Dont Shoot the Panda
[6v6]Homepage | http://clandstm.com |
Server | None specified |
IRC | None specified |
Welcome to the panda society.
A clan including european … pandas!
Now part of the Don't Shoot the Medic community
The evil reign of penguins may have won but the spirit of pandas will live in our hearts.
Scout: Isai
Scout: Trane
Soldier: Feer
Soldier: Freakz
Demoman: mettbroetchenstyle
Medic: Ozku
Backup Solly/shitter: Prey
- None
Registered Players
No players registered |
3rd: EO#6: Medigun Cup - Mid Bracket
3rd: One Night Cup: Croissant! HIGH
2nd: Season 10! (Division 5d)
3rd: One Night Cup: Foundry! MID
Upcoming Fixtures
Date | Competition | Round | Team 1 | Team 2 | ||
No fixtures for this team. |
Date | DL | POV | Competition | Round | Team 1 | Team 2 |
160 | Source TV | Season 11 | Week 3 (Division 4C) |
9 Men | Dont Shoot the Panda | |
196 | Source TV | Season 11 | Week 3 (Division 4C) |
9 Men | Dont Shoot the Panda |
Team Name History
Date | Old Name | New Name |
Team Dodgydogman | Dont Shoot The Pandas | |
Dont Shoot the Panda | Team Dodgydogman | |
Panda Society | Dont Shoot the Panda |