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TF2 Customisation & Support

Interface tweaks, mods, configs etc. and any TF2-related support.

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Topic Posts Views Last Action
TF2 MidAir mod (new life ?) 30 8,980 Keyro
Which HUD files to edit for disabling "You came close to.." and objectives 3 1,783 ell
looking for someone to maintain my HUD 3 1,652 Hunt3r
my default crosshair is gone 13 2,854 blondeh
FPS drops 5 1,761 Jonny
Help! search hud 5 1,628 m1kle
Overheal particle 8 4,322 cube
Top demomen and rapid-fire-stickies scripts? 15 7,272 CommanderX
FOV Restricted 49 8,707 Datenshi
Mumble Overlay + DX9 Frames = White Boxes? HELP 8 9,591 wampee
enigma's crosshair 21 12,703 atmo
Different Sensitivity for weapons 7 2,259 atmo
Disabling certain sound effects 7 4,279 Brov
cfg so I see players good? 8 2,750 rapax24
Krits n uber 6 1,439 FIR
where to download VTV hud? 7 2,992 eRB
The worst graphics possible 7 5,168 atmo
interesting 5 1,784 randa
[CFG] [0.06] xetsog's 'acataleptic-cfg' 12 3,302 xetsog
Echo connect 7 1,934 feral
Festive weapons 6 2,100 feral
Check if there are no players on server 10 1,749 slate
How do I use a custom Crosshair with a custom HUD on sv_pure2 servers? 8 3,751 tSoodle
What hud does Gear use? 4 2,343 Ch1ef
CPI and DPI 6 1,979 oxiidee
Fps HELP 10 1,778 octochris
custom damage text 7 6,820 skappa
Hud please 8 2,634 vocum
Any pro particle editors here? *for medi-beam* 15 2,279 Trath

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