We want YOU for ETF2L Staff!

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League Admin
What are the requirements and what can we expect of you?
- Good use of English (big plus if you are a native speaker). Our team has members from multiple countries all over Europe! We aren’t always perfect with the language, but you as an admin must speak fluently enough to discuss things within the community and create posts like this one.
- Ability to work objectively and without bias. This includes: going into cases with a neutral attitude, staying out of cases of people you know personally or cases that involve yourself.
- Ability to work with confidential and sensitive information. All admins very often handle data which is not supposed to be seen in public, such as private player data given in admin requests. Leaking that data can damage our league and hurt it’s players.
- Being a trustworthy person in general. People do make mistakes, nobody is perfect, but some actions taken in the past such as Cheating and having a ban history related to Inappropriate Behaviour (such as Racism) may make you less likely to be accepted in your application.
- Having a positive attitude towards making things better. This means not only doing admin related work, but also thinking about if there are better ways to handle things we manage in general within the league.
The League Admin role has many responsibilities that are league related, such as:
- Dealing with match conflicts.
- Sorting out admin tickets.
- Handling the setting of Default Dates during competitions.
- Verification of played matches.
- Creating and maintaining main stage tournaments and cups.
- Getting involved into internal admin discussions related to the league.
- Being actively involved in general discussions with the community.
What can I get out of becoming a League Admin?
- Having an impact on how one of the biggest TF2 competitive league works and manages things in general & behind the scenes.
- Making TF2 competitive a better place in general for all community members.
- Help ETF2L to be seen more positively by the community as a whole and having an impact on it’s future.
- Gain experience in maintaining the ETF2L organisation through teamwork, resolving tickets and more.
- Enhance your own skills which can include: Teamwork, Communication, Organisation, Multi-tasking and much more!
The role of a League Admin can be very time-consuming. However, it’s important for admins to be able to plan their availability for routine tasks and pre-scheduled activities, such as: Cup nights, Season preparation/wrap-up, etc. Additionally, providing support during match times has grown in importance, therefore we cannot really employ admins who have team commitments every four to five times per week (especially but not limited to Thursdays). Same goes for creating and overseeing cups. It is always easier said than done, having the idea and setting up a cup is only a small part of actually running a cup. Being available while the cup is under way, providing match support, dealing with conflicts, lending out servers, seeding further rounds, verifying finished matches, issuing default wins and many more tasks have to be handled, while possibly 15 or more matches are going on simultaneously, you may not be alone, but you will be part of it.
Also something we want to address is our interest in self-managed admins, we will not take you by the hand and lead you through everything there is to do. YOU have to show interest, YOU have to ask what you can do, YOU have to prove you really want to be an admin. There are plenty of admins around almost all the time, who are happy to help you and show you the ropes, but at some point routines will have to be dealt with without someone telling you that they need to be done. At the same time, communicating with other admins is very important, to avoid certain tasks being done twice, conflicting results in decisions or even decisions overwriting previous ones.
With an emphasis on THE VERY LEAST, most applications that cover only the very basics will not go very far, and will likely not be accepted upon review.
Anti-Cheat Admin
What are the tasks of being an Anti-Cheat Admin?
The ETF2L Anti-Cheat team is looking for people with the ambition to work towards a league and scene free from cheating. Anti-Cheat Admins are responsible for preventing cheating and punishing cheaters. To do so, the Anti-Cheat team has a variety of tools and methods to aid the investigations, as well cooperation with other organisations within the scene.
How you want to work is mainly up to you. The Anti-Cheat team utilises a broad variety of methods to prevent cheating and help catch cheaters. Because of this, you will rarely be working in just one way. The duty of being an Anti-Cheat Admin can be done with a lot of variety, but it can also be very time-consuming, so applicants should expect to put down a good amount of hours every week. This is a position you can only improve on with the help of other Anti-Cheat Admins, so do not be intimidated to apply.
The main tasks include, but are not limited to:
- Analysing demos for signs of cheating.
- Acquiring demos of suspected cheaters.
- Documenting alternative accounts and blacklisting them.
- Investigative work in order to find connections and evidence.
What are the requirements and what can we expect of you?
- Ability to work objectively and without bias. This includes going into cases with a neutral attitude, and staying out of cases of people you know personally.
- Ability to work with confidential and sensitive information. Information within the Anti-Cheat team is confidential and can cause damage to the league if leaked.
- Ability to work well in a team. This includes: Communicating with other Anti-Cheat Admins, Documenting your work well, and Respecting the opinions of others.
- Knowledge of cheats. Anti-Cheat Admins must understand the game and how it is affected by cheats in order to analyse demos and finding oddities.
- Activity and honesty.
What can I get out of becoming an Anti-Cheat Admin?
- Working together with other experienced and competent Anti-Cheat Admins.
- Gain experience in: Teamwork, Muti-tasking, Analysing demos, Anti-cheat work and much more.
- And most importantly: Benefit the cause of removing cheaters from our league.
What opportunities does the Media team offer?
The Media team is the perfect place for you to show off your art, social media skills and design abilities and help ETF2L advertise itself across the community! It’s a great chance to also showcase your skills to the community in all sorts of different ways and demonstrate your own artistic style and further develop your abilities and skills, whilst having fun doing it in the process! However, it’s also important that you are open to new ideas & suggestions, as well as having good communication skills and having a good amount of knowledge about the competitive TF2 scene.
We heavily recommend that you have experience and skills within any of the following software/programs before applying for this role:
- SFM (Source Filmmaker)
- Blender
- Adobe Photoshop/Premiere/Illustrator
- DaVinci Resolve
What tasks are you expected to perform on the Media team?
There are numerous tasks that can be performed on the Media team, some of these tasks may include:
- Making banners and/or graphics for newsposts
- Maintaining our social media
- Helping our casting partners (e.g EssentialsTF, TeamFortressTV & KritzKast)
- Creating new promotional ideas for the league
How to apply
If you are interested in any of the roles on the Staff mentioned above, send an email to: [email protected] with the following information:
- Name
- ETF2L profile link
- Country of residence
- Age
- Admin role you are applying for
- Previous experience
- Special skills or contacts that may help the league
- Available free time
Please don’t feel restricted to these points only. Take into account that your application will reflect how keen you are on working with us, and will help make or break our decision on whether or not you are up for the task. And another reminder that you can apply for an admin position at anytime!
We hope to hear from you soon!
– The ETF2L Staff