked; a Major Warning results in 30% being docked. All percentage-based cash prize docking stacks multiplicatively. Please note that admin discretion is applied to every single case related to penalties in the Premiership Playoffs.

Only specific Minor and Major Warnings are covered by this rule. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Flaming
  • Violating a competition’s merc clause
  • Using an unregistered player
  • Nickname rule violation
  • Fraud attempt
  • Using a banned player
  • Cheating
  • Missing, wrong, or incomplete console status screenshot

As a special rule, forfeiting or not showing up to a match in the Premiership Playoffs is punishable by 50% of any cash prize won being docked.

5. Servers

5.1. Be reasonable regarding servers

Both teams can agree on the server which both maps are played on, or agree to play one map on each team’s server. If cases where both teams fail to reach a compromise or more maps need to be played, a League Admin will provide the teams a server to play on.

Make sure the server is adequate before you start – complaints cannot be made after the official match.

5.1.1. European server recommended

ETF2L is an European League. Teams cannot force opponents to play on non-European servers. We strongly recommend using servers located in central Europe, such as the Netherlands or Germany.

5.2. Servers need to be password protected

All servers used for ETF2L matches must be password protected.

5.3. Unusual server settings may be considered cheating

The usage of servers with abnormal settings may be refused for matches by the league and/or be classified as cheating.

5.4. Servers must be started with “-sv_pure”

Match servers must have the parameter “-sv_pure” or “-sv_pure 2” in their launch options to support the sv_pure setting. The sv_pure Console Variable (ConVar) must be set to 2 in all ETF2L competitions.

5.5. Teams must be able to provide STV demos when requested

Teams must record STV demos for every official. Admins may request STV demo files at any time up until three weeks after the official match was played; admins may request as many files as they require. Only admins can request STV demos.

The responsibility to upload the files is on the team that owns the server or, if the server is owned by neither team, on the team that acquired the server. In case of a technical failure the demo file does not have to be uploaded, provided that evidence for the technical failure exists.
Please be aware that server hosters only keep demo and log files for a limited amount of time. We recommend that you enable automatic uploads to demos.tf or archive all of your team’s official demos until three weeks after the official was played.

Failure to upload a demo file until 72 hours have passed after the request will be punished with a Minor Warning for the responsible team. Repeated offenses will be punished with a Major Warning each. These warnings can be removed if the associated demo files are provided.

6. Cheats & Scripts

6.1. Bug-Using is not allowed

Any kind of “Bug-Using” is not allowed. Players abusing unintended exploits that give an unfair advantage will be penalised on a case-by-case basis depending on the intent and impact on the matches. Possible penalties may include team warnings, forfeiting of one or more match rounds and / or league bans for the offending player.

Intent and impact:
When it comes to judging the intent and impact of a rule break, the way ETF2L generally looks at these cases is based on what the player wanted to achieve with or what they gained from it, even without intent due to an act of negligence, as well as how often and where the rule break occurred.
Some cases are easier to evaluate than others when it comes to the direct impact on the game.

– Someone using a panic script in the spawn room once in an official versus someone doing it to taunt the enemy team after each round win versus someone using it multiple times in front of opposing players in a fight, making themselves harder to hit.
– A Sniper using a transparent scope the entire match versus a Medic off-classing as a Sniper, using it only in pre-game.

Some exploits, modifications or scripts may give a constant advantage throughout the entire match, making their impact more indirect, thus using those will more likely lead to an immediate punishment rather than just a team/player warning. Furthermore, someone who is repeatedly installing and uninstalling a modification/script is not likely able to claim they were not aware of it. Ignorance of our rules is not an excuse either.
With regard to an unusual bug, script or modification we advise players to use common sense and ask the ETF2L staff before using it in any TF2 match.

Examples of banned exploits:

  • Reverse Quantum Crouch (https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Source-1-Games/issues/2195) or any similar methods that bug hitboxes, visually or non-visually
  • Bugging player model animations (e.g. entering civilian/reference poses)
  • Bypassing the server sv_cheats setting to enable any in-game cheat command like showing wireframes, removing map fog, thirdperson mode etc. (punishable with a Cheating ban if used anywhere in TF2, see 6.4. Game Modifications)
  • Damaging/Killing players during setup time
  • Abusing record;stop to see invisible Spies
  • Pyro: Any methods that extend crit or invincibility times when using the Phlogistinator.
  • Pyro: Methods that massively extend the range of any flame thrower fire particles via exploits, e.g. by tricking the game to calculate that you are currently in a high velocity movement state while actually being stuck in the air.
  • Pyro: Storing the stomp ability with the Thermal Thruster.
  • Engineer: Exploit that allows you to double hit players, buildings and sappers with your melee weapon in a single attack.
  • Sniper: Crouch Sniper Peeking / Cornersniping
  • Sniper: Any method that allows for a faster re-zoom in order to use the time gained during the reload animation to negate the headshot delay, allowing you to hit headshots as soon as the weapon is able to fire.
    As an example: cl_autorezoom 1 and jumping is allowed; however it is not allowed to take advantage of it in an impactful way via a combination with special movement (e.g. c-tapping) or the usage of map terrain (e.g. doorways or low ceilings or higher elevated areas/props) with the intent to negate the headshot delay.
  • Using weapons with bugged names to exceed their intended symbol limit and being able to hide crucial information in most HUDs.

