
About scheduling default dates

Created 10th November 2010 @ 11:17

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Lol I think dear Snowie just messed up a default date for us.

We had proposed to play the other team this Sunday (28th), other team ignored it. Snowie put default date on the 18th, which is kind of already past now :P

Yes, I will contact an admin for it on irc in a sec, just felt like sharing this because it made me chuckle (well first I was pissed because I thought it was this thursday >.>)

He fixed it already. What a gent!

Spike Himself


Quoted from CanFo

If you want to help out feel free to apply for admin. [email protected]

sounds like you don’t need help now, contrary to earlier statements :s



Quoted from Spike Himself


sounds like you don’t need help now, contrary to earlier statements :s

This is simply the usual procedure ;-) Applications are sent in by email, not written in the forums.



Quoted from Spike Himself


sounds like you don’t need help now, contrary to earlier statements :s

Even if I consider I’ve got 0 mails I’m not seeing your point.



Sod it, I’m not the kind of guy to offer help and then not follow through. I’ll apply later tonight.



Quoted from Monkeh

Sod it, I’m not the kind of guy to offer help and then not follow through. I’ll apply later tonight.

oh good god

Spike Himself


Quoted from RaCio

[…]Even if I consider I’ve got 0 mails I’m not seeing your point.

At first I wrote “I offered to help, how about you email me instead?” but figured it sounded a bit harsh. I guess it does get the point across better though, so here you go.

Also I wouldn’t know what to write other than “hi, i help”, and as such I don’t really see a point in doing it. I made it clear earlier that I’m willing to help out if such a thing is needed. I don’t understand why I should reiterate this in an email.

tl;dr I’m merely offering help, I’m not desperately screaming to become an admin. Don’t want? Your loss.



Quoted from octochris

oh good god

I know! But there you go, I offered to help and if this is the only way I can be, then so be it…



my opinion.
fail to give a team the choise to get a defwin or risk 6 points.
nobody says that we didnt done a mistake.
but i think a major warnig and taken a wildcard away, that would be fair.
to make a 6point gift to the op is not fair!
its ridiculous how many trolls wrote in this thread!
its even ridiculous too that the persons who can decide something not really decide something.

so. jetzt mal so weils mir einfach leichter fällt.
das kind ist in den brunnen gefallen und anstelle das ihm irgendwie geholfen wird kommt nur blödsinn raus. (bezieht sich natürlich am stärksten auf die höhlenbewohner!)
das von unserer seite fehler da waren hat nie jemand bestritten. einer unserer mainscouts hat sich halt anderem gewidmet, ohne irgend eine info, klar das erstmal geplant werden muss wie es weiter geht. (nur mal so damit man weiss wieso das so schief gelaufen ist)
ich hätte mir hier echt von dem ein oder anderen mehr erwartet.

vielleicht hab ich auch ne falsche vorstellung von den aufgaben eines verwalters.
klar ists viel arbeit, und wurde auch erwähnt das man es euch dankt. ich auch.
aber jetzt ist hier n spezialfall und irgendwer muss entscheiden!
aber ich bitte euch, doch nicht der gegner.
vorallem lächerlich von deren seite da sie ja bis jetzt fast alles gewonnen haben und man nicht so recht nachvollziehn kann was für beweggründe sie haben das abzulehnen. ich mein welche div spielen wir denn. hm, ich glaub bei den oberen würds das nicht geben obwohls da um mehr geht, ist aber nur ne vermutung. aber das gehört auf n anderes blatt.

kleine frage, wie seht ihr euch? einzig und allein um irgendwelche termine bei nicht planung festzusetzen? wie würdet ihr eure aufgaben definieren?
ich mein hier haben leute ein problem und es kommt nicht wirklich hilfe.
schade. es wird zugegeben das das etwas “unglücklich” gelaufen ist.
auf der ersten seite meldet sich sogar noch n admin und sagt geht garnet.
thrawn fischt nen thread raus auf dem das ganze nochmal steht das sowas nicht geht und man mindestens 24st zeit haben muss. das ganze war also nicht wirklich neu und war, so wie ich es verstanden hab klar gesagt das mindestens 24st zeit zum reagieren da sein müssen.
läuft das grad nach dem krähen prinzip? eine hackt der anderen kein auge raus?
jemand hat was gesagt und das wird nicht widerrufen?
was ist aber dann mit dem alten thread?
der wird dann ja nun infrage gestellt.
menschen irren sich nunmal.
wo ist das problem zu sagen ey das war sau dumm von euch, verwarnung, wildcard weg, spielt das spiel. ich mein wenn wir dann verlieren, dann haben wir wenigsten fair verloren und der gegenr fair gewonnen. wär ja auch schön für die am ende der saison sagen zu können wir ham alle platt gemacht, und nicht ey wir sind ganz oben, allerdings ham wir ein spiel gewonnen weil es unstimmigkeiten in den regeln gab.

