ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 

Provisional Schedule Begin 2021

Date December 21, 2020


This is a provisional schedule therefore dates are subject to change.

This is the schedule for the next 4 months of ETF2L seasonal competitions.
The schedule will likely look as follows:

Highlander Season 23

Signups: 4th January – 20th January
Main Season: 24th January – 26th February
Playoffs: 28th February – 14th March

6v6 Season 38

Signups: 21st February – 12th March
Main Season: 14th March – 2nd May
Playoffs: 16th May – 4th June

Our current idea for the 6v6 Nations Cup #8 is to have it after Season 38. This due to season 37 being quite experimental with plugins and us wanting some time to reflect on these plugins first. The highlander nations cup that would normally be happening in 2021 is currently also still being kept in mind but no concrete plans about it have been made yet. Details about these events will be published once we’re closer to them and have a better timeline for the later parts of 2021.

Harassment & Community Moderation Update

Date December 19, 2020

Hello everybody,

We’re here again trying to clean up our stance in regards to community moderation. We’ve taken the past few months to get a solid internal policy setup in order to have more consistent handling of cases. We believe to have finalized this setup. While doing so we’ve looked at a handful or reports to use as an attempt at making a baseline. However, we do expect that over time this baseline can shift as we get more experienced in dealing with these types of reports. We want to aim at making this community inviting to new players which has not been possible due to the rampant harassment, racism, toxicity and so forth. It is truly disheartening to see this happening to a community that we love so dearly.

Before we get into the baseline cases that got mentioned above there are a few things we would like to ask of the community.

Firstly, to help us with the growing process of trying to further improve our moderation. While we’ve tried open communication on this topic in the past, the feedback that we received was people just insulting admins which leaves us none the wiser and if anything more distant from the community.

Secondly, we want to ask you to be patient. No platform has a perfect community moderation process and ours will be no different. People make mistakes, this includes both players and admins alike. This is where we hope to gain experience and insight in order to apply fair and balanced punishments. However this will take time to get right. From staff member changes to the difference in both background and views of these staff members as well as cultural differences between the many nations that ETF2L hosts makes it a very difficult task.

For those that read this, I want to thank you and hope that you will be able to support us while we try to grow.

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Highlander Season 22 – Wrap-up

Date December 17, 2020

Highlander Season 22 – Wrap-up

With Christmas holidays just around the corner we would like to honour the winners of Season 22 and wrap-up the season. Congratulations to Luxembourg Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! for winning this season’s Premiership tier!.

The winning squad is composed of:

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Season 37: Playoffs & Tiebreaker Scores

Date December 5, 2020

Welcome everyone to the conclusion of the 37th season of ETF2L 6v6.

We hope you enjoyed the matches, and for the teams that made it through, congratulations.

If you find yourself on the list of these teams you are expected to be available. If you fail to provide information, or it is insufficient, we will have to decide your match dates for you. Keep in mind that we will try and accommodate both teams, but the match date may still vary from your provided days if for example none of the days matches with your opponent’s, but your opponent offered more days than you did. Deadlines listed for the matches are flexible and may be changed in certain situations if admins are contacted about allowing extensions on these.

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Higlander Season 22: Awards Show

Date November 29, 2020

With the Highlander Season 22 polls wrapped up it is tradition to have an Awards Show where the winners will be presented their pixel trophies.

Join your hosts Spain CeeJaey & England Buck824 with ETF2L Admin Belgium Sodium announcing the awards, and guests Latvia Clark, England cloudy & Ireland Kosuke tonight at 19:00 CET on KritzKast.
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