6.1.1 Abusing Map Bugs is not allowed

A spot on the map is commonly banned if:

– It gives players the possibility to see things they shouldn’t be able to (e.g. looking through walls).
– It gives players a way to shoot others without other players being able to shoot them.
– It doesn’t work on both sides of the map.

Wallbugs are not considered an exploit unless they meet any of the criteria above.

Most commonly seen banned map spots include:

– Upward: Building a teleporter in the dropdown spot on the 3rd point, using the resupply cabinet through the wall at RED’s forward spawn.
– Gullywash: Shooting through the shutter on last and taunting through the ceiling of elbow.
– Product: Bugged skybox spot.
– Steel: Using flamethrowers to damage players on A through the steel sliding doors.

If you are unsure about the legality of any sneaky spot on a map, please contact an admin on [ETF2L’s Discord server] to clarify the situation and prevent complaints from your opponent.

6.2. Cheats are not allowed

Any kind of cheats are not permitted. Players who are found guilty of using cheats or game exploits or illegal scripts or modifications categorised as cheats (see “6.1. Bug-Using is not allowed”, “6.3. Scripts” and “6.4. Game Modifications” for some examples) anywhere in TF2 will be banned from all ETF2L competitions according to the following:

First Time: 2 Years
Second Time: Permanent Ban

There is no appeal process for cheating bans. ETF2L league bans for Team Fortress 2 VACs count as a cheating ban. Players who attempt to evade their cheating or VAC ban on ETF2L will receive a permanent ban. This ban may be appealed if the conditions of [6.2.1 Permanent Cheating Ban Appeals] are met.

Example situation:
A player is caught cheating by the Anti-Cheat staff and is banned from ETF2L for 2 years. After the unban the player receives a TF2 VAC. The player will then be permanently banned from all ETF2L competitions

6.2.1 Permanent Cheating Ban Appeals

Players who have been permanently banned from ETF2L for cheating may appeal their ban if certain conditions are met:

  • Their permanent ban was applied at least 2 years ago.
  • There have been no attempts to evade their ban. This for example includes creating alternate accounts on ETF2L or sharing accounts with other players.
  • They have not cheated again or received a TF2 VAC during their ban time.
  • There have not been any substantial behavior reports made against the player after their ban.
  • The ban did not happen after a previous appeal was already successful.

In order to file an appeal, please contact our admin staff on Discord. Decisions will be made at admin discretion.

6.3. Scripts

Scripts that allow a player to perform an action in-game that they would not be able to execute without the script, or scripts that purposefully disrupt the player’s hitbox are banned. Scripts that freeze or glitch the player model (e.g. in mid-air to be less predictable) to make it harder to hit are also banned.

Usage of banned scripts will be penalized on a case-by-case basis, depending on the intent of the script and the impact on the match. Possible penalties may include team warnings, forfeiting of one or more match rounds or default losses, and / or league bans for the offending player.

Examples of banned scripts:

  • Charge-turn script (this includes the use of other peripherals to achieve sharper turn angles)
  • Panic spinning script
  • Freeze-glitching via spamming hud_reloadscheme
  • Scripts that enhance a player’s sense of hearing (also see 6.4 under sound file manipulations)

Examples of allowed scripts:

  • Duck-jump script
  • Null-cancelling movement script
  • Rocket/Detonator jump script
  • Übercharge mask script
  • Team say scripts
  • Medic radar script
  • Loadout changing scripts and quick respawn scripts
  • Viewmodel and crosshair switch scripts

If you are unsure about the legality of a particular script, please contact an admin on [ETF2L’s Discord server] to clarify the situation before using said script in an official match.

6.4. Game Modifications

Modifications that give the player a massive gameplay advantage are strictly forbidden.
Players who are caught using banned modifications in ETF2L officials, scrims, PUGs, officials of other leagues and any other matches in a competitive-like setting will be penalised on a case-by-case basis depending on intent and impact of the modification. Possible penalties may include team and player warnings, forfeiting of one or more match rounds or default losses and / or league bans for the offending player, with some modifications leading to cheating bans even if used outside of TF2 competitive-like settings (see below).

Examples of banned modifications:

  • Box/Square shadows
  • Surface texture modifications that function like a wallhack
  • Software sound enhancements or audio/sound file modifications or edits using surface properties that make gameplay situations far easier to detect (e.g. increasing the volume for Spy cloaks; Medic’s Ubercharge sound)*
  • Transparent Sniper scope
  • Removing map props (e.g. the rocks on Product), or making them transparent intentionally
  • Making footstep sounds more audible at all times („metal footsteps“)
  • Oversized healing particles
    *Switching sound files for rocket or grenade launchers or other weapons (e.g. using the stock Rocket Launcher’s sound with the Original or vice versa) is allowed as long as the modification has no impact on detecting other players or gameplay situations. We strongly recommend asking staff before replacing any sound files with custom sounds.

