Help with basic frag movie making.
Created 22nd June 2010 @ 13:29
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Will accept tonight when I get home.
kk np
erm, I can’t find the patches or even the which one is the Mac, so even if I could find them I wouldn’t knwo where to stop.
Quoted from tesco
afaik, the latest patch is and the if from 27th may
Correct. is the latest pre-macupdate patch. takes you to the current version.
Well that is a start, I am continue looking for a complete list, if anyone has it, would love a link, but I am aware that you have lives, unlike me, so I am sure I will eventually find them.
Thanks for info btw.
Quoted from CrashSite
Well that is a start, I am continue looking for a complete list, if anyone has it, would love a link, but I am aware that you have lives, unlike me, so I am sure I will eventually find them.
Thanks for info btw.
As Chris pointed out earlier, links can’t be posted here. I do have a list though.
kk, later then, that would be great, promise to give credit to etf2l forumes and mention names when i present it at school :)
This sounds long and complicated but what I do is use virtualdub take out avi, then use after effects and add things then render it as QuickTime movie then add more stuff in Vegas. After render the footage out of Vegas, I use megui to finalize it. My files are usually 50~60mb per minute at most, but I use 240fps to record in pldx.
CrashSite, its not about having a life or not, its that, regardless of the fact that you legally own the game and your reasons for getting the non-steam version are totally innocent, its still illegal and we don’t want to get ETF2L in any bother. :P
Sorry, my tone made it sound worse than I meant; thanks to Spike for sending me roll back link. I got AE adn SVP, so hopefully I can start making it soon, if people want to track my tragic process I can post links to what I am doing, as this is my first time doing anyone editing and effects combined wiht my obessive personality it should be funny to watch me snap.
After a lot of faling and a lot of help from Spike I finally have my old demos back thanks to an old version of TF2. What I can’t seem to work out is how to get the pldx config (not the recording tool) to work in this old version of TF2.
This is te config if anyoen wants to look at it:
I am putting it in my autoexec, if this is wrong it is simple fix, if not can anyone help?
Just thought: most of the config I don’t care about, I just want the improved graphics and removal of everything apart from standard crosshairs and kill notices. If anyone knows what to do that wouldd be great.
Quoted from CrashSite
Just thought: most of the config I don’t care about, I just want the improved graphics and removal of everything apart from standard crosshairs and kill notices. If anyone knows what to do that wouldd be great.
well if you don’t want the rest of the config just do:
1.) get my maxquality cfg @ (fuck yeah shameless self-promotion)
2.) add the following line to the end:
crosshair 0
3.) download the PLDX HUD
4.) ??????
5.) profit
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