
Map Pool Suggestion

Created 16th August 2009 @ 16:45

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Actually, I mixed in the beggining of the week and we chose gullywash to be our map (2nd map in total). The other team REFUSED to play it and kicked us out their server. I know they cant refuse league games, but they make, what, 10% of all games played? So it barely makes a difference.

What? when i say different map… i mean an actualy valve map. Im sure theyre allowed to refuse to play a custom map.



Actually, I mixed in the beggining of the week and we chose gullywash to be our map (2nd map in total). The other team REFUSED to play it and kicked us out their server. I know they cant refuse league games, but they make, what, 10% of all games played? So it barely makes a difference.

What? when i say different map… i mean an actualy valve map. Im sure theyre allowed to refuse to play a custom map.

It’s retarded to choose only from valve maps because gullywash, follower and yukon are perfectly playable in 6v6.



Actually, I mixed in the beggining of the week and we chose gullywash to be our map (2nd map in total). The other team REFUSED to play it and kicked us out their server. I know they cant refuse league games, but they make, what, 10% of all games played? So it barely makes a difference.

What? when i say different map… i mean an actualy valve map. Im sure theyre allowed to refuse to play a custom map.

It’s retarded to choose only from valve maps because gullywash, follower and yukon are perfectly playable in 6v6.

not really :/

I would refuse to play one of those custom maps too

(maybe I would play gullywash fucking arnold )



I noticed that everyone who are against have only one argument: “they are the best maps”. And tbh, I agree! But playing only those two maps is not only conservative, it’s also RETARDED and is stoping any progression (imo). Soon we WILL become a CS:S community :(

play custom maps on public gogo.

EDIT:but i do like gullywash


Pipeline to 1st mappool gogogog


play custom maps on public gogo.

WTF do pubs have to do with custom maps? If I wanted to play pubs I’d do so. I want to play competitive style TF2 with anything more than grainlands.

@ David
Other valve map? Like what? The only viable one is fastlane… Which, I think most will agree, is quite sub par compared to some custom maps.


<@ David
Other valve map? Like what? The only viable one is fastlane… Which, I think most will agree, is quite sub par compared to some custom maps.

OK NOW I GET WHAT YOUR SAYING… so lets delete granary + badlands and constantly play fastlane… gogocontradictionman


<@ David
Other valve map? Like what? The only viable one is fastlane… Which, I think most will agree, is quite sub par compared to some custom maps.

OK NOW I GET WHAT YOUR SAYING… so lets delete granary + badlands and constantly play fastlane… gogocontradictionman

why not? i think all 5cp maps are great for 6v6, even fastlane



Yukon seriously sucks some balls. Follower and gully are decent enough.

But yea are you serious? Get rid of the only two maps people like and force them to play a set currently riddled in controversy? Well yea I guess, it sounds like a great fix to the problem of there being 50 or something surplus teams signing up each season. GJ.



People have so different opinions of maps it’s silly. I love Yukon and Gullywash but can’t stand Follower, and I know a lot of people disagree.

Removing the two most popular maps from the primary map pool because you are tired of them isn’t a good idea.


…because you are tired of them…

Yes it apears to be so. I just thought that more people are tired of those two maps, but apearantly not. Well, I guess it’s time for this thread to die?..

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