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Spy  Div 3 Skill, Highlander

Belgium Schweppes

Posted: | Last Online:

Although I'm currently sub for a team I'm most likely going to stick with, I want to see if there's any interest.

I barely play this game nowadays solely for the fact that I'm not /exactly/ playing for a team, which I want to change. I'd like to join a team as main spy to regain my interest.
-17 years old
-Have experience in UGC silver/gold and ETF2L div 4, scrimming around div 3-4
-Will play spy in any div (as long as it's main spot). Tryharding in div 2-3 or sandbagging div 6, I honestly don't care.
-Pick spy and usually vanilla purist, I like getting med picks and focusing a certain player when asked (sniper for example), I don't like sitting in a corner and calling positions.
-Looking for main spy for ETF2L (no UGC)
-Fun people to play with keen on winning their division. I don't care which one it is, as long as you're fun and not a bunch of super serious tryhards who rage at the dumbest things. I don't like playing with ragers and people who shout for no good reason.
-Have server/mumble, already decently established team aka no people with no clear goals who will disband over something stupid

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:59044960 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Unusuals sponsored by mums creditcard [Highlander] Schweppes
Joined Unusuals sponsored by mums creditcard [Highlander] Schweppes
Left SnorrenBrigade [6v6] Schweppes
Left Moe moe Kyuuuun :3 [Highlander] Menty
Joined Moe moe Kyuuuun :3 [Highlander] Menty
Left Soup-A-Stars [Highlander] Schweppes
Joined United Engie Cows Memorial [6v6 Fun Team] Spycy
Joined SnorrenBrigade [6v6] >MF<
Joined Soup-A-Stars [Highlander] Bramelvix
Left Team MeanMode [Highlander] Schweppes
Joined Team MeanMode [Highlander] Schweppes
Left Ununited Engie Cows [Highlander] Schweppes
Joined Ununited Engie Cows [Highlander] Schweppes
Left Gang Garrison Mercenaries [Highlander] Schweppes
Joined Gang Garrison Mercenaries [Highlander] Schweppes

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 6 1 250
View Div 2/Div 3 24 610
View Div 5/Div 6 2 238
View Div 3/Div 4 3 333
View Div 3/Div 4 18 629


  1. Deepfried Monkey: GIEL - -Xe- said:

    Awesome guy, Awesome spy^^

  2. PixelRelic: Devon said:

    pretty deece

  3. Nik/iToaster: MEGA$$ said:

    Good spy with a sexy voice, 2343/20.

    Seriously though, amazing spy and deserves a good team.

  4. ReseF: 2MNYCHDS said:

    a fucken fag

  5. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    nice player and good guy

  6. Schweppes said:

    resef you’re hurting my inner feelings

  7. Almie: pwn! - gum said:

    is absolutely prem

  8. Schweppes said:

    I agree

  9. gielewiel9: 124 said:

    Talented spy


  10. Marshall: :{D said:

    + rep 8)

  11. Schweppes said:

    bump c:

  12. Schweppes said:

    and bump again

  13. Schweppes said:

    bump again
    pls let me play french espionage dude

  14. teej! said:

    Top lad when I played with him, hopefully has a better mic now :D

    gl schweppes :3

  15. Schweppes said:

    I do have a better mic now, and thanks man :D

  16. Bramelvix said:

    Gud spy. Also has knowledge of high school senior economics, which is useful.