
The Price Of Vision.

Created 19th January 2009 @ 16:01

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1. 120hz > 60hz, if you get 60hz make sure you can set 75hz at a lower native resolution want to use (only really when playing FPS games like tf2 does this matter). Do this by downloading the user guides on manufacturers websites, they usually tell you.

2. low input lag, reviews will usually tell you, i recommend the ones on digital versus (do not look at anything but input lag [delay compared with crt], the rest are pictures of pictures or personal oppinions on how good something is for the money you pay, and they are never true representatives of a screens ability)

Then either:
3. 1680×1050/1980×1200 = 16:10 (make sure it has 1:1 pixel mapping to display 16:9 and other tv resolutions well without stretching, although some graphics cards do the 1:1 for you, other external inputs that do not include your computer may not, eg it took the ps3 a year before it released a 16:10 fix that would scale its content to 16:9 for monitors without it)

4. 1980×1020 = 16:9

Thats what i consider when buying a lcd monitor anyway, and btw the 120hz panels aren’t out yet but they are likely to cost around the same price as those out now, which will then drop



What fragga said..


if all you do is play fps games all day long then get a crt..


tried different setups on this T220 (non-native res, 60/75Hz, higher/lower process priority, vsync, etc) but I never came close to my former setup. also the interpolation on non native res is really bad. as I said, I brought it back and the first time on my old no-input lag CRT felt like a blast.:) now i’ll trying to get a decent TFT. thanks for the link. I’ll look into it tonight. :)



nvc what is the response time on that 120Hz LCD. I am intrigued :o


CRTs truely rock. At home I use a CRT and the clarity and response (0 delay.) is incredible. Syncing 100fps ingame with 100fps on the monitor makes it so smooth and precise. Makes snap shotting as scout a hellaeasier then on any LCD.

My Uni LCD is pretty good too I guess. 2ms delay and 75Hz at 1024×768. The only problem is the screen is stretched an ittle bit!


nvc: your digitalversus site is weird. for instance it claims that the LG 227WT has huge input lag while other sites which tested it also write that it as no input lag at all. .. also the T220 doesn’t look that bad on dv. the opposite I experienced.



if thats the case Norris it’s probably more than likely that the monitor ships with any number of panels (the samsungs often come with 1of3.. it’s lucky dip)

But when i have checked against input lag on that site it has been correct, for example the T220 against the T220HD etc, riemu has the T220 or T240 and has no input lag


this Samsung 120Hz LCD is also working with this upcoming nvidia vision for stereoscopic view. Sounds really cool if youre interested on 3d vision with (hopefully) no eye strain. Other retailers are or zalman who already released lcds for 3d purposes.


still 60hz but looks sick, only like +£20 from the 20″ 2260wm i had… i am so tempted

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