
Golden Caps Feedback

Created 9th March 2012 @ 19:24

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I’d like to throw all the alternatives and improvements we can think of for golden caps in here. Ideally we can put all our input in over the weekend, so that I can make this thread public on Sunday and everyone can provide input on it from there. If we can come to an agreed change to golden caps by the start of the playoffs we might as well try it out during said playoffs.


Current golden cap: timelimit 10, winlimit 1. If no winner at the time limit, team holding mid wins.

+ Guarantees a winner
+ Takes 10 minutes max

– In practice, teams might as well hold for 10 minutes after capping mid
– Not wildly popular among the community as a result

The following proposals are in no particular order.

Alternative #1: timelimit 0, winlimit 1

+ Guarantees a winner

– Has the potential to take a very long time
– As such, it may become a war of attrition (first team to concede loses)
– Subsequently, it kind of gives more westerly teams an advantage. Some Russian teams play at 1am as it is, so they are more likely to need to go to bed sooner than, say, a UK-based team.

Alternative #2: timelimit 5 or 10, winlimit 1. If no winner at the time limit, reset and go again.

+ Guarantees a winner
+ Ensures that the winning team actually defeats the losing team

– Has the potential to take a very long time (see above)

Alternative #3: Re-introduce draws. Giving each team 1 point.

+ No extra time needed
+ No extra rules needed

– No draws in play-offs possible

All of this is of course based on what I can think of at the moment. If you have anything to add to these please say so, and please mention any other ideas you come up with!



imo the only realistic options are the current ruleset OR sonny blacks option, the others will take too long and make teams in far away countries be at a disadvantage, BUT saying this is there really a need to change? most golden cap wins i see are a full winner and not the 10 mins thing



What was the reason to establish golden caps in league matches in the first place? Maybe we should start from that point!



The following links are from the admin section and some from the head admin bit so they won’t be visible to most but I’ll add them in here for future reference anyway.

This revision of the old rules page contains what I think is the oldest reference in the rules to the phrase ‘golden cap’, written on 27 August, 2008. thread[/url] seems to be the oldest forum reference to golden caps, written at roughly the same time (22 August 2008).

I think both of those were relating more to the just-finished’ Cup[/url]. My next challenge is to find the point where golden caps became part of the season, which I think was between seasons 6 and 7…



Quoted from Crasp

My next challenge is to find the point where golden caps became part of the season, which I think was between seasons 6 and 7…

Turns out the first season to have golden caps was everyone’s favourite, AFS. The admin thread discussing it is[/url], and the public announcement is[/url].

Quoted from d2m

Points System
The Summer League gives us an ideal opportunity to test out the new points system for maps. To give you a brief recap on the discussions we had previously in IRC, no maps will be allowed to end in a draw. In the event of a drawn map there will be a golden cap period. The points allocation per map will be as follows:

Map Win – 3 pts
GC Win – 2 pts
GC Loss – 1 pt (same as the standard draw)
Map Loss – 0 pts

In the event of a 1-1 draw on Gravelpit, the team which captured all of the points in the fastest time will get the option to go attack or defence first in the third round. For example if Team A capture ABC in 4:17 but Team B capture ABC in 3:59, then Team B will get to choose for the third round.

The whole point of the new system is to encourage more attacking play and to make the game more exciting as a spectacle. I’m very excited to see it in action and DeNeusbeer has already implemented the code which I’ve stealth activated in the last few MNM cups.


Quoted from Crasp

Alternative #3: Re-introduce draws. Giving each team 1 point.

+ No extra time needed
+ No extra rules needed

– No draws in play-offs possible

That sounds alright and no to “Whoever has middle point, wins whole GC”. That is really unfair in my opinion. Cause for example if a team randomly wins the middle fight and they decide to turtle middle point instead of pushing.



Quoted from CanFo

What was the reason to establish golden caps in league matches in the first place? Maybe we should start from that point!

It was an idea of D2M, to always have a winner after a map. It was first introduced with AFS, .

Iirc, it was generally liked, it creates more tension/excitement, etc.

Edit: Crasp beat me to it about 22 hours ago, never mind me.



We started discussing the golden cap rule in the admin staff. Now we want to hear, what you think. Please share your thoughts on the current golden cap rule and on the alternatives. Be constructive. Offtopic will be removed, flames will be punished :)



Time limit 0, done.



Whoever wins mid, wins the gc. simplez

or bring back draws



maybe teams should stop assholing and stop camping after mid was capped so Alternative #1 or Alternative #2


Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN

maybe teams should stop assholing and stop camping after mid was capped so Alternative #1 or Alternative #2

True, it’s better than current mid camping. But one random tm8s mistake in the GC = match loss. As we play team game and don’t want random results so Alternative #3. IMHO.



For the regular season #3
For the playoffs #1

Last edited by Nuck,



The current system places the emphasis on the team that is losing to take risks in order to win. Otherwise you run the risk of rewarding teams that turtle last (which is much easier than turtling mid).



I like the draws idea

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