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Germany tiia

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SteamID76561198046196005 Add Friend
Classes PlayedMedic Demoman
Links Steam | logs.tf | UGC | RGL | demos.tf

Registered Teams

This player is registered in the following teams:

Team History

Show only: 6v6 - Highlander - Highlander Fun Team - Highlander Open - Fresh Meat - National Highlander Team - LAN Team - 6v6 Fun Team - 1v1 - 2v2 - National 6v6 Team - 4v4

Action Team By Date
Joined puddles resurrected [6v6] emi
Left go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] tiia
Left SpongeKnob SquareNuts [6v6 Fun Team] tiia
Joined SpongeKnob SquareNuts [6v6 Fun Team] dBubble
Joined go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] dBubble
Left Oracle [6v6] tiia
Joined Oracle [6v6] Apollo
Left Oracle HL [Highlander] tiia
Left Oracle Lightning [6v6 Fun Team] tiia
Left ⭐Hoshi⚡️Lightning [6v6] tiia
Joined Oracle Lightning [6v6 Fun Team] Bv
Joined ⭐Hoshi⚡️Lightning [6v6] Wylenn
Left Oracle [6v6] tiia
Joined Gamers for the Win [LAN Team] Prawn
Joined Oracle HL [Highlander] Apollo
Joined Oracle [6v6] Apollo
Left go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] tiia
Joined go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] Jake
Left Shivering Maniacs [6v6 Fun Team] tiia
Left rodgrod med flode [LAN Team] tiia
Left 360biblescope [Highlander] tiia
Left EMPiRE [6v6] tiia
Joined EMPiRE [6v6] qBowN∼
Left go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] Jake
Joined Shivering Maniacs [6v6 Fun Team] Ironhawk
Left SpongeKnob SquareNuts [6v6 Fun Team] tiia
Joined rodgrod med flode [LAN Team] Wylenn
Left Gamers for the Win [LAN Team] tiia
Joined 360biblescope [Highlander] Jake
Left Sora+++ [Highlander] Wylenn
Joined go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] Jake
Left Sora Elektro [6v6] tiia
Joined Gamers for the Win [LAN Team] BreD
Joined Sora+++ [Highlander] qBowN∼
Left angry [Highlander] tiia
Joined angry [Highlander] Hampe
Left 6>9 [Highlander] tiia
Joined SpongeKnob SquareNuts [6v6 Fun Team] 4u5t1n
Joined Sora Elektro [6v6] Wylenn
Left Shivering Maniacs [6v6 Fun Team] tiia
Left Bread Senpai [6v6] tiia
Joined Shivering Maniacs [6v6 Fun Team] Lowenzahn
Left SpongeKnob SquareNuts [6v6 Fun Team] tiia
Left Gamers for the Win [LAN Team] tiia
Joined Gamers for the Win [LAN Team] tiia
Joined Bread Senpai [6v6] tiia
Left help ive fallen and cant get out of open [6v6] tiia
Joined help ive fallen and cant get out of open [6v6] BASSOfreak
Left go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] tiia
Joined go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] Jake
Left Michael Gove can suck a dick [6v6] tiia
Joined SpongeKnob SquareNuts [6v6 Fun Team] tiia
Joined Michael Gove can suck a dick [6v6] 4u5t1n
Left go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] tiia
Joined 6>9 [Highlander] BreD
Joined go woke or go bloke ♿ [6v6] Boku
Left The Essentials [6v6] tiia
Joined The Essentials [6v6] Waz
Left Team [LAN Team] tiia
