“Nothing stokes my ire like a cheater. Deception, duplicity, murder — these are merely tools in a toolbox one can use to ensure a job done well. But cheating? I cannot even wrap my head around the point of it. Wouldn’t you know you had cheated? How on Earth could you maintain crisp certainty of your superiority to all others? And if you’re unable to do that, what’s the point of anything?”
Text Source: https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6679
Why we are publishing a Transparency Post
Every now and then we receive questions about how the ETF2L Anti-Cheat team operates and how we have operated in the past. As most of these questions revolve around the same topics, we want to give the community a chance to gain a better insight by explaining some of our workflows as well as describe changes that happened over the years. This post was written by Head Anti-Cheat Admin
Samus with the help of former Head Anti-Cheat Admin
quintosh, who also had the main idea for a post like this, and former ETF2L admin
We will start with the question that we probably receive the most:
“The ETF2L Anti-Cheat team has wrongly banned innocent people for cheating before, why should we believe that they can’t be wrong now too?”
Whatever your opinions on the more recent ban decisions may be, ETF2L unbanned
BeaVerN in 2011 after a new set of Anti-Cheat admins re-opened an investigation into the case. They believed the evidence was insufficient and did not prove with any certainty that he was in fact cheating. After that case, actions were taken in an effort to minimize the likelihood of reaching an incorrect cheating ban verdict again for all future cases. If you want to read up on the staff response at the time you can find it here.
In order to understand what exactly happened and what changed after that event in 2011, we need to take a short look at the history of how the admin staff of ETF2L operated. Due to it being more than ten years since then, some things cannot be recounted with 100% accuracy, but the general progression seems clear.
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