
Usage of the 'Scottish Resistance'

Created 18th December 2009 @ 08:08

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Sonny Black


It would be usefull if it would work like the normal stickylauncher and only if u want it u can look at a bunch of stickies to explode them seperately. So when u arent looking at specific stickies, it explodes all current placed stickies. And if u are looking at a specific bunch of stickies it explodes them, leaving the others unexploded.
It would allow u to jump normally (althought the 0.4 second until u can detonate them remains) and you can use it in normal combat without having to look at each sticky before u can detonate it.



It would be usefull if it would work like the normal stickylauncher and only if u want it u can look at a bunch of stickies to explode them seperately. So when u arent looking at specific stickies, it explodes all current placed stickies. And if u are looking at a specific bunch of stickies it explodes them, leaving the others unexploded.
It would allow u to jump normally (althought the 0.4 second until u can detonate them remains) and you can use it in normal combat without having to look at each sticky before u can detonate it.

smart man is smart



Quick double tap on mouse to explode all, single tap for a single trap. Double click should be faster than one could normally aim at different traps to blow them separately.

I actually think having to look at a sticky to detonate it is a good thing and part of what makes the SR a decent trade-off and not an upgrade. Without having to look at a sticky to detonate it essentialy you have a sticky launcher that can lay 6 more stickys at a time but not quite being able to detonate so quickly. Its not a blatant upgrade as you can’t go so agressive but it’s still giving the weapon more than it needs.

I feel the SR is a very special new weapon. Its not like the direct hit where you can pick it up and start to whoop ass straight away, its like when you held the sticky launcher for the first time. You really need to get use to it and learn how to play with it. If you actually put your head into it you can come up with some intresting tactics and ways to use it. Including how to jump with it.

Not all demomen were reaching the middle points as fast as they do now a while back, that’s because not everybody knew how and people were still thinking of the fastest routes. Give some time and the same will happen with the SR.

Last edited by Gozzer,


ppl want it to be just like the normal sticky-launcher,
only with 16 stickies, the ability to blow up enemy stickies and when apropriat to detonate only some stickies and not all.
that looks balanced to me.



ppl want it to be just like the normal sticky-launcher,
only with 16 stickies, the ability to blow up enemy stickies and when apropriat to detonate only some stickies and not all.
that looks balanced to me.

No, people are trying to explore ways in wich this would be a useful weapon, which in itself is a bit of a fail as indeed as any sticky based sidegrade would always be either op or worse then the old launcher. They shouldve thought out a different payload then the sticky bomb instead of seeking depth in the detonatoin system.

ban tbh if noone uses the failcannon maybe valve will at least rethink and maybe even update it (tho that might look a bit like how they tried fixing natasha)


ppl want it to be just like the normal sticky-launcher,
only with 16 stickies, the ability to blow up enemy stickies and when apropriat to detonate only some stickies and not all.
that looks balanced to me.

No, people are trying to explore ways in wich this would be a useful weapon, which in itself is a bit of a fail as indeed as any sticky based sidegrade would always be either op or worse then the old launcher. They shouldve thought out a different payload then the sticky bomb instead of seeking depth in the detonatoin system.

ban tbh if noone uses the failcannon maybe valve will at least rethink and maybe even update it (tho that might look a bit like how they tried fixing natasha)

increase stickies loaded to 10 or 12, increase reload speed, keep the rest, maybe fix the crosshair2stickie relation a bit, that is all imo



it’d be nice if stickies had a kind of outline like in l4d when they were in the det cone through walls


Not one of you “ex” demo or demomen have said the correct thing about what is missing from the SR.

The key thing to a demoman (with his default sticky launcher) is not having to “aim” and look at stickies to “det” your stickies… yet with the Scottish Resistance you have to look and not just look roughly but “properly” at specific stickies to det them, the whole point behind demo is to put ninja stickies when your not focussing on them properly and so on otherwise it becomes too obvious for enemies….

A demoman should NOT have to aim precisely with a sticky launcher yet it’s being treated like a soldier/scout with that gun…

This is what is lacking in the SR, the fact that you have to properly aim to det your stickies i.e. you can’t take on a scout then even though your looking infront of your stickies because your crosshair is not near it you can’t det them?

That to me is wrong, i think they’ve missed the point or integrity of what a demoman is and seems to me so have 95% of all of you demoman or ex-demomen which doesn’t suprise me. -.-



Last edited by byte,

it’d be nice if stickies had a kind of outline like in l4d when they were in the det cone through walls

Just what this bloated POS game needs, more graphical effects.

Updated the Scottish Resistance to detonate bombs near the player’s feet (in addition to what it normally detonates). This enables sticky jumping with this weapon

So sticky jumping is no longer much of an issue, although you will still be a tiny bit faster with the normal sticky launcher due to the detonation times.

Byte I can see what you are trying to say about having to actually aim to get kills, however I don’t really see the problem with it. The core gameplay to the demoman stays the same, you can still catch people out with ‘ninja’ traps but you just have to go about it in a completely new and different way.


Not quite Gozzer , they might have improved the sticky jumping , but it’s still a problem.
See , it still can’t be used to get quickly to middle (atleast not on badlands) , because the range in which it detects that you’re close to the sticky is ridiculously small. So basically you can only jump straight up , if you jump infront of it in an angle it wont detonate.

Last edited by n00ne,


In today’s update:

Updated the Scottish Resistance to detonate bombs near the player’s feet (in addition to what it normally detonates). This enables sticky jumping with this weapon

Last edited by ups,





doesnt rly work for me with my playstyle…or what their of :D

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