Left Shanter... [6v6] tiia
Joined Shanter... [6v6] 4u5t1n
Left Coffeee [1v1] tiia
Left The Essentials [6v6] tiia
Joined Team [LAN Team] tiia
Joined The Essentials [6v6] Waz
Left Literally [Highlander] crazy
Joined Literally [Highlander] crazy
Left DoZad [6v6] tiia
Joined DoZad [6v6] stepanex
Left Literally [Highlander] tiia
Left The Essentials [6v6] tiia
Joined Literally [Highlander] crazy
Left Fun Police [Highlander] tiia
Joined Fun Police [Highlander] Reisbauer
Left wee bit rusty [Highlander] tiia
Joined Coffeee [1v1] tiia
Joined hybrid rainbow [2v2] nicco
Joined wee bit rusty [Highlander] Kraken
Joined The Essentials [6v6] tiia
Left Scrubs 4 Life [6v6] tiia
Left Deck of Cards [Highlander] tiia
Joined Scrubs 4 Life [6v6] KOG
Joined Deck of Cards [Highlander] The Ace of Spades

Matches Played

This player played in 196 matches:
DateRoundTeam 1Team 2Result
6v6 Season 49 (Winter 2025)
Week 7 (Division 4B) Begging for a Pegging puddles resurrected 3 - 3
Week 6 (Division 4B) Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs puddles resurrected 0 - 6
Week 5 (Division 4B) puddles resurrected Zazu Army 0 - 6
Week 4 (Division 4B) Alles Door Oefening Den Haag puddles resurrected 6 - 0
Week 3 (Division 4B) business penguins puddles resurrected 4 - 2
Week 2 (Division 4B) Oracle puddles resurrected 3 - 3
Week 1 (Division 4B) 0 vs 12 puddles resurrected 6 - 0
6v6 Season 48 (Autumn 2024) [Archives]
Week 7 (Division 2B) Fine Christians go woke or go bloke ♿ 0 - 6
Week 6 (Division 2B) Spy Boys go woke or go bloke ♿ 5 - 1
Week 5 (Division 4A) 11/9 Oracle 0 - 6
6v6 Season 47 (Spring 2024): Division 2 [Archives]
Week 7 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ Freaky Blinders 6 - 0
Week 6 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ MGE me at Lan 6 - 0
Week 4 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ :Blinky: 6 - 0
Week 3 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ ANTIHIGH 5 - 1
Week 1 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ Oracle 3 - 3
6v6 Autumn 2023: Division 2 [Archives]
Quarter Finals go woke or go bloke ♿ auto's academy 2 0 - 6
Week 7 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ TANK 3 - 3
Week 6 (Division 2B) :Blinky: go woke or go bloke ♿ 0 - 6
Week 5 (Division 2B) We bring the BOOM! go woke or go bloke ♿ 0 - 6
Week 3 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ СЕПАРЫ 6 - 0
Week 2 (Division 2B) BESTIⱯS go woke or go bloke ♿ 3 - 3
Week 1 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ турник онлайн 3 - 3
6v6 Summer 2023 [Archives]
Week 6 (Division 4A) Aware go woke or go bloke ♿ 6 - 0
Week 5 (Division 4A) Eternal Fire go woke or go bloke ♿ 6 - 0
6v6 Summer 2023 Pre-Season Cup Mid Playoffs [Archives]
Semi Final PINT GAMING Oracle 3 - 0
Quarter Final Oracle Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs 3 - 0
6v6 Summer 2023 Pre-Season Cup [Archives]
Round 1 (Mid B) DEATH AND DESTRUCTION (DMX AND DOG) Oracle 0 - 3
Round 2 (Mid B) Oracle Въеби ему, Донателло! 3 - 0
Ultiduo Cup #7 [Archives]
