Staff Changes and Monday Evening Bans
May 24, 2021
Staff Changes
We are sad to announce that quintosh is retiring from his position as Head Anti-Cheat admin and will be leaving the Anti-Cheat team entirely. The expertise he gained and applied in this field while supporting the team for so many years on ETF2L was highly appreciated by all and he was able to pass down a lot of his knowledge to those following in his steps. His dedication to the cause of keeping ETF2L cheater-free and his efforts in upholding high standards in case work and improving relations with the community will not be forgotten.
Unfortunately his departure is not the only one as thaZu and
nash have also left the ETF2L staff. We thank them all for their work and wish them the best in their future endeavours!
As for happy news, Faust has successfully completed his trial as a League Admin. Both
Biohazard and
JENNY have also proved their mettle as Anti-Cheat Admin trials and will be joining our team.
With the position of Head Anti-Cheat now being vacant, Samus receives a promotion and will resume her former role.