ich finds einfach schade das hier nix bei raus kommt!
ich würd mich aber trotzdem freuen wenn sich die betreffenden personen nochmal zusammen setzen und etwas regeltechnisch entscheiden das wenigstens für den fall das sowas nochmal vorkommen sollte, das betroffene team eben 24st zeit hat zu reagieren oder eben ihre wildcard zu ziehn.
bis dann.



Nobody said that the default date has not been set unlucky either…
We have guidelines how and when to set default dates and usually they are not set less than 24 hours away but it looks like we have been pretty busy that week and had to set the last default dates on Thursday, which left us with not many days when to set it (2, suggesting that you would not have been happy with a default date on fr/sat either).
I think why the default date has been set to that day has been explained in this thread (the suggested date was on the match page for 2 days already, so basically you had 48+ hours to react).

About your other proposal:
Are you suggesting to give a major warning (which includes one point deduction) for every time a default date has to be set and one team could not be arsed to respond? Or just in your case? Because we would have to give 50+ major warnings in that case, 3 majors are a drop => even more drops.



Quoted from murx

my opinion.
fail to give a team the choise to get a defwin or risk 6 points.
nobody says that we didnt done a mistake.
but i think a major warnig and taken a wildcard away, that would be fair.
to make a 6point gift to the op is not fair!
its ridiculous how many trolls wrote in this thread!
its even ridiculous too that the persons who can decide something not really decide something.


Sup, this isn’t a German forum. If you want to communicate it’s probably best to do it in English.



I have to agree with the latter of your post murx



Quoted from CanFo

Nobody said that the default date has not been set unlucky either…
We have guidelines how and when to set default dates and usually they are not set less than 24 hours away but it looks like we have been pretty busy that week and had to set the last default dates on Thursday, which left us with not many days when to set it (2, suggesting that you would not have been happy with a default date on fr/sat either).
I think why the default date has been set to that day has been explained in this thread (the suggested date was on the match page for 2 days already, so basically you had 48+ hours to react).

yes. you know what?
nearly the complete admin staff seems to be incompetent of having a impartial perspective in this case.

Quoted from CanFo

About your other proposal:
Are you suggesting to give a major warning (which includes one point deduction) for every time a default date has to be set and one team could not be arsed to respond? Or just in your case? Because we would have to give 50+ major warnings in that case, 3 majors are a drop => even more drops.

and this my friend is exactly the point.
You would have to give 50+ major warnings. but what you did is giving a 6 point disadvantage to ONE FUCKING TEAM.

Is it that complicated? i dont think so.


Quoted from CanFo

Nobody said that the default date has not been set unlucky either…
We have guidelines how and when to set default dates and usually they are not set less than 24 hours away but it looks like we have been pretty busy that week and had to set the last default dates on Thursday, which left us with not many days when to set it (2, suggesting that you would not have been happy with a default date on fr/sat either).
I think why the default date has been set to that day has been explained in this thread (the suggested date was on the match page for 2 days already, so basically you had 48+ hours to react).


Their was nothing unlucky about it, luck implies it is out of someones control, this was within the control of the admin team.

You then go on to admit that default dates should not be set without 24 hours notice, which you DID NOT follow, What’s the point of having guidelines if they are not followed

The default date explanation in this thread is complete crap, their is no evidence team A didn’t contact team B on steam and said it was not suitable, the 48 hours to reply is YOU trying to cover your tracks.

Bottom line team A had 6 HOURS not 2 days, 6 HOURS to wildcard this fixture.

Spin this anyway you want, if they did not connect to ETF2L within those 6 hours (why should they) you handed a default win to team B.

I’m disappointed (all be it not surprised) that the Admin team have decided to try and cover their tracks and deflect blame.

Like I said 2 weeks ago

Admins can make a mistake, that’s fine as long as they man up and admit it, rather than trying to defend a bad decision and deflect the blame elsewhere



Stop repeating yourself, I already responded to your questions/accusations 2 pages ago.

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