Round 9 (Group Stage) babydonthurtme hybrid rainbow 5 - 1
Round 6 (Group Stage) hybrid rainbow Нищие 6 - 0
Round 4 (Group Stage) hybrid rainbow Cristiano Ronaldo & Neymar 1 - 5
Round 3 (Group Stage) ikeaflowers69 hybrid rainbow 4 - 2
Round 2 (Group Stage) hybrid rainbow Kevin 'The Cock' Johnson 0 - 6
Round 1 (Group Stage) hybrid rainbow deltarune SUPER fan's! 6 - 0
6v6 Winter Showdown 2023: Pre-Season Cup [Archives]
Grand Final (Division 3) Oracle Lightning gdp) 5 - 4
Semi Finals (Division 3) Oracle Lightning FLANK Security 3 - 0
Round 3 (Division 3) FLANK Security Oracle Lightning 0 - 3
Round 2 (Division 3) gdp) Oracle Lightning 0 - 3
6v6 Winter Showdown 2023: Division 2 [Archives]
Week 7 (Division 2B) MakeShift Alliance ⭐Hoshi⚡️Lightning 0 - 6
Week 5 (Division 2B) СЕПАРЫ ⭐Hoshi⚡️Lightning 6 - 0
Week 4 (Division 2B) 3 Steps Back ⭐Hoshi⚡️Lightning 3 - 3
Week 3 (Division 2B) EPIC TEAM :D ⭐Hoshi⚡️Lightning 1 - 5
Week 2 (Division 2B) GLOBAL YETI ⭐Hoshi⚡️Lightning 3 - 3
Week 1 (Division 2B) GUCCI PIRATES ⭐Hoshi⚡️Lightning 6 - 0
6v6 Autumn 2022 [Archives]
Week 6 (Mid) Oracle EMPiRE 3 - 3
Week 5 (Mid) Oracle Gengar's Gladiators 6 - 0
Highlander Season 26 [Archives]
Week 4 (Division 4B) Jonssonligan Oracle HL 1 - 5
Week 3 (Division 4B) Oracle HL well in that case 0 - 6
Week 2 (Division 4B) 31 :) Oracle HL 5 - 1
Week 1 (Division 4B) Oracle HL Double Clutch 2 - 4
6v6 Season 41 Powered by Copenhagen Games [Archives]
Week 6 (Mid) Oracle Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs 1 - 5
6v6 Season 40 Top Tiers Sponsored by Mannco.store [Archives]
Week 7 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ Pot-au-feu! black 4 - 2
Week 6 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ tankballers 5 - 1
Week 5 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ czuraci 0 - 6
Week 4 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ We Eat Snack 1 - 5
Week 3 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ GOOFYGOOBERS 3 - 3
Week 2 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ :Blinky: 0 - 6
Week 1 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ Team 6v6 6 - 0
6v6 Season 39: Top Tiers [Archives]
Week 5 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ The Compound 6 - 0
Week 7 (Division 2B) /for fence go woke or go bloke ♿ 3 - 3
Week 6 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ Papa's special 2 - 4
Week 4 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ отбрс 0 - 6
Week 1 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ The Aesthetics Crew 6 - 0
Season 33: Top Tiers [Archives]
Week 7 (Division 2A) go woke or go bloke ♿ Louis van Gaal's Army 0 - 6
Week 6 (Division 2A) go woke or go bloke ♿ [GEN] PANOWIE CO JEST?! 0 - 6
Week 5 (Division 2A) go woke or go bloke ♿ Xypher 0 - 6
Week 4 (Division 2A) go woke or go bloke ♿ L A N T U R T L E 0 - 6
Week 3 (Division 2A) go woke or go bloke ♿ ALFASAURUS 0 - 6
Week 2 (Division 2A) go woke or go bloke ♿ throw sum mo 0 - 6
Week 1 (Division 2A) go woke or go bloke ♿ SMEGGIES.BLACK 0 - 6