Modifications marked in bold will be punished with cheating bans if used anywhere in TF2 (see 6.2.). We advise all players to remove any of the modifications above from their game files in order to prevent reports and misunderstandings, even if the intent is to only use them outside of competitive TF2.

Examples of allowed modifications:

  • Custom HUDs
  • Custom hitsounds
  • Custom viewmodels and crosshairs
  • Removal of ambient soundscapes
  • Flat textures
  • “No-Hats” mods
  • Transparent Viewmodels (only in combination with r_drawviewmodel 1 to avoid transparent map props)
  • Changing the colour of overheal particles (without increasing their size, modifying the randomness of size patterns, changing particle positioning etc.).

If you are unsure about the legality of a particular modification, please contact an admin on [ETF2L’s Discord server] to clarify the situation before using it in an official match.

6.5. VAC Bans

As of March 15, 2012, any player with a VAC ban on the Source engine will be banned VAC ban on the Source engine will be banned for two years. This rule also applies to any alternate accounts. Players with VAC bans that do not apply to Team Fortress 2 will not be affected.
Multiple VACs on the same Steam account will result in a two year ban or a ban extension until two years after the most recent VAC ban, unless ETF2L receives proof which VAC affects (or does not affect) Team Fortress 2.
Please contact the Anti-Cheat team on ETF2L’s [Discord server] to clarify the situation as soon as possible if you want to avoid a potential league ban.

6.5.1 Multiple Team Fortress 2 VAC Bans

Any player that receives another Team Fortress 2 VAC ban while already having been ETF2L league banned for a Team Fortress 2 VAC before will receive a permanent ban.

6.6. Exploiting the retry command is not allowed

Reconnecting to the server to reset your respawn time and gain an unfair advantage is considered exploiting, and may be punished with a Default Loss for the map and a Minor Warning
for the offending team.

6.7. Masking ping is not allowed

It is prohibited to alter or mask your in-game ping in official matches. Players found manipulating their ping may be punished by a Minor Warning.

Private messages and friend requests on Steam etc. do not have to be acknowledged by our admin staff.

7. Admins

7.1. Requesting admin help

To request help from an admin or to file a match complaint, please create an admin request in our [ETF2L’s Discord server]. To do so, follow the instructions written in the “#admin_requests” channel.

7.2. Admins are listed on the staff page

All active admins are shown on the [staff page].

7.3. Admin discretion

The ETF2L rules are enforced at the discretion of the admin team. Any complaints related to rule-breaking will be judged on a case-by-case basis and different punishments may be handed out in each case.

8. Explanations

8.1. Default dates

ETF2L sets a Default Date for all matches based on the submitted available playing days for both teams. Teams can still play on a different date if both teams agree, but not after the deadline for the match.

Note: Teams do NOT have to reschedule matches which have been given a Default Date.

8.2. Heavy Fist Fight

A Heavy Fist Fight can be used to settle arguments over map pick advantages and/or choice of sides (i.e. RED and BLU). Please only use a Heavy Fist Fight to settle an argument when it is explicitly stated in the rules of the competition or advised by a League Admin.

One Heavy from each team participates in a melee fist fight. The winning team gets to decide which side to start on or who gets the map pick advantage in a situation where both teams are equally seeded. Only the stock Fists are allowed. Weapon-switching, buffs, healing of any kind, taunting, camping and/or fleeing is not allowed. Multiple Heavies from each team are allowed as well if both teams agree.

Note: specifically for Highlander, it is not mandatory for a team’s designated Heavy player to be chosen for a Heavy Fist Fight.

8.3. Picks/Bans System

This system is used to decide maps for playoffs and tiebreaker matches when specified by the competition.

Both teams need to agree on who eliminates first. If the two teams cannot agree, they need to perform a Heavy Fist Fight [Explanation]. The winner of this Heavy Fist Fight can decide which team is Team A and which is Team B.

  • Team A eliminates a map
  • Team B eliminates a map
  • Team B picks a map
  • Team A picks a map
  • Team B bans a map
  • Team A bans a map
  • The remaining map is the decider map

A map pool consisting of seven maps is assumed. If less maps are available, instructions on how to proceed will be given on the match page.

8.4. Loser’s Pick System

These systems are used to decide maps for playoffs and tiebreaker matches when specified by the competition.

For any matches where both teams are not equally seeded (e.g. playoffs), the following system has to be used.

  • The higher seeded team picks the first map
  • The loser of the first map picks the second map
  • The loser of the second map picks the tiebreaker map (if necessary)

For any matches where both teams are equally seeded (e.g. tiebreaker matches, cups), the following system has to be used:

  • Both teams need to agree on the first map. If the two teams can not agree, they need to perform a Heavy Fist Fight [Explanation].
  • The loser of the first map picks the second map
  • The loser of the second map picks the tiebreaker map (if necessary)