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Demoman  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Germany mettbroetchenstyle

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello everyone!

I´m a 28 years old demo from germany. I´ve got experience on competitive gaming for about a few years on the ETF2L and on WP. Im looking for a Div 5/6 Team who needs a maindemo. Im friendly and not a rager. I´ve got most of the week time to play. Just add me if you´re interested or just want to play some Maps.

So cya ingame. :)

So, und nun nochmal auf Deutsch. :)

Ich suche ein Div 5/6 Team und dort einen Platz als Maindemo. Am besten wäre ein deutsches Team, weswegen ich das hier auch auf Deutsch schreibe. Bin ein ziemlich freundlicher umgänglicher Mensch, meistens gut gelaunt. Hab schon ein paar Seasons hinter mir, in der ETF2L wie im WP. Falls ihr Lust oder Interesse habt, einfach adden, anschreiben, bin so ziemlich jeden abend online mit Zeit zum spielen.

Also bis dann. :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:9100565 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Team Colonslash: Pengcompetent [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Left Fair Enough [Highlander] Flood
Joined Fair Enough [Highlander] mettbroetchenstyle
Left Pandamonium [Highlander] mettbroetchenstyle
Left Dont Shoot the Panda [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined Pandamonium [Highlander] dodgydogman
Joined Dont Shoot the Panda [6v6] Trane
Left Drunken Angels Unstoppable [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined Drunken Angels Unstoppable [6v6] gronon
Left Sense [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined Sense [6v6] Reservoir Dog
Left Der Name ist so lang, den kann sich kein [Highlander] mettbroetchenstyle
Left Team Goetterspeise [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined Team Goetterspeise [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined Der Name ist so lang, den kann sich kein [Highlander] mettbroetchenstyle
Left KiFFERSTUEBCHEN.de [Highlander] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined KiFFERSTUEBCHEN.de [Highlander] S34N
Left Dropped :( [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined Dropped :( [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Left The Dope Boys [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined The Dope Boys [6v6] Orchid

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3 1 343
View Div 3 16 864
View Div 3 27 1458
View Div 3/Div 4 33 1064
View Div 4/Div 5 20 1351
View Low+ 4 389


  1. hoppi: TIDS said:

    prem name

  2. Smegma said:

    prem name
    good demo aswell give him a chance :>
    he wont disapoint you !

  3. Ehehe said:

    Nice guy and a good demo, good luck!

  4. Ehehe said:

    Also the guy with the lowest self-esteem ever.