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You’ve all been craving for some Highlander action to take place before Christmas haven’t you? It’s time to announce the next Highlander Cup…
We’ve finally hit 88mph and saw some serious…ly good opportunity to open up the ETF2L vault for this cup, bringing back some classics from before
Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! were even winning prem, from an era where the best team was led by everybody’s favourite
CeeJaey. Welcome to the ETF2l Throwback Cup.
The cup will take place over e weekend of the 17th-18th December and signups will open up on the 25th November. So this leaves you some times to prepare for it.
It will be placement Best of 1 matches on Saturday 17th December with a Knockout Stage on Sunday 18th December with Best of 3.
Signups: 25th November – 15th December
Group Stage: 17th December
Playoffs: 18th December
Map pool
As mentioned higher up, this is a cup full of maps that don’t really see play anymore, therefore we thought it would be fun to see if you can guess what the map pool will be. We’ll help out of course! We are going to be posting some clues on our Twitter and we will leave it up to you guys to guess what maps will be played. The first players to figure them out and post the right map names (and not version because we are not that mean) will see their names posted on the newsposts.
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