

Created 24th November 2009 @ 22:31

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Couldn’t agree more, I can understand it if you just got steamrolled, but if that’s the case, just explain you’re not up for another one :/

I cba with granalands ALL THE TIME, it gets boring, good maps as they may be, overplayed ridiculously



It’s just common courtesy to play their map if they have played your map. If either of you need to play an unusual map in preparation for an upcoming match arrange both maps before the match.



Common sense: Both teams pick a map. You play w/e your opponent wants to play.
Common courtesy: You dont have a match in 1h, your opponent does. You play 2 maps of his choosing.

Be nice.



Dignitas courtesy: Quit after 20 mins because bybben wasn’t playing and agron suddenly cba after going a couple of rounds down, not bothering to play the next map despite us having an official straight after.

Sup aggerz :D

Last edited by dunc,

Team Dunc courtesy: Ragequit previous match when another scheduled match should be starting.

Sup Duncan.

Last edited by Sturmis,



To be fair m8 I was playing with Fragga.

’nuff said :D



one way to change this attitude falls upon etf2l or any other league.. since they are able to change this by adding few or more official or custom/comp maps (yes there are many) .. resulting in pcws/cws being more fun and no more tf2 is dead topics ^^



I’m with you all the way up till gullywash, which i think should never be played under any circumstances

And don’t forget, if you’re playing a new team, or a team which has changed lots of players recently, they’re probably a) highly unwilling to spend time on a new map which will just demoralise them and do nothing whatsoever for their teamwork and b) probably not much of a challenge for you to play on that map anyway.

And on top of that, if there’s people playing who aren’t very experienced with some random map you want to play, then that’ll increase both a) and b)

The reason granlands gets played so much is because they’re default and they’re staple maps. They’re always being played in pickups, publics, etc. etc. So they’re ever more likely to be the maps that newcomers know. Not only that, but they’re the maps that people know “standard” tactics for. So if you’re a new team, you can slap together a strat for those 2 maps easily enough. Yukon not so much.

See? there’s always more than 1 side to a story. Bottom line – choose your opponents better. I’ve never known an established team flat out refuse to play a map…. maybe if they had several mercs.



fixed maps could have solved a lot of these problems



Also makes me sad clans just leave after 1 map, whether it be because of the next map, a loss, or a player leaving. Kinda forces us to always play our map first (unless we agreed to play 2 maps the opponent wants, we have np with that.)


I occasionally refuse to play against faggots and retards who keep glitching rates



Well true Vlad, but thing is, IDK are playing div4 teams atm, and I would hardly consider any division 4 players to be “newcomers”. ;)

The bottom line is, TF2 is not a simple game, don’t treat it as such. You can’t just “slap together tactics” for ANY map in 5mins. Only reason that seems to be the case for bad/gran is because everyone knows the map like the back of their hand so the tactics for it – for anyone who isn’t completely new to 6v6 – are about as natural as breathing or walking.

All the other maps however, require tactics and/or gamesense because theres no Nostradamus-style prediction of where the scouts are going to come from, its played by feel, not pre-written tactics taken as the word of god that are never deviated from.


Learn the game, not the maps. ;)

Last edited by Skyride,



Skyride even I’m starting to notice that you post on here far too much



Skyride even I’m starting to notice that you post on here far too much


whats the difference, your sat in front of a PC…

edit: also, wish I hadn’t exited the convo where Dougie linked me this thread right after he posted. :P

Last edited by Skyride,

Memento Mori

I’m with you all the way up till gullywash, which i think should never be played under any circumstances

And don’t forget, if you’re playing a new team, or a team which has changed lots of players recently, they’re probably a) highly unwilling to spend time on a new map which will just demoralise them and do nothing whatsoever for their teamwork and b) probably not much of a challenge for you to play on that map anyway.

And on top of that, if there’s people playing who aren’t very experienced with some random map you want to play, then that’ll increase both a) and b)

The reason granlands gets played so much is because they’re default and they’re staple maps. They’re always being played in pickups, publics, etc. etc. So they’re ever more likely to be the maps that newcomers know. Not only that, but they’re the maps that people know “standard” tactics for. So if you’re a new team, you can slap together a strat for those 2 maps easily enough. Yukon not so much.

See? there’s always more than 1 side to a story. Bottom line – choose your opponents better. I’ve never known an established team flat out refuse to play a map…. maybe if they had several mercs.


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