
Soldier's Rocketjump post Classless patch.

Created 15th August 2009 @ 11:54

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Tapley ❤


Faster rockets!?!


Faster rockets!?!

:D why?



faster rockets = less prediction = more aim, making the game easier.



bring back the self damage we used to have, i had no problems with it. plus faster rockets, QUAKE STYLE!
for unlock id say a scud missile launcher thx


Hehe tbh i kinda like the rocket speed, its slow but it fits with the game. Maybe a rl that does less damage and fires faster rockets? rather than one thats lighter?

If you had to replace the shotgun for soldier what would you make it?



Any changes to the soldier need to be geared towards his upcoming role as off-medic or roamer, not towards making him just “stronger” for example recoup time is the biggest problem I find, I can usually kill a couple without a medic, but then simply not have the time to recoup (i.e,. reload) so I just die helpless to do anything about it

It’s an unnecessary skill cap

Here is an example:


Any changes to the soldier need to be geared towards his upcoming role as off-medic or roamer, not towards making him just “stronger” for example recoup time is the biggest problem I find, I can usually kill a couple without a medic, but then simply not have the time to recoup (i.e,. reload) so I just die helpless to do anything about it

It’s an unnecessary skill cap

Why not a rl with:
+less self damage
+faster movement speed
-smaller spash area
-less damage (but a lil later fall off so more encouragement to fight mid-close range fights, but with alot of long range fall off)

This would encourage roaming soldiers to get deeper into a fight, but then again something like the FaN was to the Scattergun would be nice… Well… a balanced version from stage 1 would be alot nicer :D

No idea about a shotgun replacement, melee weapon would HAVE to be something to do with mid airing, lets say a spade that if you hit someone mid air with it its an instant kill 100 damage?

That’d be pretty cool, no idea about shotgun… Also I’d really like to see a reward system for mid airs, be it an extra point or be it more damage (maybe +5% or +10% for each mid air rocket?) So lets say you hit them for 100 damage mid air it would actually hit for 105/110 or if you hit for 20 it would hit for 21/22.

Would be pretty cool and would encourage people to go for them more :)



Any changes to the soldier need to be geared towards his upcoming role as off-medic or roamer, not towards making him just “stronger” for example recoup time is the biggest problem I find, I can usually kill a couple without a medic, but then simply not have the time to recoup (i.e,. reload) so I just die helpless to do anything about it

It’s an unnecessary skill cap

Why not a rl with:
+less self damage
+faster movement speed
-smaller spash area
-less damage (but a lil later fall off so more encouragement to fight mid-close range fights, but with alot of long range fall off)

This would encourage roaming soldiers to get deeper into a fight, but then again something like the FaN was to the Scattergun would be nice… Well… a balanced version from stage 1 would be alot nicer :D

No idea about a shotgun replacement, melee weapon would HAVE to be something to do with mid airing, lets say a spade that if you hit someone mid air with it its an instant kill 100 damage?

That’d be pretty cool, no idea about shotgun… Also I’d really like to see a reward system for mid airs, be it an extra point or be it more damage (maybe +5% or +10% for each mid air rocket?) So lets say you hit them for 100 damage mid air it would actually hit for 105/110 or if you hit for 20 it would hit for 21/22.

Would be pretty cool and would encourage people to go for them more :)

smaller splash damage…that way the solly will become useless. altho im in for +movement speed
just dont change the class so its more useless, unlocks will see the future for this class



Tbh, I’ve always thought messing with the rocketspeed is a really bad idea. Not ’cause it’d be nice for the soldier, but ’cause the game is geared towards spam, and the movementspeed of other classes is designed with projectile speed in mind. IIRC rockets travel at 600v, maybe more, and scouts have a speed of 400v, this effectively means that the scout can’t dodge rockets at certain ranges, and I’m sure a lotta soldiers realize that a lot of their misses are just ’cause the scout tricked them instead of actually dodging, and it’s more or less a game of chance. If the speed were to be increased additionally, then that would become even less efficient and dodging/tricking would be far more difficult.

Anyways, I’ve always thought the new RL should be something like:

-15% damage
Less fall-off
+10% firing rate
+10% reload time
+25 hp
Damage shield.

Where the damage shield would be a concept where, well, it would absorb 50 hp of self-damage, and appear like a Spy’s cloak bar. Everytime the Soldier takes damage from his own weapon, it will be drained from the Shield pool first, and any damage above what the pool can absorb is drained from HP. If the soldier takes damage from an enemy, shield regen will stop for 2 seconds before continuing, and it’d take like 8 seconds to fill it up. Alternatively increase it to 60 so you can get roughly 2 rocketjumps out of it without paying a lotta hp for it.


redeemer like in ut <3 for shotty, like the piss reloading all 20 sec?! =) =)


Tbh i disagree, would encourage people to aim differently but i dont think it would make soldier useless, would just make you play more aggressively and closer to the enemy. But youd have the ability to get out faster, maybe also add reduced rocket jumping damage to it?

Tbh i think they will add something like “rocket boots” with less rocket jumping distance / speed but alot less damage? Doubt id use it unless the damage reduction was less than 2 rjs for 1 normal rj.



Smaller splash damage would need to me rewarded by faster rockets and bigger damage at range, it would raise the skill bar though and I’d chose it without doubt. Lightning gun is the obvious choice for the shotgun replacement, just needs to be balance with how much damage it can do.

But to be honest I don’t see the soldier ever regaining what it had just prior to TF2’s release, I only see it becoming more of a lame “uber building” class, especially once the heavy returns as a mainstream class.



why are you so certain that the heavy will return as a mainstream class now, instead of previously?


why are you so certain that the heavy will return as a mainstream class now, instead of previously?

Betas adding some stuff to heavy, just played heavy on a few pickups on badlands and gullywash and it worked amazingly, as in other team trying to run a heavy then a sniper then a spy amazingly :DDD We still won 4-0 on gully ^^ seriously though heavy is amazing at the moment imagine what it could be like with the fine tuning for competitive play provided by the beta team. :)

Personally I’d like to see a RL replacement that has:

– Lower splash damage
– Lower knockback
+ Faster rockets
+ Increased damage on directs
(rocket jumps would still function identically to normal)

Which would hopefully make it less spammy and more about aim when you move into medium range.

I’d like to couple this with a shotgun replacement which would be “rocket boots” that would completely take away any self rocket jumping damage (while leaving fall damage and self damage when firing close at enemies – I’d be in favour of self damage being lowered overall too, but I think removing it entirely might make this a tad overpowered).

I think these unlocks used together would allow a much freer more mobile soldier with a higher skill ceiling and less spam which would be perfect for roaming. The originals I think would still see use by pockets as the higher splash/knockback and shotgun would still be useful keeping scouts away from your medic.

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