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Demoman  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Germany mettbroetchenstyle

Posted: | Last Online:

after a season off cause of some RL issues i am now going on to play in the etf2l and searching a team. i could play almost every night except friday/saturday. just add me for trials, thx.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:9100565 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Team Colonslash: Pengcompetent [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Left Fair Enough [Highlander] Flood
Joined Fair Enough [Highlander] mettbroetchenstyle
Left Pandamonium [Highlander] mettbroetchenstyle
Left Dont Shoot the Panda [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined Pandamonium [Highlander] dodgydogman
Joined Dont Shoot the Panda [6v6] Trane
Left Drunken Angels Unstoppable [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined Drunken Angels Unstoppable [6v6] gronon
Left Sense [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined Sense [6v6] Reservoir Dog
Left Der Name ist so lang, den kann sich kein [Highlander] mettbroetchenstyle
Left Team Goetterspeise [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined Team Goetterspeise [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined Der Name ist so lang, den kann sich kein [Highlander] mettbroetchenstyle
Left KiFFERSTUEBCHEN.de [Highlander] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined KiFFERSTUEBCHEN.de [Highlander] S34N
Left Dropped :( [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined Dropped :( [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Left The Dope Boys [6v6] mettbroetchenstyle
Joined The Dope Boys [6v6] Orchid

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One Comment

  1. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    If there is a players who deserves a good and STABLE team, then it’s mett. Good guy, great guy, best guy and a very, very smart player.

    He can also hairshot you on metal concerts.

    Good luck mett ;)