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ESEA in Europe?

Created 7th August 2012 @ 03:46

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CommanderX you are a big ***** and I hate you. Don’t worry that this is completely irrelevant, because I’ve seen you around and I can say this in no uncertain terms.



Keep it civil please, no insults.


Quoted from Koala

If you wanna expand competitive tf2 it would be completely dumb to put a fee on every team, if someone just came out from pub and wants to get in competitive tf2, he won’t fucking pay for something he doesn’t know. However, would be possible to put a fee on division prem to 3 or something, or if it’s the ESEA way, then on invite and intermediate.

and kaidus your ego is too big, but don’t worry, it’s funny :)

Good, now I know you are just talking out of your ass. As a matter of fact, many ESEA-Open players were pub players before they were introduced to ESEA. You can also check the NA forums and see that people who didn’t really knew that much about competitive saw ESEA as an opportunity to start a team and surprisingly they are still playing with the same people no matter how their season went.

ESEA admins do also help by extending the date of paying the fee and sometime even provide the players with what we call “Freemium” for the season, so don’t talk about what you aren’t informed about.



Also, for those of you advocating against slapping a fee on every team, ESEA is generally for the more serious teams, hence why NA only has about 100 esea teams, but a lot more UGC (free league) teams. I would assume it would only be for div3+ for EU just because generally those are the teams a bit more competition focused and wouldn’t mind paying the fees for the added features. There are many free leagues that other teams participate in, but the real competition in NA atleast is in ESEA, you pay to play.

The only problem I foresee is potential segmenting of the community, especially if EU ESEA teams adopt the US style unlocks, but in all honesty, I think it would be for the better. The added incentive of financial reward helps keep the top teams interested and ESEA league makes for some great spectating. Just think of it this way, TF2 is your hobby/sport of choice, and with any hobby or sport, if you want to be more serious than playing sports at the park, you enter tournaments, you need to pay admission fee and sometimes membership fees and… and…. i don’t know where i’m going with this , but yeah ESEA is sweet. Savior of NA TF2.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Sent an email to the relevant people at ESEA today to try and generate some interest.
I’ll let you know if anything comes of it.


Quoted from Admirable

Sent an email to the relevant people at ESEA today to try and generate some interest.
I’ll let you know if anything comes of it.



i asked this in the comments when the news first broke:


are there plans to spread TF2 to europe as well?

the TF2 scene is actually MUCH bigger in europe than it is here


yeah, i don’t see why not

Last edited by enigmaenigma,


(Toucan Ambassador)

I got a response from Torbull and am pursuing things.
Stay tuned.


Quoted from Admirable

I got a response from Torbull and am pursuing things.
Stay tuned.

Thanks dad



Quoted from AnimaL

[…]you choose – computer games or booze…




Fun fact: despite unprecedented coverage by eXTV, overhyped S11 lan finals and biggest TF2 prize pool yet, ESEA saw a 38% decline in signups for the upcoming September season(signups are already closed).

Also, I had posted this in the wrong thread, but it’s probably relevant.

Last edited by emb,



Quoted from emb

Fun fact: despite unprecedented coverage by eXTV, overhyped S11 lan finals and biggest TF2 prize pool yet, ESEA saw a 38% decline in signups for the upcoming September season(signups are already closed).

Also, I had posted this in the wrong thread, but it’s probably relevant.

how is that a “fun” fact
also s13 will get the usual numbers, your post is meaningless. s12 is just like the AFS got etf2l



Quoted from Admirable

I got a response from Torbull and am pursuing things.
Stay tuned.

I love you.


Quoted from emb

Fun fact: despite unprecedented coverage by eXTV, overhyped S11 lan finals and biggest TF2 prize pool yet, ESEA saw a 38% decline in signups for the upcoming September season(signups are already closed).

Also, I had posted this in the wrong thread, but it’s probably relevant.

Maybe they got fed up with the unlocks?



Or donated league fees to help Mixup and LG get over to i46!

Don’t get the debate or negativity here, we all want TF2 to be popular, successful and fun.

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