Mirelin, Over The Rainbow.
Created 3rd May 2015 @ 05:54
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Quoted from iridescentFUZZ
First numlocked, now mirelin. What is this world coming to?
The next generation!
RIP Legend, I will channel the passion for you.
Knoxx style , I called it
See ya and good luck for the future, Mirelin!
Even if I’m not in the comp-scene since a very long time you were still a great inspiration for me! I will miss your passion in s21! c:
It was an absolute delight to have met and played with you, you will be missed.
Last edited by kermit,
you cant completely disappear until you’ve let me feel up your muscles @lan ;____;
a promise is a promise, and your word is your word
When I use
-windowed -w 1920 -h 800 -console -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd
as my launch options, I get something like that:
How can I tweak it to fit my whole screen ?
Quoted from Nevo
When I use
-windowed -w 1920 -h 800 -console -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd
as my launch options, I get something like that:
How can I tweak it to fit my whole screen ?
You are using a stretched resolution in windowed mode, its always gonna look like that, You can use -fullscreen I think and get a stretched window with black bars instead of seeing your desktop.
If I use -fullscreen with whatever values I always end up with a 1920×1080 resolution
mirelin it was amazing to play with you for two really succesful seasons <3
Quoted from smziii
mirelin it was amazing to play with you for two really succesful seasons <3
can confirm, will miss ur ubercharges <3
Quoted from Nevo
When I use
-windowed -w 1920 -h 800 -console -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd
as my launch options, I get something like that:
How can I tweak it to fit my whole screen ?
That’s how it is supposed to be. I would suggest you to use -noborder in your launch options to get rid of the borders on top and bottom of the gaming screen.
Also, make sure to disable windows aero.
I am not sure if you can tweak it to fit your whole screen, but you can put black desktop background, and move your icons from top and bottom more to the center :> .
You can also use top and bottom for useful tips. For example, at i52 I had tips like “Except spy”, “Don’t drop uber” , etc. :D
Thanks for the inspiration.
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