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Scout  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Belgium Schweppes

Posted: | Last Online:

Would like to get into 6s if a team is looking for a (backup) scout.

About me
-17 years old
-3200 hours of tf2
-Experience in ugc silver and around div 3/4 in highlander scrims (Nothing in 6s yet apart from tf2center and countless lobbies :x)
-Like scout and offclassing to spy/sniper at times (Though I won't do this all the time)

What I am looking for in a team:
-Div 5/6 looking for a scout. I also play highlander and that team unfortunately gets priority, so I'm okay with a backup spot.
-Scrims/Matches on either friday/saturday/sunday, not available usually during the week.
-Stability (Please don't disband over anything stupid).
-Fun bunch of people who enjoy playing the game and at the same time are keen on being the best team they can be.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:59044960 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Unusuals sponsored by mums creditcard [Highlander] Schweppes
Joined Unusuals sponsored by mums creditcard [Highlander] Schweppes
Left SnorrenBrigade [6v6] Schweppes
Left Moe moe Kyuuuun :3 [Highlander] Menty
Joined Moe moe Kyuuuun :3 [Highlander] Menty
Left Soup-A-Stars [Highlander] Schweppes
Joined United Engie Cows Memorial [6v6 Fun Team] Spycy
Joined SnorrenBrigade [6v6] >MF<
Joined Soup-A-Stars [Highlander] Bramelvix
Left Team MeanMode [Highlander] Schweppes
Joined Team MeanMode [Highlander] Schweppes
Left Ununited Engie Cows [Highlander] Schweppes
Joined Ununited Engie Cows [Highlander] Schweppes
Left Gang Garrison Mercenaries [Highlander] Schweppes
Joined Gang Garrison Mercenaries [Highlander] Schweppes

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 6 1 250
View Div 3 16 506
View Div 2/Div 3 24 610
View Div 3/Div 4 3 334
View Div 3/Div 4 18 629


  1. Almie: pwn! - gum said:

    Wipes on mid everytime guaranteed

  2. >MF<: NICE - Fe | said:

    Hey, toevallig interesse om een NL 6s team te joinen voor div 5/6? :3.