Season 33 Preseason Map Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Mid C) penguins.tf Shivering Maniacs 3 - 0
Round 2 (Mid C) Full Ping Shivering Maniacs 3 - 0
Season 32: Division 2 Playoffs [Archives]
Quarter Final go woke or go bloke ♿ The Compound 3 - 6
Season 32: Top Tiers [Archives]
Week 7 (Division 2B) dodruchki? Dodrysky? Do drzky? go woke or go bloke ♿ 0 - 6
Week 5 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ throw sum mo 4 - 2
Week 4 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ Last Hopes 6 - 0
Week 3 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ :Blinky: 0 - 6
Week 2 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ Lithuanian Rhapsody 3 - 3
Week 1 (Division 2B) go woke or go bloke ♿ Bad News Bears 6 - 0
Season 32 Preseason Map Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Mid-Low B) Oswiecim Gaming ODPALENI Shivering Maniacs 3 - 0
Round 2 (Mid-Low B) Murder 1 Shivering Maniacs 3 - 0
Round 1 (Mid-Low B) Pisamerda Shivering Maniacs 0 - 3
Season 31: Mid Playoffs [Archives]
Grand Finals go woke or go bloke ♿ The Aesthetics Crew 6 - 0
Semi-Finals go woke or go bloke ♿ Midnight 6s 6 - 0
Quarterfinals go woke or go bloke ♿ entro ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ esco Ɇ₦₮ⱧO₦l 6 - 0
Highlander Season 17 [Archives]
Week 5 (Mid) Valhalla 360biblescope 6 - 0
Week 4 (Mid) Open Sesame 360biblescope 6 - 0
Week 3 (Mid) 360biblescope Saukot 0 - 6
Week 1 (Mid) Agents of Fortune 360biblescope 0 - 6
Season 31 powered by Copenhagen Games & STN.tf [Archives]
Week 7 (Mid) go woke or go bloke ♿ entro ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ esco Ɇ₦₮ⱧO₦l 5 - 1
Week 6 (Mid) go woke or go bloke ♿ THE BREW MASTERS 6 - 0
Week 5 (Mid) go woke or go bloke ♿ Garda Panteri 5 - 1
Week 4 (Mid) go woke or go bloke ♿ Down To Mid~ 6 - 0
Week 3 (Mid) go woke or go bloke ♿ Midnight 6s 6 - 0
Week 1 (Mid) go woke or go bloke ♿ not dead doggo 6 - 0
Season 30 powered by STN-Trading and scrap.tf!: Main Tiers [Archives]
Week 7 (Mid) Sora Elektro ucraine хуле 6 - 0
Week 6 (Mid) Louis van Gaal's Army Sora Elektro 3 - 3
Week 5 (Mid) BtW we're mid Sora Elektro 0 - 6
Week 4 (Mid) Pooper Scoopers Black Trooper Shooters Sora Elektro 6 - 0
Week 3 (Mid) Sora Elektro Meowmyx 2 - 4
Week 2 (Mid) Sora Elektro Tracksuit Boys 6 - 0
Week 1 (Mid) Sora Elektro Cerulean 6 - 0
Beater Presents: Meet Your Map Cup! Upper Bracket [Archives]
Round 1 Dayn Town SpongeKnob SquareNuts 3 - 0
Beater Presents: Meet Your Map Cup! [Archives]
Round 3 (Export) SpongeKnob SquareNuts Valitut Lapset 2 - 0
Round 2 (Export) SpongeKnob SquareNuts Meowmyx 0 - 2
Round 1 (Export) SpongeKnob SquareNuts tf2pickup.cz 2 - 0
Season 29: Low Playoffs [Archives]
Final Epipslon eSprots Sora Elektro 0 - 6
Semi-Final Sora Elektro verbfusion 6 - 0
Quarter Final Sora Elektro origem 6 - 0
Global Whitelist Test Cup #1 Open Playoffs [Archives]
Grand Finals Shivering Maniacs rip litboys 0 - 6
Semi Finals Lucky Lukes Shivering Maniacs 0 - 3
Quarter Finals Shivering Maniacs HerbsArmy 3 - 0
