
i37 TF2 Tourny

Created 8th August 2009 @ 15:02

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I can’t wait to sleep with viqun again at i38 :>
(_(_)======D O:<


At the event i managed to get some time to talk to Neophyte in the staff area about the TF2 tournament, neophyte is the head tournament admin for the events.

He explained to me how he’s been doing loads to improve the various tournaments during the events to a much better standard, already having improved their css and cod4 tournaments. We talked a little bit about how the TF2 tournament will be progressing for i38 and he confirmed it will have at least £1000. There will be extra money as sponsors become available AND they will likely to a team tiering system for more cash.

However for i37 we had to make sure the tf2 finals had a good turnout as he wanted to use the video footage to make a push for sponsors. Me, nitro and a few others done a great job of that and the TF2 final was bigger than either css’s or cod4’s.

Neophyte is a class guy and i hope that everyone will continue to give multiplay their support in helping to develop TF2 as an i-series Esport

As a footnote multiplay are working on setting up their own online leagues and championships. During the Q&A wizzo made this loud and clear, im sure it was just a huge flame at UKESA in disguise lol but none the less expect TF2 to recieve support from multiplay across the board.

p.s. TF2 is dead! :P


I felt the need to contribute to this one, as I was the FragSoc team leader for i37, and although I had great fun and the end match was a delight to watch (the surprise proro by SAS was fab) there was far too much confusion about the start of the tournament.

Being the one who came up with the suggestion to fix the tournament I feel like I owe an explanation about what happened, because whilst many people are blaming everyone else the tournament start was screwed up by confusion and misunderstanding.

There were two key issues:
1) The randomisation of the teams into groups had placed several of the best teams in the same group, meaning that at the end of the elimination the best teams would not be present, making for an un-professional looking final and semi-final
2) The chap who organised the tournament in the first place was using double-elimination for the winners bracket, however with 6 groups there would be 6 teams going through, which is impossible to do with double elimination.

1) When faced with the choice of re-starting the whole tournament team leaders were given the choice of restarting with the best teams in different groups, or to carry on. Many lower-ranked clans voted against this because, if this were the case, it would appear to be a cynical ploy by the pro teams to ensure they all got in the limelight by pre-picking the winning team for each group. Regardless of the end result this would be a most unprofessional move by the pro teams, as it would fly in the face of proper competitive play. Equally I was swayed by the argument that the final would only focus on two teams, and they would have to give a good show to impress Wizzo, so I voted in favour of restarting the tournament.

2) This first problem was all besides the point. Even with the 6 best teams going through, the admins would still have to fiddle the results to include another 2 ‘runner up’ teams from the 6 groups in order to fill out the numbers in the elimination to 8.
This led to the chief admin (whose name I didn’t catch) deciding to ‘seed’ the teams by their performance in the group stages by the number of rounds won. The result was that when two high-skilled clans played in the group stages their matches were close and the difference between rounds were smaller than the difference between rounds elsewhere.
Am I right in saying this? I think that this is the reason that the cows did not go through to the winners bracket.

The only way it would have worked, short of deliberately sabotaging the groups to favour the best teams, would be to play another group stage where teams would be shuffled again to reduce the chance of the best teams coming up against each other again, and creating a scoring system for wins, losses and draws, that could be totalled from first & second group stages to create a top 8 of teams to go through to elimination.
The only other solution would have been to take the top 2 teams from each group and then play a triple elimination between 12 teams, which is uneccesarily complex and would have taken up more time.

Either way, apologies for sitting there and not being more direct with the admins. I ended up being in the background for most of the time I was there, and didn’t really follow the admin’s solution. They received a list of seedings from team leaders (I hope they went to X-man as I asked), put them down, and then I left. I guess they still didn’t know what to do once I had gone, since they appeared to have changed their minds later on.

At the end of the day, Wizzo was impressed enough to give TF2 cash at i38, and tapley will do an ace job at admining the tournament.

N/B: When explaining my method I accidentally said there were 3 teams a group, instead of 4. Doesn’t make much difference but I’m sure my crap maths confused people.
N/B2: Wordy post is wordy.


Don’t quote me on this, but I _believe_ the blackshirt admin involved in the reorganisation was Breath.. not sure what he implemented in the end, though

i38 – 1500 places
13 November 2009 till 16 November 2009
Newbury Racecourse – Grandstand




pretty much summed it up darkowl gj

i38 – 1500 places
13 November 2009 till 16 November 2009
Newbury Racecourse – Grandstand


What airport is near that :/

Tapley ❤


i38 – 1500 places
13 November 2009 till 16 November 2009
Newbury Racecourse – Grandstand


What airport is near that :/

Right by me Southampton! :-) but it may be cheaper to fly to gatwick.

i38 – 1500 places
13 November 2009 till 16 November 2009
Newbury Racecourse – Grandstand


What airport is near that :/

Right by me Southampton! :-) but it may be cheaper to fly to gatwick.

Cheers Dublin-Gatwick with Ryanair €10 euro return :D. Well more like €40 with random crap they add in afterwards.


Darkowl, i beleive the caps screwed SC over when teams quit on them after 10 minutes – could be wrong.



yay back to newbury =D

They’ve ninjad the location Doesn’t say newbury anymore “/



Makes sense it will be though, last years winter LAN, fun as it was, didn’t fit right for Stoneleigh, and I’m sure it costs them a lot more to run Stoneleigh than Newbury.

Looking forward to it, not been to one in Newbury since i10 – lets hope they give a whole section to TF2. :D

[MPUK] Breath

I’m looking through my notes from the tf2 tourny and a point was raised regarding the scoring used on Dustbowl. The concern was that basing scoring on caps/timelimit instead of rounds would be better as there’s a potential 6 points instead of 2.

The rules on this were:

cp_gravelpit, cp_dustbowl
These map’s are attack / defend. The way they will be played is :
Gravelpit = 2 Rounds and Dustbowl = 1 Round
cp_gravelpit has to be played with 2 rounds (possible results: 2:0, 1:1, 0:2); cp_dustbowl is played with 1 round (possible results: 1:0, 0:1)
At the end of the round on Gravelpit (1 attack + 1 defence phase counts as one round.) the teams swap round. (AB/BA)

What’s peoples thoughts on this method?


the problem is that the possible scores are a lot more limited than in other matches. Even if you multiply them up, it still makes the range a lot less nuanced (i.e. in dustbowl you either totally win or totally lose)

solution would be to avoid playing stopwatch maps in any situation where cap difference is going to matter… (i.e. not in group stages, or change to a 3 for win / 1 for draw / 0 for lose system for all matches)

realistically, using cap difference is unfair to a certain extent ANYWAY, as different maps are harder to cap than others… (only works for footy because all matches are played on the same kind of “map”)

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