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Staff Changes and Monday Evening Bans

Date May 24, 2021

Staff Changes

We are sad to announce that Germany quintosh is retiring from his position as Head Anti-Cheat admin and will be leaving the Anti-Cheat team entirely. The expertise he gained and applied in this field while supporting the team for so many years on ETF2L was highly appreciated by all and he was able to pass down a lot of his knowledge to those following in his steps. His dedication to the cause of keeping ETF2L cheater-free and his efforts in upholding high standards in case work and improving relations with the community will not be forgotten.

Unfortunately his departure is not the only one as Poland thaZu and Finland nash have also left the ETF2L staff. We thank them all for their work and wish them the best in their future endeavours!

As for happy news, Wales Faust has successfully completed his trial as a League Admin. Both Portugal Biohazard and Netherlands JENNY have also proved their mettle as Anti-Cheat Admin trials and will be joining our team.
With the position of Head Anti-Cheat now being vacant, Germany Samus receives a promotion and will resume her former role.




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Highlander Season 24: Provisional Tiers & Mappool Update

Date May 12, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

After evaluating the feedback from the cup and the map voting poll following it we have decided to put the following map in the season:

Map pool Addition


Whitelist for the Highlander season 24 can be found here.

Poll Results

Whitelist change:

  • Should the Fists of Steel be unbanned? Yes – 63,40%

Maps rating:

  • 7,39/10 – koth_proplant_v5
  • 4,48/10 – cp_propaganda_b19
  • 3,02/10 – cp_glassworks_rc6a

Which map should be played during the season?

  • 58,20% – koth_proplant_v5
  • 22,13% – koth_coalplant_b6
  • 19,67% – koth_ashville_rc2c

Map change:

  • Should cp_gullywash_f3 be replaced with cp_glassworks_rc6a? No – 78,05%
  • Should cp_gullywash_f3 be replaced with cp_propaganda_b19? No – 65,58%
  • Should the CP map be replaced by a KOTH map? No – 53,02%
  • Should the CP map + KOTH map week be replaced with an A/D or PL map (such as badwater)? No – 58,15%

Follow up poll:

Considering the results we received we feel an additional vote is necessary to decide on the last map for the season.

Which one of the following maps would you prefer to play?

Total Voters: 475

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Provisional Tiers

Down below are this season’s provisional tiers. If you can’t find your team it could be due to you recently changing your team name. Teams marked in yellow are more likely to be moved if there is a need to change teams around.

Unhappy about your placement? Feel free to contact us over at our Discord Server. These tiers are still subjected to change if teams make a good case as to why they should be moved. You can find the application process here.

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6v6 Nations Cup #8: Captains & Group Stage

Date May 10, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

The captains have been decided! Here is a list:

Groups and Fixtures are up. First match needs to be scheduled before Thursday 13th of May 23:59.

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Highlander Season 24: Map pool polls

Date May 10, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Now that the Highlander Season 24 Preseason cup is over we can finalize the map pool before signups for the Main Season close.

The polls will close on Wednesday 12th of May at 21:00 CEST!

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A new way to support ETF2L and Nations Cup #8: Captain Applications Update

Date May 3, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

A new way to support ETF2L!

We’re happy to announce that an ETF2L Ko-Fi has been created. For those not familiar with Ko-Fi it is a donation platform much like Patreon. Ko-Fi allows us to easily accept donations without the donators having to commit to a monthly donation. Donations will be used to cover the costs of keeping the website running and to spice up the prize pools. You have a button just below but also a permanent button on the top right along with our Discord and Twitter links!

If you plan on donating and want to donate to the prize pool of specific game mode please note that in the donation comment.

For donations of 10€ or more please include your discord tag as well if you want a nice Donator role on our Discord! We are still looking into the option for a Donator role on site, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

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