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England SirDuck

Registered: | Last online:

SteamID76561198020683366 Add Friend
Classes PlayedEngineer Soldier
Links Steam | logs.tf | UGC | RGL | demos.tf

Registered Teams

This player is registered in the following teams:

Team History

Show only: 6v6 - Highlander - Highlander Fun Team - Highlander Open - Fresh Meat - National Highlander Team - LAN Team - 6v6 Fun Team - 1v1 - 2v2 - National 6v6 Team - 4v4

Action Team By Date
Joined Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives [6v6] El Beno
Left trans bites [6v6] Pinkie
Joined trans bites [6v6] Pinkie
Left Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives [6v6] SirDuck
Joined Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] Whip
Left Bratwurst Gang [Highlander] MoreBuckets!
Joined Bratwurst Gang [Highlander] MoreBuckets!
Left Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] SirDuck
Joined Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives [6v6] El Beno
Left Quality Control. [6v6] SirDuck
Joined Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] SkullTiger
Left The Alligators [Highlander] SirDuck
Joined The Alligators [Highlander] Cyanic
Left Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] SirDuck
Joined Quality Control. [6v6] SmAsH
Left "just call it Dave" [6v6] SirDuck
Joined Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] james
Left Fresh Woah [6v6 Fun Team] SirDuck
Joined "just call it Dave" [6v6] SirDuck
Left Cognitive Contortions [6v6] SirDuck
Joined Fresh Woah [6v6 Fun Team] Drummer
Left Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] SirDuck
Joined Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] james
Left woah [Highlander] SirDuck
Joined Cognitive Contortions [6v6] Cyanic
Joined woah [Highlander] peeka

