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ESEA in Europe?

Created 7th August 2012 @ 03:46

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Quoted from Crasp


That’s a lot of money. How does this affect ESEA, any idea?



Quoted from Crasp


http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/omgwtf.gif – I am speechless…

Last edited by LaMqTa,



Quoted from Snyyppis


That’s a lot of money. How does this affect ESEA, any idea?

Essentially they lose a whole lot of money, with the potential to lose even more if they misbehave again. Plus they might have to do it all again in the SF lawsuit.

They’ll be more open with users about what their client does to a user’s machine, but that’s no big deal/they should have been doing that anyway.

Beyond the new details on the client it might not affect day to day running at all, depending on their finances and assuming they aren’t breaking any other laws.

Update: Looking here – http://play.esea.net/index.php?s=forums&d=topic&id=531240 – lpkane’s role is changing somehow, possibly as a result of this?

Last edited by Crasp,


More to fallow i hope…



Quoted from Admirable

Planning to put together an article on this, would love to hear more.

So was I dude, damn you, you win sir.

I think more of the issue is the culture of scheduling, now Europeans are bad enough scheduling one game a week, let alone 3+ with ETF2L + ESEA. Premiership leaders (especially me) are really lazy scheduling, generally people don’t often talk to eachother until after default date is set. Also ETF2L is valued more.

3 servers is ridiculous, we played one match 5v6 because of two issues, first one being we agreed on a day/time and then it couldn’t be played on this day due to no server. So only day we played someone couldn’t make it but that’s okay I thought, I’ll come home and pay for league fees for our other soldier, apparently you can’t do that last second either so we played 5v6,

1 admin is also silly, I know for a fact by simply arranging smaller 1 night cups it’s near impossible to do it single handedly without huge delays. So a whole league of 16 teams is going to be pretty tough, even if he gets some money for his time, it’s not as if it’s a job that will put you through college so not as if you can be expected to be there 24/7.

Overall what ESEA offers, ETF2L has provided through hard community work and in some cases, can do better. Prize money, stats, servers to play on, SourceTV’s mandatory for Premiership, better maps and rulesets (arguably), more generous scheduling and some people have as much faith in ESEA client as the ETF2L AC team. ETF2L you have the fallback of a merc, with ESEA you can’t even pay their league fees when you want to use one…sucks if someone’s net crashes.

No incentive to play if ETF2L is active and the only league people care about, we dropped due to the ETF2L schedule and having to play matches at shit times for us due to a tough schedule and lack of servers for when we’re available.

Oh and 24 hour auto accept proposals is stupid, sometimes people aren’t on their PC’s for a day or two or do not have time to check emails/websites, caught me out and other people a few teams. 48 hours minimum.

Last edited by Hildreth,



Having only 3 servers was a fucking nightmare.



My thoughts are pretty mixed on this season of ESEA:

Most games have been default wins (why are people spending money on this and then not playing? :( )

99% of the games we’ve played have been against div1/prem teams, which has been a pretty cool experience – though would be nice to play a few more lower-level teams

Played at least 3 games 5v6. Not sure why it’s such a prevalent problem but actually ended up with some really fun games – we won a game vs a prem team because of it, which was cool.

Client is awful, website is unhelpful, yadda yadda. Having 3 servers is ridiculous and I have no idea how sonnyblack puts up with people constantly nagging after him to schedule games etc.



That isn’t even the main lawsuit against them. They won’t stop doing massively criminal stuff while lpkane is there, he won’t leave, and now they’re being scrutinised. Which means they fold and reform anew within the year. Exciting times for NA tf2. Less so for us, we don’t come back for a second season.



Quoted from Xearo

I have no idea how sonnyblack puts up with people constantly nagging after him to schedule games etc.

I would guess after over a year of dealing with fallout from division seedings and default dates in ETF2L, it’s probably all in a day’s work.



It looks like they want ETF2L NA now to replace ESEA

Last edited by Droidster,



We win!






Change the name to ITFL2L *today*ish and you get the Americans for next season, I guarantee it.



yeah you should register itf2l.org soon :)

Last edited by EmilioEstevez,



After that we only need a data centre on ilha do Faial in the middle of the Atlantic, ( http://tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php?pagename=Faial_Island&params=38_34_33_N_28_42_45_W_type:isle_region:PT ), and BOOM! Proper international online TF2.

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