Season 29: Main Tiers [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) redundant brick layers Sora Elektro 0 - 6
Week 6 (Low) Sora Elektro Skribbl Scrubbs 6 - 0
Week 5 (Low) Sora Elektro toptime 6 - 0
Week 4 (Low) lamB gyros Sora Elektro 0 - 6
Week 3 (Low) Sora Elektro PAROXYSM 1 - 5
Week 2 (Low) Sora Elektro Quality Control. 3 - 3
Global Whitelist Test Cup #1 [Archives]
Round 3 (Open Group D) Big Daddy Hit Squad Shivering Maniacs 0 - 3
Round 1 (Open Group D) Mossy Benis Shivering Maniacs 0 - 3
Season 28: Mid Playoffs [Archives]
Quarter Final Ringo Bread Senpai 5 - 1
Season 28 [Archives]
Week 7 (Mid) Drunken Pandas Bread Senpai 0 - 6
Week 6 (Mid) seymour the house is on fire Bread Senpai 0 - 6
Week 5 (Mid) Bread Senpai throw sum mo 0 - 6
Week 4 (Mid) Yung wolves Bread Senpai 0 - 6
Week 3 (Mid) Perpetual Motion Squad Bread Senpai 0 - 6
Week 2 (Mid) Pulsefire eSport Bread Senpai 0 - 6
Week 1 (Mid) Bread Senpai JEPIC 3: Return of the Jediward 0 - 6
Basketball 2on2 Cup #6 [Archives]
Group Round 3 (What is Dead May Never Die) hybrid rainbow Whites 0 - 3
Group Round 1 (What is Dead May Never Die) hybrid rainbow Toto - Africa 0 - 3
Highlander Season 13 [Archives]
Week 4 (Open) 6>9 PENIS-9 0 - 6
Week 3 (Open) UgCatz 6>9 0 - 6
Week 2 (Open) Roper eSports 6>9 0 - 6
Week 1 (Open) Evolution Highlander 6>9 0 - 6
Highlander Season 13 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Open Group A) 6>9 Reverie Gaming 6 - 0
Round 2 (Open Group A) 6>9 Complete Guesswork 6 - 0
Round 1 (Open Group A) stanky bean 6>9 0 - 6
Season 27 [Archives]
Week 7 (Mid) stay gassed up, petrol help ive fallen and cant get out of open 0 - 6
Week 6 (Mid) help ive fallen and cant get out of open eu trash 5 - 1
Week 4 (Mid) help ive fallen and cant get out of open /// 0 - 6
Week 2 (Mid) help ive fallen and cant get out of open Team 4 Friends 6 - 0
Week 1 (Mid) help ive fallen and cant get out of open Bad News Bears 0 - 6
Ultiduo Cup #6 Group Stage Powered By: Serveme.tf [Archives]
Group stage round 2 (Soft & Wet) hybrid rainbow PokemonUnited 3 - 0
Group stage round 1 (Soft & Wet) hybrid rainbow Igor Brzda 3 - 0
Group stage round 3 (Soft & Wet) hybrid rainbow TOMMY ZOOM 0 - 3
Ultiduo Cup #6 Knockout Stage Powered By: Serveme.tf [Archives]
Round 3 .... hybrid rainbow 1 - 0
Round 1 Bad Internet Gaming hybrid rainbow 0 - 1
Season 26 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 2 (Mid) go woke or go bloke ♿ ku$h daddies 0 - 6
Highlander Season 11 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Open Playoffs [Archives]
Quarter Finals Szerb-Horvat Buszsoforok 2 6>9 6 - 0
Highlander Season 11 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Open) 6>9 Foxygen 6 - 0
Week 4 (Open) Victory Road 6>9 6 - 0
Week 3 (Open) nicer name :) 6>9 0 - 6
Week 2 (Open) 6>9 The Massive Wankers 6 - 0
Week 1 (Open) Medpicking Medic 6>9 0 - 6
Season 25 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 2 (Mid Tier) go woke or go bloke ♿ Noobs Without Ambitions 6 - 0