Matches Played

This player played in 196 matches:
DateRoundTeam 1Team 2Result
6v6 Season 49 (Winter 2025) Low & Open
Week 7 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives THUG PRO. 0 - 6
Week 6 (Low) YoYoTech (Under Construction) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 0 - 6
Week 5 (Low) Backshot Roulette Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 3 - 3
Week 4 (Low) Rhodes Island Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 0 - 6
Week 3 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Local Issues 0 - 6
Week 2 (Low) John Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 3 - 3
Week 1 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives I can't juuuump 0 - 6
6v6 Season 47 (Spring 2024) [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) trans bites THUG PRO. 3 - 3
Week 6 (Low) trans bites Fabulous Disaster 6 - 0
Week 5 (Low) No Name trans bites 6 - 0
Week 3 (Low) No Name Needed trans bites 6 - 0
Week 2 (Low) hannamontana trans bites 6 - 0
Week 1 (Low) John trans bites 6 - 0
6v6 Autumn 2023 [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Skolstrejk for Gullywash 6 - 0
Week 4 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives o7 Burst 6 - 0
Week 2 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives John 3 - 3
Week 1 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Cowboys From Hell 0 - 6
6v6 Summer 2023: Low & Open [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Rhodes Island 6 - 0
Week 6 (Low) Въеби ему, Донателло! Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 6 - 0
Week 5 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Exodus 0 - 6
Week 4 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Cold Herring 6 - 0
Week 3 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives R.A.T. : Rodent Action Troop 6 - 0
Week 2 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives auwidezejen 0 - 6
Highlander Spring 2023 [Archives]
Week 5 (Low) Milk And Cookies Magnificent Bastards 6 - 0
Week 4 (Low) Magnificent Bastards No Lucks Given Forever! 3 - 3
Week 1 (Low) Magnificent Bastards Secure Yourself 2 - 4
6v6 Winter Showdown 2023: Pre-Season Cup [Archives]
Quarter Finals Eternal Fire BEANSPORTS 1 - 2
6v6 Winter Showdown 2023 [Archives]
Week 6 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives PISTONS 6 - 0
Week 5 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Rat Gang: zased ultitrio 6 - 0
Week 4 (Low) URGLE GAMING Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 6 - 0
Week 3 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives PBS 6s 6 - 0
Week 2 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Monkey Mafia 1 - 5
Week 1 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Eternal Fire 0 - 6
6v6 Autumn 2022 [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 6 Friends Offline 6 - 0
Week 6 (Low) Deshio's Personal Sphere Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 0 - 6
Week 5 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Въеби ему, Донателло! 3 - 3
Week 4 (Low) Global Gypsies Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 6 - 0
Week 3 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Gas station Tweakers 6 - 0
Week 2 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives БОГАТЫЕ РУССКИЕ 0 - 6
Week 1 (Low) peaky blinders #Kovaaksgrind #NORACISM Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 3 - 3
6v6 Season 42 [Archives]
Week 5 (Low) Deshio's Personal Sphere Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 6 - 0
Week 3 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Karsiyaka SK 0 - 6
Week 2 (Low) John Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 6 - 0
Week 1 (Low) Alles Door Oefening Den Haag Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 6 - 0
Highlander Season 26 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Mid C) Magnificent Bastards Cult of 256 3 - 0
Round 2 (Mid C) Magnificent Bastards Cult of Ivan 0 - 3
Round 1 (Mid C) Just a Rabbit Magnificent Bastards 0 - 3
Highlander Season 26 [Archives]
Week 3 (Division 3B) Gentlemercs Union Magnificent Bastards 6 - 0
Week 2 (Division 3B) Just a Rabbit Magnificent Bastards 6 - 0
Week 1 (Division 3B) the oppressed Magnificent Bastards 6 - 0
6v6 Season 41 Powered by Copenhagen Games [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) Choke ya later Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 3 - 3
Week 5 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Crocketas 6 - 0
Week 4 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Gachimuchi eSports 1 - 5
Week 3 (Low) Sex Participants Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 6 - 0
Week 2 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Hold W Gaming 0 - 6
Week 1 (Low) PBS 6s Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 0 - 6
6v6 Season 41 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 2 (Low F) WONG Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 3 - 0
Round 3 (Low F) APT Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 3 - 0
Round 1 (Low F) PBS 6s Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 0 - 3
6v6 Season 40 Sponsored by Mannco.store [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives John 0 - 6
Week 6 (Low) 6 Friends Offline Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 0 - 6
