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TF2 Is Dead?

Created 20th January 2012 @ 13:26

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Quoted from antyjc

Can anyone tell me what the problem is?

Yes, there is absolutely no money in tf2 so why should people bother?

Simply playing for fun is not nearly enough incentive for most people [teams] to work hard and get to that top level. The top prizes in tf2 these days are £60 mice and £100 at lan and then you see games like LoL get $1,000,000 prize pools…



Quoted from konr

[…]Uhm, I’ve asked you for help quite a few times and all you’ve pointed out is that I’m never in the same team, disregarding the fact that low div teams have a tendency to fold and the help is needed to keep them together as well, not just improve whilst in them. :<

Remember, the only reason they fold is because you want them to.

In other words, you put together a team of random tryhard wannabes, lose 4 games and then fold cuz bad results. Remember what you told me when I was starting? Go 1 div lower, win, form bonds? Apply that and you’ll be rolling.



Quoted from Hat


Yes, there is absolutely no money in tf2 so why should people bother?

Simply playing for fun is not nearly enough incentive for most people [teams] to work hard and get to that top level. The top prizes in tf2 these days are £60 mice and £100 at lan and then you see games like LoL get $1,000,000 prize pools…

Still more than enough active players to warrant something better than the current skill gap.



Quoted from Sketch


IT IS the lack of access to games and mixes with/against higher div players? For example access to pickup2?

All the best players only seem to mix with people from the old boys club. pickup 2 is an old boys club and you cant come in!

I would be more than happy to invite more people to pickup 2… but i’m not an admin.
Byte, baerbel and F2, probably the only 3 people in the channel who aren’t affected by who are in pickups, are the only admins.
I wonder what could be changed??????


Quoted from kaidus


Still more than enough active players to warrant something better than the current skill gap.

Tf2 is arguably one of the easiest fps of all time, it attracts the most casual of gamers to play on public, these gamers play on public for a few months then make/join a div 4/5/6 team on etf2l, these gamers play for a few seasons yet show no sign of improvement because they are not very good at fps games (tf2 is enticing to the average casual gamer because of how easy it is) and stay stuck in these low divs forever, thats my assumption anyway.

But again, theres no real money involved in playing TF2 at a high level .. so why bother? I myself and have always been in it for the fun factor and enjoy the community (for the most part) but tbh the prem being this bad has been a long time coming, and shouldn’t really be that surprising.

Last edited by Hat,



Yeah that is not true they allow people in pickup2, old boys or new just the channel admins are fairly inactive. It took me weeks to get hold of one just to get a temp invite for 48 hours.

Anyway OT – TF2 is like an American President – it gets shot down by random people but it never dies. If this game stays around for another 4 years then it will have done good.



The problem isn’t that there’s no means to play with higher div players. There are A LOT of mixes with a mix of high div and low div players. The problem is that there’s a constant running theme that if you call or try to play in any way a serious game of TF2 in these mixes anyone within a 10 mile radius will lynch you for being “keen”. It started as a joke but now it’s literally the case that doing anything other than running around like an idiot gets you tagged as an overzealous fanatic who needs to win everything.

Also hat I don’t agree at all really. Aside from the top teams there’s really not that much difference between the next lot of players and the ones far below other than circumstance.

Last edited by kaidus,


Quoted from kaidus

The problem isn’t that there’s no means to play with higher div players. There are A LOT of mixes with a mix of high div and low div players. The problem is that there’s a constant running theme that if you call or try to play in any way a serious game of TF2 in these mixes anyone within a 10 mile radius will lynch you for being “keen”. It started as a joke but now it’s literally the case that doing anything other than running around like an idiot gets you tagged as an overzealous fanatic who needs to win everything.

I think you are too used to playing the 2am doublemixes, its a completly different ballgame to playing a ‘real’ mix at regular times against proper teams.

It’s legitimately gay as fuck or ‘keen’ if you want to tryhard and onclass in a doublemix at 2am, thats why its scorned jason :D



I’m just drawing a comparison between the way things were and the way things are now. 2am was about 3 hours shy from games getting to the joke-state that they are now when I was learning the game.

