
Your Clan TF2 Suggestions for Valve - Important!

Created 25th February 2009 @ 09:43

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Hello ETF2L Community,

well maybe some people know me from the inactive Clan r@ts. Or as Webmaster of the German and English Website. No i don’t want to make advertisement here.

Well, let me describe a bit why i write this post.

Robin Walker, founder of Team Fortress asked me to help him and Valve, to get some informations about TF2 in Germany and Europe. Well, thats no joke. Valve is interested in whats going on in Europe with Team Fortress 2. Also competitive TF2!

Thanks to DeNeusBeer (ETF2L), Paddel (ESL) and Dunc (TMG), we got a lot of data collected, and Robin Walker was really amazed about it.

Dunc did something really great stuff which gave me the idea to ask you!
He wrote the suggestions of his clan in the Valve-TFPortal workgroup forum.

But to use this community of ETF2L its easier now, to ask here.

So. Please ask your clanmates for any ideas to prefer TF2! Please take some time to write down your opinions, ideas, suggestions for tf2 classes, maps etc. You see the game out of a different view than others!

I will collect it and send it to Valve!

Kind regards and many thx for your help!

Sven aka MeeB



I’ll update this list with everyones suggestions

1. Enable capture assists points if you have aided your team in capturing a point, but died as a consequence.

2. Reduce the time it takes a heavy to switch between his used minigun (spinning down) to his shotgun (make this the same speed as soldier rocket to shotgun)

3. Correct the system which awards assists for kills (currently there are times when you wont get an assist despite causing that enemy huge damage)

4. Give the pyro the flaregun in addition to the shotgun (ie using slot4), not as a replacement

5. Give the pyro the ability to air-jump using his blow-back function so he can reach the height of a single crate top

6. Make burning enemies 10% more susceptable to further damage done by yourself or by your own teammates.

7. Reduce the soldier self damage back to its original levels

8. Slightly reduce the fall-off damage on rockets, so the weapon is more effective at long range (currently nades are twice as powerful at long range, despite the rocket being much easier to see and therefore avoid)

9. Increase the fov_desired upper level to 100

10. (Admirable) Optimise multi-core / multi-thread support and add 64bit version

11. (Mihalch) Add damage caused, kills, heals and other statistics at round end

12. (Supreme Being) Bring the equip command back so you dont have to run to a resupply to change from über-kritz, kritz-über and other guns.

13. (Sturmis) att – def – def – att round format in stopwatch mode.

14. (Sturmis) Stopwatch round wins on the scoreboard instead of/in addition to cap point score. (no reset between stopwatch rounds)

15. (Sturmis) Spectate link in the game information window when the server has an stv on it. (takes you to the stv obviously)

16. (Skinnie) Release more badlands / granary type maps for the forthcoming updates (Fragga: maybe make Gravel into a 5-point map by mirroring it around B?)

17. (Cant remember who suggested this) Medic only mini-map showing the current location of all teammates and their health status

18. (Moose) Fix the demo smoother so that you can actually see the player model for the person who has recorded the demo.

19. (rts) feature in stv: show who the medic is healing and who heals the spectated person (of course with healthbar)

20. (Beta) When using fastswitch make the weapon icon appear on the right of the screen, as it does usually (useful for those that use drawviewmodel 0)

21. (Kyynel) Allow medics to see teammates health bar without pointing at them.

22. (Norris) Give an option to allow/disallow certain weapon unlocks in tournament mode

23. (Nislen) Make that players which are alive can see what dead players are writing on chat.

24. (Chillout) Add the option to reset stats and records

25. (Gear) replace the stun-effect of the sandman with the effect of the Concussion Grenade from TFC or something similiar.



Bringing back the equip command in some sort of way would be nice.

EDIT: You’ve got a good point there beta.
Maybe we should make 2 threads, 1 in which people could give their suggestions and discuss them and one official thread where clans can sign their support for the changes they’d like to see?


RaWr ::


Lets help him out here – 1 reply per team maybe? And please, DO NOT let this turn into a flame match.