Week 5 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Freaky Blinders 0 - 6
Week 4 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Spacemen 6 - 0
Week 3 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Boyz-N-The-Hood 0 - 6
Week 2 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Vegan Chaos 0 - 6
6v6 Season 40 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 2 (Low B) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Unlucky 0 - 3
Highlander Season 25 [Archives]
Week 2 (Division 4B) Equestria Girls Bratwurst Gang 6 - 0
Week 2 (Division 4A) Late To School Saukot 3 - 3
Week 1 (Division 4B) Bratwurst Gang Suicidal Design 0 - 6
6v6 Season 39 [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) Kingor's cocs Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 3 - 3
Week 6 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Allah's Warriors 1 - 5
Week 5 (Low) neoWise Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 6 - 0
Week 4 (Low) Megfossa Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 0 - 6
Week 3 (Low) Pot-au-feu! Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 1 - 5
Week 2 (Low) Choking Hazard Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 5 - 1
Week 1 (Low) Dillionaire_Damage Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 0 - 6
Highlander Season 24 [Archives]
Week 5 (Mid) Dustbowl Industries Magnificent Bastards 6 - 0
Week 3 (Mid) Broken W: 2024 Magnificent Bastards 6 - 0
Week 2 (Mid) Europe All-Stars Magnificent Bastards 5 - 1
Week 1 (Mid) Magnificent Bastards Team Colonslash: Extrasolar 0 - 6
Highlander Season 24 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Mid B) Dustbowl Industries Magnificent Bastards 3 - 0
Round 1 (Mid B) Magnificent Bastards Royalty HL 0 - 3
Season 38: Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 1 (Mid B) Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs on the beat 0 - 3
Season 38 [Archives]
Week 6 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives UbeR powered by Gnoegaming.eu 3 - 3
Week 5 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives CA$H MACHINE 6 - 0
Week 4 (Low) Opposing Force Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 6 - 0
Week 3 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Chef Michel Dumas Fanclub 6 - 0
Week 2 (Low) not dead doggo Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 3 - 3
Week 1 (Low) red gyros POWERED BY INVALID Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 6 - 0
Highlander Season 23 [Archives]
Week 5 (Division 3B) Magnificent Bastards БРИГАДА 0 - 6
Week 3 (Division 3B) Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME Magnificent Bastards 2 - 4
Week 2 (Division 3B) Magnificent Bastards Saukot 0 - 6
Week 1 (Division 3B) DWARF Magnificent Bastards 0 - 6
Highlander Season 23 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (High C) DWARF Magnificent Bastards 0 - 3
Round 2 (High C) Warsaw Pact Magnificent Bastards 3 - 0
Season 37 [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) Ragsacken Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 0 - 6
Week 6 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives We Eat Snack 0 - 6
Week 5 (Low) 9:07:38.21 Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 0 - 6
Week 4 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Tourette 6scola Club 3 - 3
Week 3 (Low) kays good cooking Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 4 - 2
Week 1 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives ДЕПУТАТЫ 0 - 6
Highlander Season 22 [Archives]
Week 5 (Division 2A) Magnificent Bastards Xenon 0 - 6
Week 3 (Division 2A) Jamien Magnificent Bastards 4 - 2
Week 2 (Division 2A) Magnificent Bastards Saukot 3 - 3
Week 1 (Division 2A) Inactive Magnificent Bastards 4 - 2
Season 36 [Archives]
Week 6 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Quality Control. 0 - 6
Week 2 (Low) High Rollers Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 6 - 0
Week 1 (Low) schizos online: gastan technologies Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 4 - 2
Highlander Season 20 [Archives]
Week 4 (Mid) Magnificent Bastards Bauer eSauna 3 - 3
Week 3 (Mid) Wheelchair Wheelers Magnificent Bastards 0 - 6
Week 1 (Mid) umud+8 Magnificent Bastards 0 - 6
Season 34: Powered by The Community [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) [GEN] wd40 remastered edition Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 0 - 6
Season 33 Preseason Map Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Low D) Yeti Gang Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 0 - 3
Round 2 (Low D) Alien Slayers Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives 3 - 0
Highlander Season 18 [Archives]
Semi Finals (Mid A) Magnificent Bastards Temporary Difficulties 3 - 6
Week 5 (Mid A) KTO-TO SKAZAL BLINI? Magnificent Bastards 0 - 6
Week 5 (Division 2A) wonszus dog BAD DRAGONS 0 - 6
Week 4 (Mid A) Magnificent Bastards Name Under Construction! 6 - 0
Week 3 (Mid A) Magnificent Bastards Pub Heroes 6 - 0
Week 2 (Mid A) Magnificent Bastards Temporary Difficulties 1 - 5
Week 1 (Mid A) Magnificent Bastards T H I C C O S 6 - 0
Highlander Season 18 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 1 (Mid B) Heroes and zeros: One night warriors Magnificent Bastards 0 - 6
