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Finland muuttolintu

Registered: | Last online:

SteamID76561198065926801 Add Friend
Classes PlayedSoldier
Links Steam | logs.tf | UGC | RGL | demos.tf

Registered Teams

This player is registered in the following teams:

Team History

Show only: 6v6 - Highlander - Highlander Fun Team - Highlander Open - Fresh Meat - National Highlander Team - LAN Team - 6v6 Fun Team - 1v1 - 2v2 - National 6v6 Team - 4v4

Action Team By Date
Joined Muutos 2011 [6v6] Tromato
Left Akun paskamixit™ [6v6] muuttolintu
Left Animal Mother [1v1] muuttolintu
Joined Akun paskamixit™ [6v6] iippa
Left Sluge Nukem [6v6] muuttolintu
Joined Sluge Nukem [6v6] Luikuri
Left :Blinky: [6v6] muuttolintu
Left Feila eSports slim shady edition [Highlander] Hutchy
Joined HOMOTECH [6v6 Fun Team] muuttolintu
Joined Feila eSports slim shady edition [Highlander] Hutchy
Joined :Blinky: [6v6] Hutchy
Left Akun paskamixit™ [6v6] muuttolintu
Joined Akun paskamixit™ [6v6] water123
Left dog [6v6] muuttolintu
Left Skull and Bones [Highlander] TK_
Joined Animal Mother [1v1] muuttolintu
Joined dog [6v6] Danto
Left Akun paskamixit™ [6v6] muuttolintu
Joined Akun paskamixit™ [6v6] iippa
Left Laihia [6v6] muuttolintu
Joined Skull and Bones [Highlander] Buud
Joined Laihia [6v6] Tromato
Left Labra [Highlander] ETF2L Staff
Left Garda Panteri [6v6] ETF2L Staff
Joined Garda Panteri [6v6] milkyeu
Left Garda Panteri [6v6] milkyeu
Joined Garda Panteri [6v6] Manky
Left Ice Hotel [6v6] Manky
Joined Labra [Highlander] eLs
Joined Ice Hotel [6v6] ult1mate
Left Ice Hotel [6v6] muuttolintu
Joined Ice Hotel [6v6] ult1mate
Left Autistic Airshot Artisans [6v6] muuttolintu
Joined Autistic Airshot Artisans [6v6] kabuto
Left Poland [6v6] mlodzier
Joined Poland [6v6] mlodzier
Left FaZe Clan [6v6] muuttolintu
Joined FaZe Clan [6v6] Sheezer
Left EU Gimmicks [6v6] muuttolintu
Joined EU Gimmicks [6v6] Rhike

Matches Played

This player played in 44 matches:
DateRoundTeam 1Team 2Result
Highlander Season 26 Preseason Cup: Prem/High Playoffs [Archives]
Grand Final Feila eSports slim shady edition Gacky Googmans GABAGOOL 3 - 6
Highlander Season 26 Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (Prem/High A) Gacky Googmans GABAGOOL Feila eSports slim shady edition 0 - 3
Round 2 (Prem/High A) ANGLO 2025 Feila eSports slim shady edition 0 - 3
Round 1 (Prem/High A) Feila eSports slim shady edition Fishermen With Passion 3 - 0
Season 38: Preseason Cup: Mid/High Playoffs [Archives]
Quarter Finals SMORT dog 3 - 0
Season 38: Preseason Cup [Archives]
Round 3 (High/Mid A) Gainsbury's SMORT 2 - 1
Round 3 (High/Mid B) cup team dog 3 - 0
Round 2 (High/Mid B) DIGIMON VAUVAT dog 3 - 0
Round 1 (High/Mid B) gun theory dog 3 - 0
Season 38 [Archives]
Week 7 (Mid) The Compound dog 5 - 1
Week 6 (Mid) Experience dog 6 - 0
Week 5 (Mid) Converse Weapon dog 0 - 6
Week 4 (Mid) german study group dog 2 - 4
Week 3 (Mid) dog ALFASAURUS 0 - 6
Week 2 (Mid) dog Corentin Masse Dahak 6 - 0
Week 1 (Mid) dog We bring the BOOM! 4 - 2
Season 37 [Archives]
Week 6 (Mid) Akun paskamixit™ ESA invite 1 - 5
Week 5 (Mid) Akun paskamixit™ froggers 3 - 3
Week 4 (Mid) Akun paskamixit™ gondola squad 0 - 6
Week 3 (Mid) Akun paskamixit™ Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs 5 - 1
Week 2 (Mid) Akun paskamixit™ Oswiecim Gaming ODPALENI 0 - 6
Week 1 (Mid) Akun paskamixit™ Almanische Front 1 - 5
Highlander Season 22 [Archives]
Week 3 (Division 2B) Cult Of Ivan Skull and Bones 6 - 0
Week 2 (Division 2B) Oprah Winfrey Network BLACK Skull and Bones 0 - 6
Week 1 (Division 2B) Complete Guesswork Skull and Bones 4 - 2
Season 36 [Archives]
Week 3 (Low) Laihia ᴡʜᴏ sᴀɪᴅ ǫᴜᴀᴄᴋ? 3 - 3
Season 32 [Archives]
Week 1 (Mid) Jagermeister Fanclub Garda Panteri 0 - 6
Season 32 Preseason Map Cup [Archives]
Round 2 (Mid D) Nutty Dinopark Tahranpoistoaine 0 - 3
Highlander Season 16: Top Tiers [Archives]
Week 3 (Low B) Complete Guesswork Labra 0 - 6
Season 30 powered by STN-Trading and scrap.tf!: Main Tiers [Archives]
Week 4 (Mid) Ice Hotel ucraine хуле 0 - 6
Week 3 (Mid) not dead doggo Bioneer 6 - 0
Week 3 (Mid) chumtoad.net #FreePalestine Ice Hotel 3 - 3
Week 1 (Mid) help ive fallen and cant get out of open Ice Hotel 3 - 3
Season 29: Main Tiers [Archives]
Week 7 (Mid) Odin progib i ty pogib Autistic Airshot Artisans 6 - 0
Week 6 (Mid) Autistic Airshot Artisans IRN in Blood, BRU in my Belly 1 - 5
Week 5 (Mid) Autistic Airshot Artisans BtW we're mid 3 - 3
Week 4 (Mid) Autistic Airshot Artisans BaywatchBois 0 - 6
Week 3 (Mid) Autistic Airshot Artisans eZ eSports 0 - 6
Week 2 (Mid) Autistic Airshot Artisans The Shaggers Club 2 - 4
Week 1 (Mid) Ten Minutes Game Autistic Airshot Artisans 0 - 6
The Fresh Meat Challenge sponsored by Scrap.tf and MarketPlace.tf: Playoffs [Archives]
Round 1 EU Gimmicks Stephen Hawking's School of Dance 0 - 6
One Night Cup: Episode 1 The Maps [Archives]
Round 1 (Open D) Ken Fanclub EU Gimmicks 0 - 3
Round 2 (Open D) EU Gimmicks penguins.tf 0 - 3
The Fresh Meat Challenge sponsored by Scrap.tf and MarketPlace.tf [Archives]
Week 2 (Blue Group) FPP Squads EU Gimmicks 0 - 6

Forum Activity

This user has not posted anything yet.