
Golden Caps Feedback

Created 9th March 2012 @ 19:24

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#pirateradio solution



Alternative #4: timelimit 5 or 10, winlimit 1. If no winner at the time limit, both teams will get a loss!!!!



Either #3 or like it’s in most sports. If the match ends in a draw, GC of 10 minutes, win limit 1. If there’s no cap, it’s a draw. Makes people want to get that extra point but won’t be able to last forever.

In playoffs timelimit 0 to ensure someone wins.

Last edited by MIndYe,


Play golden cap on Gravelpit, done!

Last edited by Leif,


Crazy Idea #X

Alternative 2# timelimit 5 or even lesser, BUT who dies, won’t respawn

might sound stupid, but if you think about it:

-no mistakes allowed
-no turtling
-winner is choosen very fast
-excitement still available



crazy idea #y

after a draw both medics meet on the mid point and fight to the death. whoever wins is the hero of the day and the other med will take all the blame for losing.



Allow draws in regular season.



Either keep GC as it is, or return back to using draws.



I don’t mind otherwise but please do not implement draws again. If there are a possible 3 points per map, giving out only 1 point for a draw is a bad idea in a table system where points > individual games.

Teams should not be punished for being evenly matched.


How about (as silly as this sounds) play it like NFL, keep golden cap, keep the 10 mins, but after 10 mins if no cap, its a draw. So you still get a chance to win the game

I understand in playoffs this doesnt work, so maybe in playoffs just restart after 10 mins. Both ways encourage attacking and not turtling for a win, if promotes winning


(Toucan Ambassador)

The main reason I thought draws were outlawed is because all maps are not equal.

We played 5CP, A/D and CTF maps, some of which are more prone to draws that others (namely Gravelpit).

So all the shit teams were praying to get Gravelpit against the good teams because the odds of them scraping a draw were much higher than playing out a 5CP map where they would likely get 5-0’d.

Option 4 Play only 5CP maps and allow draws.

Although I could argue that some 5CP maps are more prone to draws than others?!

Option 5 Play only Badlands and allow draws.

Personally I would vote for GC with timelimit 0 winlimit 1, but I think Greg (?) proposed an interesting solution a while back…

Option 6 Play GC timelimit 10 winlimit 1, if no one caps then restart the round and the first team to cap middle wins.

This way the victor is always decided through an attacking action rather than a defensive one. The teams get a chance to play out a full round, but failing that they have to roll the dice at middle :>


6vs6 Heavy fist-fight.



Quoted from Trane

6vs6 Heavy fist-fight.

would be great at the beginning of a map to chose who plays blue/red (interesting on granary or A/D maps)


Current one is fine, but you really should get the same no of points for a GC map win as you do for a normal map win since its still a win



Play first to 5 instead of 30 minutes…. yes map may take a lot of time. Play twice a week 1 map only, home and away.

Maybe we should learn something from our Yankee-Doodle-Dandee cousins.

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