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Ireland Dny

Registered: | Last online:

SteamID76561198001925393 Add Friend
Classes PlayedScout Engineer Sniper Spy
Links Steam | logs.tf | UGC | RGL | demos.tf

Registered Teams

This player is registered in the following teams:

Team History

Show only: 6v6 - Highlander - Highlander Fun Team - Highlander Open - Fresh Meat - National Highlander Team - LAN Team - 6v6 Fun Team - 1v1 - 2v2 - National 6v6 Team - 4v4

Action Team By Date
Joined Time 2 Pound [6v6] Dny
Left cleveridiot [6v6] Dny
Joined cleveridiot [6v6] Dny
Left pppwnd [6v6] Dny
Joined pppwnd [6v6] Dny
Left cleveridiot [6v6] Dny
Joined cleveridiot [6v6] sick-lizard
Left DrinkSomeWater [6v6] Dny
Joined DrinkSomeWater [6v6] SoniX
Left Team Price-Drop TV [6v6] Dny
Joined Team Price-Drop TV [6v6] Dny
Left GoodGame [6v6] Dny
Joined GoodGame [6v6] Dny
Left Can't Shoot The Medic [6v6] Dny
Joined Can't Shoot The Medic [6v6] Saadyst
Left WHAT UP NOW SWEDES?! [Highlander] Dny
Left Aegrus [6v6] Dny
Joined Aegrus [6v6] Swarlz
Left Where Is My Money? [6v6] Dny
Joined Where Is My Money? [6v6] Dny
Left TwistedPlay [6v6] Dny
Joined WHAT UP NOW SWEDES?! [Highlander] Dny
Joined TwistedPlay [6v6] Dny
Left scream2frag [6v6] Dny
Joined scream2frag [6v6] Dny
Left Atomic! [6v6] Dny
Joined Atomic! [6v6] Dny
Left Look At [6v6] Dny
Joined Look At [6v6] GameFreak--
Left Pandas in Disguise [6v6] Dny
Left old_Romania [National 6v6 Team] Dny
Joined old_Romania [National 6v6 Team] Nigh
Joined Pandas in Disguise [6v6] Dny
Left reHash Gaming [6v6] Dny
Joined reHash Gaming [6v6] Dny
Left United Kingdom Gaming Legion [6v6] Dny
Joined United Kingdom Gaming Legion [6v6] Dny

Matches Played

This player played in 25 matches:
DateRoundTeam 1Team 2Result
Season 26 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 3 (High) Time 2 Pound Adam Harrison fan club 0 - 6
Week 2 (High) Louis van Gaal's Army Time 2 Pound 6 - 0
Season 13 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 3 (Division 5D) cleveridiot we am intellyjunt 0 - 6
Week 2 (Division 5D) cleveridiot Not Neutral 3 - 3
Week 1 (Division 5D) cleveridiot 9 Whales 0 - 6
Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Division 5G) 9 Men Lite cleveridiot 0 - 6
Week 2 (Division 5G) cleveridiot The Enigma Zone Crew 2 1 - 5
Week 1 (Division 5G) cleveridiot Rocket Science 3 - 3
Season 11 [Archives]
Week 6 (Division 5I) cleveridiot Premium Gaming 0 - 6
Season 9 [Archives]
Week 6 (Division 2b) GoodGame Punchline 0 - 6
Week 4 (Division 2b) Dont Shoot the Medic GoodGame 6 - 0
Week 3 (Division 2b) GoodGame vier // red 0 - 6
Week 2 (Division 2b) GoodGame Casus Belli 6 - 0
Week 1 (Division 2b) GoodGame STRIP 0 - 6
Experimental Ordnance Cup #1 - HIGH [Archives]
Round 2 TwistedPlay. Knights 3 - 0
Highlander Challenge Group Stage [Archives]
Week 1 (Group 99) epic.TF2 Community Gentlemen of Righteous 0 - 6
Season 7 powered by SteelSeries [Archives]
Week 6 (Division 4e) Friede seiner Asche TwistedPlay 0 - 6
Week 5 (Division 4e) Piggy Bankers TwistedPlay 3 - 3
Week 4 (Division 4e) TwistedPlay Element 3 - 3
Week 3 (Division 4e) TwistedPlay vier // red 6 - 0
Week 2 (Division 4e) Fragmasters TwistedPlay 0 - 6
6v6 Ladder 2010 [Archives]
TwistedPlay knock0ut 0 - 1
TwistedPlay nervousENERGY BLU 2 - 0
Team voodoo TwistedPlay 0 - 2
ETF2L 5th Cup [Archives]
Round 2 TwistedPlay Epsilon eSports 0 - 2

Forum Activity

Searching for a sponsor? Replied
SMK2JNTS[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Replied
SMK2JNTS[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Replied
Consider an introduction of the "Three points for a win" system Replied
Marijuana and TF2 (videogames) Replied
Marijuana and TF2 (videogames) Replied
TF2 finally running on Ubuntu 11.10, but still have pointer and lightning proble Replied
A sweet evning in the fritzl basement Replied
Get your I45 Ticket booked! Replied
Fake Replied
Golf @ i43 Replied
So who is actually going to lan ? Replied
So who is actually going to lan ? Replied
Free blorg! Replied
I43 - 26-29th August - Official FFA Tig and Tag thread Replied