Season 24 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 6 (Mid Tier) Shanter... Vosousti powered by tf2mid.cz 0 - 6
Week 5 (Mid Tier) Per aspera ad astra Shanter... 6 - 0
Week 4 (Mid Tier) AbsolventenMitGeld Shanter... 6 - 0
Highlander Season 10 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 1 (Open) teme Literally 0 - 6
ETF2L Preseason 23 6v6 Cup - Open #3 Bracket [Archives]
Semi-Final Monkey-Gamers The Essentials 3 - 0
Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Mid) sniper gang DoZad 6 - 0
Week 5 (Mid) A$AP Mob DoZad 6 - 0
Week 3 (Mid) The Essentials 0, 0, 0 0 - 6
Week 2 (Mid) The Essentials ROCKSTRAT 0 - 6
Week 1 (Mid) The Essentials sniper gang 6 - 0
ETF2L 6v6 Preseason 23 Cup [Archives]
Round 1 (Open Bracket #3 Group C) Suez The Essentials 0 - 3
Round 2 (Open Bracket #3 Group C) Monkey-Gamers The Essentials 0 - 3
Highlander Season 9 powered by marketplace.tf [Archives]
Week 7 (Open) Mando Star Fun Police 0 - 6
Week 6 (Open) AURORA Fun Police 2 - 4
Week 5 (Open) Fun Police Rest in Matioo 6 - 0
Week 4 (Open) kiti s bakenbardami Fun Police 6 - 0
Week 1 (Open) rage n' quickscopes Fun Police 4 - 2
Experimental Highlander One-Night-Cup #7 Open Tier 2 [Archives]
Semi-Final Ricefields' Dudes Fun Police 3 - 0
Season 22 powered by saloon.tf [Archives]
Week 7 (Open) The Essentials Savage Gold 3 - 3
Week 5 (Open) The Essentials Team Colonslash: Noobas 6 - 0
Week 4 (Open) Casi Angeles The Essentials 0 - 6
Week 3 (Open) The Essentials MVP 0 - 6
Week 2 (Open) The Essentials Karitan Katalat Kanit 6 - 0
Week 1 (Open) geekRage.tf The Essentials 0 - 6
Scout 1v1 Cup Group Stage [Archives]
Round 6 (Mike Schmidt) Coffeee FATIMPWR 3 - 0
Round 5 (Mike Schmidt) Coffeee HEMPUS 0 - 3
Season 21 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Open) revive Nurses Of Mediocrity 6 - 0
Ultiduo Cup #5 Powered By: Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Round 3 (Starsky & Hutch) hybrid rainbow Oui Oui Fagguette 0 - 3
Round 2 (Starsky & Hutch) hybrid rainbow Luminous Duo 0 - 3
Highlander Season 8 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Open) wee bit rusty Team Amaze-Balls v3 6 - 0
Week 1 (Open) wee bit rusty Budget Toucans 0 - 6
TF2C Archimedes Cup powered by scrap.tf 3rd place tiebreaker [Archives]
Final revive The Essentials 0 - 6
Season 20 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Open) The Essentials Waifu Wannabes 6 - 0
Week 6 (Open) The Essentials #TeamBacon 6 - 0
Week 5 (Open) nicer name :) The Essentials 0 - 6
Week 4 (Open) The Essentials Sons of Anarchy 0 - 6
Week 3 (Open) The Essentials repoRners 3 - 3
Week 2 (Open) Enemies of War The Essentials 5 - 1
Week 1 (Open) The Essentials GlobeTrollers 6 - 0
TF2C Archimedes Cup powered by scrap.tf - Knockout Stages [Archives]
Knockout Round #3 The Essentials UniCurse 6v6 3 - 0
TF2C Archimedes Cup powered by scrap.tf [Archives]
Round 3 (Group 27) team-chan The Essentials 0 - 3

Forum Activity

LF Mid 6s Scrims Thread Replied
LF Mid 6s Scrims Thread Replied
LF Mid 6s Scrims Thread Replied
LF Mid 6s Scrims Thread Replied
LF High 6s Scrims Thread Replied