Season 32 [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) zengurtnology pick achu! 3 - 3
Week 2 (Low) taking risks Quality Control. 6 - 0
Highlander Season 17 [Archives]
Week 5 (Mid) Magnificent Bastards Microwave Gang 6 - 0
Week 4 (Mid) Heroes and zeros: One night warriors Magnificent Bastards 6 - 0
Week 2 (Mid) Magnificent Bastards Open Sesame 0 - 6
Week 1 (Mid) Magnificent Bastards Keep It Kosher! 2 - 4
Season 31 powered by Copenhagen Games & STN.tf [Archives]
Week 6 (Low) TBA Quality Control. 3 - 3
Highlander Season 16 [Archives]
Week 5 (Open) Magnificent Bastards Project Restart 6 - 0
Week 4 (Open) Ladies and Gentlemen chumtoad.hl 1 - 5
Week 2 (Open) The Guild chumtoad.hl 3 - 3
Week 1 (Open) Magnificent Bastards Neko 6 - 0
Season 30 powered by STN-Trading and scrap.tf!: Main Tiers [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) Quality Control. Poland 0 - 6
Week 6 (Low) Brain damage Quality Control. 2 - 4
Week 5 (Low) Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs Broadmoor Asylum Gaming Club 6 - 0
Week 5 (Low) Quality Control. Hell's Kitchen 0 - 6
Week 4 (Low) Low Expectations Quality Control. 0 - 6
Week 3 (Low) Quality Control. Also Known As 6 - 0
Week 2 (Low) ЦИРК УРОДОВ Quality Control. 6 - 0
Highlander Season 15 [Archives]
Week 5 (Open) Basketball Nogoy The Alligators 4 - 2
Week 4 (Open) The Alligators Complete Guesswork 0 - 6
Week 3 (Open) The Alligators Open Sesame 2 - 4
Week 2 (Open) The Alligators Undercover Prodigies 6 - 0
Week 1 (Open) The Alligators Juicy Kids 6 - 0
Highlander Season 15 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Open C) Men In Flannel The Alligators 0 - 6
Round 2 (Open C) Undercover Prodigies The Alligators 0 - 3
Global Whitelist Test Cup #1 Open Playoffs [Archives]
Semi Finals rip litboys Quality Control. 3 - 0
Quarter Finals Merkelsommer Quality Control. 0 - 3
Season 29: Main Tiers [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) Quality Control. Just simply "Sluts" and TK 6 - 0
Week 6 (Low) Quality Control. Team Colonslash: Beyblade JR 3 - 3
Week 5 (Low) Quality Control. verbfusion 0 - 6
Week 4 (Low) Quality Control. PAROXYSM 3 - 3
Week 3 (Low) Quality Control. FullPasta 6 - 0
Week 2 (Low) Sora Elektro Quality Control. 3 - 3
Week 1 (Low) Quality Control. pick achu! 6 - 0
Global Whitelist Test Cup #1 [Archives]
Round 3 (Open Group F) pwn! Quality Control. 0 - 3
Round 1 (Open Group F) Quality Control. Zophor 3 - 0
Round 2 (Open Group F) autism level 1 Quality Control. 0 - 3
Highlander Season 14 [Archives]
Week 3 (Open) Magnificent Bastards Cucumbers Hazard Team HL 6 - 0
Week 2 (Open) i'm a mid spy Magnificent Bastards 6 - 0
Week 1 (Open) ~The Fugitives~ Thanks blank 0 - 6
Week 1 (Open) Magnificent Bastards S!r 6 - 0
Highlander Season 14 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Open 3) chumtoad.hl Czech Highlander powered by TF2Mid.cz 0 - 2
Round 2 (Open 3) chumtoad.hl Reverie Gaming 2 - 0
Season 28 [Archives]
Week 7 (Open) The Wobble Factor "just call it Dave" 3 - 3
Week 6 (Open) "just call it Dave" Full_In_Rabbits 3 - 3
Week 5 (Open) Monika did nothing wrong "just call it Dave" 0 - 6
Week 3 (Open) Digital Warfare Cloudy dropped for our sins 6 - 0
Week 3 (Open) Roll Deep "just call it Dave" 0 - 6
Week 2 (Open) "just call it Dave" Cucumbers Hazard Team 0 - 6
Highlander Season 13 [Archives]
Week 3 (Open) send nudes to cowboys Magnificent Bastards 0 - 6
Highlander Season 13 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Mid Group C) Magnificent Bastards Foxygen 0 - 6
Round 1 (Mid Group C) Magnificent Bastards Selective Attention 0 - 6
The Fresh Meat Challenge sponsored by Scrap.tf and MarketPlace.tf: Playoffs [Archives]
Round 2 Jael eSport Fresh Woah 6 - 0
Round 1 No Sleep Till Plat Fresh Woah 0 - 6
Season 27 [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) Of Memes And Men "just call it Dave" 6 - 0
Week 6 (Low) Special Cupcakes "just call it Dave" 6 - 0
Week 4 (Low) The Worst Game Ever "just call it Dave" 6 - 0
Week 3 (Low) -Screamin' Eagles- "just call it Dave" 6 - 0
Week 2 (Low) "just call it Dave" Epipslon eSprots 6 - 0
Week 1 (Low) Martijn "just call it Dave" 6 - 0
One Night Cup: Episode 1 The Maps [Archives]
Round 3 (Open G) Cognitive Contortions teamfortress to powazny esport 0 - 3
Round 2 (Open G) Cognitive Contortions rip boys, nice memes 0 - 3
Highlander Season 12 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Match 2 (Open F) Magnificent Bastards The Hungarian Cunts 0 - 6
Experimental Highlander Cup #8 [Archives]
Round 2 (Open #2) Magnificent Bastards JinJang ② 0 - 3
Season 26 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Open) Nurses Of Mediocrity Cognitive Contortions 6 - 0
Week 5 (Open) PEACEKEEPERS Cognitive Contortions 3 - 3
Week 4 (Open) Cognitive Contortions Roskilde 0 - 6
Week 3 (Open) Godlike Cognitive Contortions 3 - 3
Week 2 (Open) Cognitive Contortions ChairGaming 6 - 0
Highlander Season 11 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
Week 7 (Open) Medpicking Medic woah 6 - 0
Week 5 (Open) woah Team SniperScout 2 - 4
Week 3 (Open) RUSЬ woah 6 - 0
Week 2 (Open) Dream Team woah 6 - 0
Week 1 (Open) woah Under Jolly Roger 6 - 0

Forum Activity

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