Cheating Bans and TF2 VAC League Bans for first-time offenders now last for two years
We would like to announce a policy update on how ETF2L will hand out league bans for Cheating offenses and Team Fortress 2 VAC bans in the future. Currently we give cheaters the chance to redeem themselves and return as a clean player after a year of forced retirement. While we would like to continue giving this opportunity to players, looking back at the past there have always been some bad actors who do not really seem to care about quietly returning to the community.
After receiving a lot of community feedback over the years and a recent internal discussion we have decided that we are going to increase the ban length for cheating and TF2 VACs from one year to two years. This two-year ban length only applies to those players who were caught cheating for the first time. This additional year will give the cheaters a longer time away from the scene so that they hopefully change their ways. It will also decrease the workload on our Anti-Cheat staff, while putting us in line with other TF2 competitive leagues as well.
Please note that this will not affect the ban lengths of players who are currently still banned for cheating or receiving a Team Fortress 2 VAC on their account.
That is not all, however.
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