

Created 14th June 2009 @ 21:36

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You cant adjust to a fan scout.

Unless you are using it piece, they just ignore you <3



You cant adjust to a fan scout.

So your team is forced to run at least 1 fan scout yourself.

Somehow I see a contradiction here…


RaWr ::

You cant adjust to a fan scout.

So your team is forced to run at least 1 fan scout yourself.

Somehow I see a contradiction here…

Haha well said.. Seriously if you can’t adjust to the opposition using a FAN you need to seriously think about folding.



I think most people will agree that the stun/knockback effect is broken/overpowered.

So the only question is whether or not we should ban it.
Personally im not really fond of banning weapons since you would end up with things like 6v6 cl2 ml1 dl1 sl0 fl1. However the weapon does take fun away for a lot of people/classes including scouts who are not using it.

Also, arguments like “dont let a scout get behind you” are pretty worthless and irrelevant. If the scattergun would instakill people from behind from any range it would still be fine because you should not let a scout get behind you and you should adapt to it?



Also, arguments like “dont let a scout get behind you” are pretty worthless and irrelevant. If the scattergun would instakill people from behind from any range it would still be fine because you should not let a scout get behind you and you should adapt to it?

You are confused between the scout being technically behind the medic (medic’s back is facing to the scout) and the scout being right behind his back where he can get two meatshots that will kill the full health medic. We were talking about the latter. It’s much harder to get on medic’s skin and hit meatshots than just hang around at the back. Especially when you really can’t jump around with a FAN.


joske will you quit flaming?
Or do you want to say im incapable of playing high lvl because i cant adjust?
Or what is your intention?

And compton, pls explain to me how someone should adjust to a fan scout.
What should he do, what should he change? will be interesting to read your thoughts.

Poll on resupply says 54% of 142 votes want the FaN banned :o interesting


well usually the ones who want to change something do vote. the rest just don’t care about the ban or let alone the discussion.



well usually the ones who want to change something do vote. the rest just don’t care about the ban or let alone the discussion.

this basically. also a votecount of 140+ and a public poll doesn’t say much tbh.

and i have still not seen a scout dominate a top level game because he was using the FaN
or a top team lose hard because one of the opposing team’s scouts was using the FaN.

that says it all.


err as I see this is an IP vote it means nothing at all. I could easily change the result into the opposite in a few seconds if I’d just like to “change” something.

lets force etf2l to get a vote up then O.o


joske will you quit flaming?
Or do you want to say im incapable of playing high lvl because i cant adjust?
Or what is your intention?

That is exactly whats hes telling you



pls explain to me how someone should adjust to a fan scout.
What should he do, what should he change? will be interesting to read your thoughts.

As I’ve said, TF2 shouldn’t be oversimplified, because the game is just too complex to trivialize into a simple rock/paper/scissors fight.

Do you have any specific cases in mind? Anyway, here goes some general, vague points:

One effective strategy is obviously mirroring, which you already mentioned. Get a FAN scout to your own team, it evens out.

With scattergun scouts it’s basically keeping track of the FAN scouts loading times and probing them to shoot their clip before getting a meatshot. And of course trying to lead the fights into open areas, where scattergun rules.

FAN scouts are quite weak against soldiers if they can’t sneak up to them. For example an often used dodge tactic with a scattergun scout when taking down a medic has been spamming jumps, and then second jumping if a rocket is coming to the scouts feet. With FAN it isn’t an useful tactic because when shooting in the air, they get the same air knock to themselves, which makes them go further away from their target and an easy target for any kind of spam.

I’d like to think that Valve will buff Soldier with its class update. Who knows, maybe if affects scout battles too.



Leave the Force-a-Nature as it is. People should be used to that weapon by now, and that it isn’t that much of a problem. As Arnold has said, there have been no games that have been ultimately down to the fact that someone has used a FaN.

The Force-a-Nature adds more diversity and forces a team to act upon the opposing strategies, people need to start realising the fact that the FaN isn’t over powered nor is it as broken as people seem to believe. The knockback/stun part just needs to be limited by a distance.

Even if it is the most annoying thing in TF2, suck it up or we’ll see no update weapons in competetive tf2; which realistically do bring diversity to this game – sandman just needs to be removed.


Have anyone yet met a team who is so much better because they have a scout that uses a fan?

Fuck if a scout using the scattergun hits all his shots i’m dead in 2-3shots also….
And you have to be pretty close to take a medic,scout down in two shots with the fan.

The Fan is a “smarter” weapon i think, you can’t just jump down on a medic and two shot him, then you would have to land on the ground before…

With scatter you just jump around like crazy and just hit MB1….

But sure ban me, I can go into world domination mode and players just drop dead….like…instantly…

see this :

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