
Your Clan TF2 Suggestions for Valve - Important!

Created 25th February 2009 @ 09:43

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I disagree with a lot of things here (like “7. Reduce the soldier self damage back to its original levels”), I hope VALVe don’t take some suggestions which have just been requested by 1 guy because he wants to buff his class.

Reducing self damage to its original levels is just too much. It’s mean to be a penalty for the soldier to reduce spamming at close range.

Cvar imo.


“Reducing self damage to its original levels is just too much. It’s mean to be a penalty for the soldier to reduce spamming at close range.”

In that case cap it at lets say 60%. Maybe 40% is too less but 100% is too much also.



“It’s mean to be a penalty for the soldier to reduce spamming at close range.”

Spamming at close range?

What are the options when there is an enemy in your face? If its a scout he takes two shots to kill you, so you need to react fast; the shotgun is an option, but not only do i not play soldier for the shotgun, but also the scout can still beat me if he aims well enough.

Imo, players that get that close to a soldier should be punished with massive damage, rather than the other way around, considering soldiers have extremely slow movement speed.


The scout would need to be at point blank range or almost to 2 shots the soldier. If he lets the scout come that close then I think it’s his fault.



Considering the cornering potentials in a game with a max fov of 90 I really don’t think you can put it down to the soldiers fault everytime…


Having scouts shoot 1 shot on me and then have me killed when I shoot HIM is NOT fun :)



To do 200 damage, a scout needs to be at point blank.

To do 120 damage + 80 from self damage, he can make one shot at point blank and ride the rocket away for an easy <20 damage.

I can try and press my space bar to reduce the damage by 30, but it doesnt always work, and the idea behind that is retarded anyway…

Without wallhacks you cant know where a scout is going to be, so not being next to them is not up to the soldier. The scout has the speed. Really the game should punish the scout for being so dangerously close, not the soldier.



“23. (Nislen) Make that players which are alive can see what dead players are writing on chat.”



Only suggestion i have is to add the options to have a 2layered crosshair, by that i mean 2x crosshairs, so i can add a black or brown border to my yellow crosshair behind it… that way my yellow crosshair will never dissapear into the sky etc


One important thing to tell them, because the american community forget, is to fix sv_allow_wait_command. It doesn’t work at all, and is in every league config.



For all those suggesting class balancing stuff, imo I doubt it will get taken up by Valve. These kind of changes affect the whole game, not just the competitive community, and they specifically want to hear things the competitive community wants because of the different requirements it has from pub games.

This means stuff like STV options, being able to sit on the server and ‘sub’, without speccing the enemy team, more 5pt maps – NOT “nerf/buff X class” – if Valve thinks a class needs changing, they won’t do it for a small percentage of the community, it’ll be a game-wide change.


maybe a useful heavy suggestion. the last weapon pack was supposed to make him “efficient” without his medic body. the sandvich is not really a bad idea but the removal on the shotgun makes him actually less mobil. he can’t really escape anymore. My suggestion would be to keep the shotgun (maybe tweak dmg and pushback against close targets) and let the sandvich replace his fist-meele attack.

edit: ^ as mentioned before. deadtalk/write visible to all would be good. at least in non started tournament mode.



I`ve compiled all this thread into this: (appending every suggestion, splitting it into categories, packing similar thoughts)

Maybe I`ve missied somthing.. or missplaced.. nevermind. The most important question is: what we have to do with all these? We can leave it alone as is, or somehow extract somthing really important valve should know. Who can do this work?




4. Give the pyro the flaregun in addition to the shotgun (ie using slot4), not as a replacement


My suggestion would be to keep the shotgun (maybe tweak dmg and pushback against close targets) and let the sandvich replace his fist-meele attack.

So he has no melee at all? If yes, I disagree with your suggestion.

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