But I don’t really agree anyway. Literally if you play TF2 outside of 20cet-22.30cet it is a joke game.

And onclassing isn’t what I’m on about, you don’t have to play a main class or even TRY to perform the very basics of tf2. People literally just want to fuck about in every mix they play.

Last edited by kaidus,


Quoted from kaidus

Also hat I don’t agree at all really. Aside from the top teams there’s really not that much difference between the next lot of players and the ones far below other than circumstance.

Just like anty pointed out in the op, there is only 3 ‘good’ teams in prem and by that i mean they are pretty much untouchable by the other 5 (or 7? cant remember how many are in prem) simply because they are that much better; the skill-gap is pretty wide atm..



Quoted from Ghostface


Remember, the only reason they fold is because you want them to.

In other words, you put together a team of random tryhard wannabes, lose 4 games and then fold cuz bad results. Remember what you told me when I was starting? Go 1 div lower, win, form bonds? Apply that and you’ll be rolling.

Firstly you have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t want the teams to fold, but if one player in my team literally tries to get with a slut girlfriend of another player in my team what the fuck can I do? As for you telling me to go 1 div lower, right now I’m in div 4 with some friends so what you just said is retarded. I’m not solely asking for help with a team, I’m also asking for help as an individual, which is what this thread is about.



Quoted from Koeitje


And in the end the skill level drops ;).

To be fair you wouldn’t be playing Prem is this never happened.



Quoted from Hat


Just like anty pointed out in the op, there is only 3 ‘good’ teams in prem and by that i mean they are pretty much untouchable by the other 5 (or 7? cant remember how many are in prem) simply because they are that much better; the skill-gap is pretty wide atm..

I’d count probably 10 players in the top 4 who are legitimately that much better. The rest just played with the right people a lot.

Last edited by kaidus,


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Quoted from byte



First of all what we are seeing now are a LOT of new players in prem. Maybe Cyber isn’t there, but who would have predicted Erectus to go prem?

I kinda disagree with this whole “mentoring is vital” part. The old top got there without any teachers too. We see players climbing divs without any help. We don’t necessarily need old and established teams to pick good players up. A team like tryharders can become an Epsi/Infs contender. It doesn’t need experienced players, it needs to not fold. Quite easy. How can you otherwise consistently compete against these combinations of star players that have been playing together for great amounts of time?

Konr makes a good point about mousetek. These “talented players” that get an “opportunity” from prem teams would have probably gotten there by themselves anyway. Maybe it would have taken slighly longer, but they would have gotten there. In the end your skill speaks for yourself. If you dont get noticed or only play in bad teams, the problem might actually be your personality or communicative skill. Inviting people into pickup2 that would normally not be invited definitely does not provide a magical solution. Besides, I see new people invited to pu2 almost daily.

Why do people whine about pu2 btw? Pu2 is more active than pixelpickup lately, even though we have anywhere between 1000 and 2000 players who are eligible to play pixelpickup. Nobody is stopping anyone from keening it up in there, or helping less experienced players, but no, there’s hardly a daily pickup going on. How about you start playing.

Quoted from baerbel


The problem is non-existent. There has never been more than 2-3 good teams, the rest was always “shit”.

Thread should have ended there. (and basically underlines what I pointed at earlier)

Also, this thread should have ended because this thread is getting retarded. People keep “chiming in” with their personal little thought, disregarding anything that has been said before them. It’s not really a discussion.


1. Bottom of prem has always been not as good as the top. It’s been like that in S8, S9, S10.

2. We see an influx of new players into div1 and prem CONSTANTLY. It’s not just the old boys.

3. We see a great amount of players climbing divisions on their own because of their own skill. If you’re that good, you will get there.



Hat + Kaidus instead of typing on the forums you could be organising mixes with Div 2-3 shitters.

Like TheSucker for instance… ;)

Less talky more makey things happen.

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