ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 

A new way to support ETF2L and Nations Cup #8: Captain Applications Update

Date May 3, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

A new way to support ETF2L!

We’re happy to announce that an ETF2L Ko-Fi has been created. For those not familiar with Ko-Fi it is a donation platform much like Patreon. Ko-Fi allows us to easily accept donations without the donators having to commit to a monthly donation. Donations will be used to cover the costs of keeping the website running and to spice up the prize pools. You have a button just below but also a permanent button on the top right along with our Discord and Twitter links!

If you plan on donating and want to donate to the prize pool of specific game mode please note that in the donation comment.

For donations of 10€ or more please include your discord tag as well if you want a nice Donator role on our Discord! We are still looking into the option for a Donator role on site, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

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Season 38: Playoffs & Tiebreaker Scores

Date May 2, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Welcome everyone to the conclusion of the 38th Season of ETF2L 6v6.

We hope you enjoyed the matches, and for the teams that made it through, congratulations.

If you find yourself on the list of these teams you are expected to be available. If you fail to provide information, or it is insufficient, we will have to decide your match dates for you. Keep in mind that we will try and accommodate both teams, but the match date may still vary from your provided days if for example none of the days matches with your opponent’s, but your opponent offered more days than you did. Deadlines listed for the matches are flexible and may be changed in certain situations if admins are contacted about allowing extensions on these.

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Announcing 6v6 Nations Cup #8

Date April 26, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

It has been long waited but it is time for the best players of each country to group up together and prove that their country is the best!

The Cup will feature a Group Stage and a single-elimination Tournament, and will take place throughout May and June. Each country will be represented by one team consisting out of players of the same nationality, led by a Captain chosen through the applications process.


  • Captains Applications: 26th April – 9th May
  • Announce Captains & Groups: 10th May
  • Group Stage Round 1: 16th May – 22nd May
  • Group Stage Round 2: 23rd May – 29th May
  • Group Stage Round 3: 30th May –  5th June
  • Tiebreakers: 6th June – 12th June
  • Round of 16: 13th June – 16th June
  • Quarter Finals: 17th June – 22nd June
  • Semi Finals: 23rd June – 27th June
  • Grand Finals and Bronze Match: 28th June – 1st July

IMPORTANT! We do encourage teams to make use of their roster of up to 13 players. Mercs will not be allowed! (Although we may be more lenient regarding the verification time.)

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Announcing Highlander Season 24, Preseason Cup and Rules change

Date April 26, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Announcing Highlander Season 24 and Preseason Cup!

All the information regarding the coming Season can either be found in this newspost, or will be released shortly!

The tier systems that we use will be fully dependent on the final signup numbers.

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Provisional Schedule Mid 2021

Date April 20, 2021


This is a provisional schedule therefore dates are subject to change.

This is the schedule for the next 5 months of ETF2L seasonal competitions. We intend to catch up on the missing 6v6 Nations Cup from last year without delaying the Highlander Nations Cup. Therefore we will host both Nations Cup at the same time as the opposite Game-mode.

Note: Signups for the Highlander Season 24 and the 6v6 Nations Cup #8 are happening simultaneously. The 6v6 Season 39 and the Highlander Nations Cup #7 overlap starting the week of July 11th.

Highlander Season 24

Signups: 26th April – 14th May
Main Season: 16th May – 20th June
Playoffs: 20th June – 4th July

6v6 Nations Cup #8

Signups: 26th April – 14th May
Main Season: 16th May – 5th June
Playoffs: 6th June – 27th June

6v6 Season 39

Signups: 7th June – 25th June
Main Season: 27th June – 15th August
Playoffs: 15th August – 29th August

Highlander Nations Cup #7

Signups: 21st June – 9th July
Main Season: 11th July – 31st July
Playoffs: 1st August – 22nd August


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