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unbeaten on product.

soaky / Assassin+
andiduude / wyser
Hugo / Roticher / Gergosz / lander
Fnutek / Hugo / Dwapking
yusef / Spajro / lander / soaky
Skyfox / birchy / Assassin+ / Gergosz


  • None

Registered Players

No players registered


Upcoming Fixtures

Date Competition Round Team 1 Team 2
No fixtures for this team.


Date Round Team 1 Team 2 Result
6v6 Season 48 (Autumn 2024) [Archives]
Week 7 (Division 2A) 3 - 3
Week 6 (Division 2A) 0 - 6
Week 5 (Division 2A) 6 - 0
Week 4 (Division 2A) 6 - 0
Week 3 (Division 2A) 2 - 4
Week 2 (Division 2A) 0 - 6
Week 1 (Division 2A) 0 - 6
6v6 Autumn 2023: Division 2 [Archives]
Semi-Finals (Division 2A) 6 - 0
Quarter Finals 4 - 5
Week 7 (Division 2A) 0 - 6
Week 6 (Division 2A) 3 - 3
Week 5 (Division 2A) 6 - 0
Week 4 (Division 2A) 3 - 3
Week 3 (Division 2A) 6 - 0
Week 2 (Division 2A) 0 - 6
Week 1 (Division 2A) 4 - 2
6v6 Summer 2023 [Archives]
Grand Final (Division 3) 2 - 7
Upper Bracket Final (Division 3) 3 - 6
Week 7 (Division 3) 2 - 4
Week 5 (Division 3) 5 - 1
Week 4 (Division 3) 0 - 6
Week 3 (Division 3) 0 - 6
Week 2 (Division 3) 3 - 3
Week 1 (Division 3) 2 - 4
6v6 Summer 2023 Pre-Season Cup Mid Playoffs [Archives]
Grand Final 0 - 6
Semi Final 3 - 0
6v6 Summer 2023 Pre-Season Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Mid C) Default Win
Round 2 (Mid C) 1 - 2
Round 1 (Mid C) 0 - 3


Date DL POV Competition Round Team 1 Team 2
No demos for this team.

Team Name History

Date Old Name New Name
Akun paskamixit™ PINT GAMING
PINT GAMING Akun paskamixit

Player History

Action Player By Date
Left wyser wyser
Left spake wyser
Left Highlander wyser
Left SchmitShot SchmitShot
Left flak flak
Left Assassin+ Assassin+
Left soaky soaky
Left Dwapking Dwapking
Left Nyomo Reka Nyomo Reka
Left B R O W N B R O W N
Left yusef yusef
Left lenny lenny
Left kel kel
Joined wyser soaky
Joined flak soaky
Joined lenny soaky
Left andi andi
Left mezzo mezzo
Joined mezzo soaky
Left Afri Afri
Joined Dwapking soaky
Joined Highlander soaky
Left Dwapking Dwapking
Left Tob Tob
Joined SchmitShot soaky
Left shamu shamu
Left syrus syrus
Joined kel soaky
Left Fnutek Fnutek
Joined shamu soaky
Joined Fnutek soaky
Joined syrus soaky
Joined Dwapking soaky
Joined spake soaky
Joined Assassin+ soaky
Joined Nyomo Reka soaky
Joined Tob soaky
Joined Afri soaky
Left Pizzi Pizzi
Joined yusef soaky
Joined MEGAMIDDIE soaky
Joined B R O W N soaky
Joined Pizzi soaky
Left syrus syrus
Joined SAKE andi
Joined syrus andi
Joined andi soaky
Left iippa iippa
Left kola iippa
Left L4T3 iippa
Left Aku iippa
Joined soaky iippa
Joined kola iippa
Joined L4T3 iippa
Left birchy iippa
Joined Aku iippa
Left Fnutek Fnutek
Left saltyy saltyy
Left Black Black
Left kanon kanon
Left soaky soaky
Joined kanon soaky
Left Highlander Highlander
Joined saltyy soaky
Joined Highlander soaky
Joined Black soaky
Left yusef yusef
Joined Fnutek soaky
Left def def
Left B R O W N B R O W N
Left Spajro Spajro
Left Fnutek Fnutek
Left Roticher Roticher
Left andi andi
Left Mercimek Mercimek
Joined iippa B R O W N
Joined Mercimek Spajro
Left saltyy saltyy
Joined def Spajro
Joined Roticher B R O W N
Joined saltyy soaky
Left Mercimek Mercimek
Left mhu soaky
Joined mhu B R O W N
Left laiky laiky
Joined birchy andi
Joined Mercimek andi
Joined laiky soaky
Joined Spajro soaky
Left Ceno soaky
Left Tosi soaky
Left Lokko soaky
Left Samael soaky
Left Nyomo Reka Nyomo Reka
Joined Tosi soaky
Left csibe soaky
Joined csibe andi
Joined Nyomo Reka soaky
Joined JENNY soaky
Left Tosi Tosi
Joined yusef soaky
Left gtlm. gtlm.
Joined gtlm. soaky
Joined Lokko soaky
Joined Tosi soaky
Left Afri Afri
Left imectus imectus
Left dempsey dempsey
Left Nata Nata
Joined dempsey soaky
Joined MEGAMIDDIE soaky
Joined Samael soaky
Joined Nata soaky
Joined BLAIR soaky
Left zulfie zulfie
Joined Afri soaky
Joined B R O W N soaky
Joined imectus soaky
Left Hoffaern Hoffaern
Left imectus imectus
Joined imectus soaky
Joined Ceno soaky
Joined Hoffaern soaky
Joined Fnutek soaky
Joined andi soaky
Joined zulfie soaky
Joined soaky soaky