ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 

Aoshi Leaves the (Space)Ship

Date March 28, 2021

Hello and goodbye everybody,

All things must come to an end and so does my time as ETF2L admin.

After being administrator for the League for the last six years, a quarter of my life, overseeing fourteen highlander seasons, eighteen sixes seasons and countless cups (including various LANs), I have had the opportunity to learn so much (and make so many mistakes while doing so).

So, firstly, I wish to thank all of you for this amazing opportunity that has truly been a one of a kind.

I will be leaving you all in the care of Belgium Sodium, who will be my successor as Head Admin. I have full confidence in him and the rest of the staff and wish them all the best.

With that out of the way please read the following as my one selfish request of the community.

Although I wished to be leaving with smiles and waves, instead I’m leaving saddened. I’m not leaving due to my passion for TF2 and the community having died out. Nor is it due to me having achieved a specific goal or lack of time. I’m leaving disappointed within the community due to its ever growing immature behavior as well as my own inability to steer it in the right direction. I feel like spending the amount of time that I do is not worth it, as it only brings me stress and sadness.

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6v6 Season 38: Provisional Tiers and Map Pool Update

Date March 12, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Map Pool Update

After evaluating the feedback from the cup and the map voting poll following it we have decided to put the following maps in the season:

Poll Results:

The following results are percentage out of total votes.

Provisional Tiers

Down below are this season’s provisional tiers. If you can’t find your team it could be due to you recently changing your team name. Teams marked in yellow are more likely to be moved if there is a need to change teams around.

Unhappy about your place? Feel free to contact us over at our Discord Server. These tiers are still subjected to change if teams make a good case as to why they should be moved.

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6v6 Season 38: Map Pool Update

Date March 6, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Now that the 6v6 Season 38 Preseason cup is over we can finalize the map pool before signups for the Main Season close.

The polls will be open until Thursday 11th of March 21:00 CEST!

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6v6 Season 38: Premiership Qualifiers

Date March 6, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

For the upcoming season, there were 14 signups for the Premiership Division – probably the most ever received for Premiership.

Our confirmed teams for the 6v6 Season 38 Premiership are:

The qualifiers will have 2 groups of 3 teams each:

Group A

Group B

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Highlander Season 23: Playoffs and Tiebreaker Scores

Date February 28, 2021

Welcome everyone to the conclusion of the 23rd season of ETF2L Highlander for Open, Division 5, Division 4, Division 3, Division 2, Division 1 and Premiership. As there are still matches to be played for Division 4 and Prem tonight their respective playoffs will be added later tonight.

We hope you enjoyed the matches, and for the teams that made it through, congratulations.

All tiers will have playoffs, all playoff matches will be using the Map Elimination system. Note that all dates are estimates and teams are able to negotiate other days by scheduling with their opponents.

If you find yourself on the list of these teams expect an admin to add you and request your availability, if there is no information or insufficient information given we will have to decide your match dates for you. Keep in mind that we will try and accommodate both teams, but the match date may still vary from your provided days, if for example none of the days match with your opponent, but your opponent offered more days than you did. Deadlines listed for the matches are flexible and may be changed in certain situations if admins are contacted about allowing extensions on these.

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