People should consider that Valve supports public play in the first place. so your opinions shouldn’t break anything there. eg buff / nerf (engineer/demoman) classes which could kill attack&defender maps like dustbowl.



tbf, there’s no reason they couldn’t implement any suggestions we make as server cvars, so pub players can play pub and we can play it our way.b


(Toucan Ambassador)

1. Look into updates breaking demo playback.

2. Make rockets spawn from the centre of the screen. I think people have moved beyond visual nicities of a rocket appearing to come from the model with commands such as viewmodel_fov and r_viewmodel being so popular.

3. Fix “phantom” rockets which damage you but don’t propel you in a jump.

4. Pyro airblast jump +1

5. Optimise multi-core / multi-thread support and add 64bit version :D

Tapley ❤


Maybe its best if an admin can compile a list, editing the top post and putting these ideas underneath so they arnt repeated! And yeah admins just delete anything off topic, even if people want to discuss Fragga wanting the pyros to become pogosticks :D

1. Need to find more competative CP maps that we can play. Badlands and Granary anyone? ;)

2. Soldier self damage is horrible! A scout runs into you, shoot him point blank then he jumps back shoots you and your dead -_-.

3.More Fov Options

4.More customiseable options(but not so far as to be stepping into quake territory) e.g. for the view models such as being able to select to not show rocket launcer but to show shotgun.

5. Rockets shooting from centre of the screen!!!



This is really an excellent opportunity to give Valve some really good suggestions.
However, people in here will have a lot of conflicting opinions, so I guess it is a good idea not to send all ideas, but only those there are some kind of agreement about.

I agree with several of the suggestions of Fragga and Admirable.

1. Pyro airblast jump +1
2. Multicore support
3. That Phantom rocket bug Admirable is talking about.

I have some problem seeing how Fraggas suggestion nr 1 could be implemented. The idea is good, but..

Fragga nr 2 : Reduced time to switch to shotgun would be good, also for other classes than the heavy.
I think it takes far to long time to switch to shotgun as solly. First you have to wait for the animation to finish and then wait like another half a second before you can fire.

Fragga nr 3 : This I agree upon. It is a bit annoying if you wound someone seriously, but get no credit either for the kill or for the assist.

Fragga nr 7 : Agree, or at least reduce the self damage a little bit. It is a bit annoying if you face a scout and you both fire your weapons at each other, you die because of the scattergun hit combined with the self damage, but he survives the direct hit of the rocket and gets no self damage.

Fragga nr 8 : Agree, or nerf the pipes on long range a bit. Here many people will disagree however.

Fragga 9 : Fov level higher than 90. +1 to this.

I would, on the other hand, not like rockets to come out from the middle of the screen. I think rocket jumping would be more difficult then (at least for us right handed people..)



Lets do compile our suggestions alltogether first, before sending/showing this to someone whos on boat.

mine is still actual from here:

lets make somthing like: bugfixes, weapons, characters, maps, game modes and gameplay sections.



oh sorry, didn’t notice the thread :(
But that would be great to order them in following list!

# Bugfix Suggestions

# Weapon Suggestions

# Class Suggestions

# Map Suggestions

# Game Mode Suggestions:



as I was the second post, ill just add to my list with your names and suggestions



All I can think of is maybe give the Soldier something different, he’s a bit stagnant just now due to all the unlocks for the other classes. I think he needs a little makeover soon..

1. Pyro airblast jump +1
2. Equip command back +1
3. Competitive CTF maps: a) map gameplay forces one part of the team to defend, the other to attack, i.e. the team that will not defend their intel in the intel room is likely to lose, b) attackers can not camp spawns, i.e. there must be several spawns not located in one place, c) introduce a server convar to switch off pointer to current intel location, d) there must be several different paths to an enemy base so that attackers may not even meet opposing attackers.
4. When demo is killed his pipes should detonate rather than vanish.
5. Demolishing engineer buildings should do damage to adjacent enemies. (Spy is sapping my dispenser? – Kaboom!)


RaWr ::

It was clearly asked not to flame. disguising your flaming against fragga in a long piece of text doesn’t work.
I ask again, please stop flaming!

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