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TF2 Is Dead?

Created 20th January 2012 @ 13:26

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(Toucan Ambassador)

If you ever want to just talk, Alex, I’m here for you man.

I can only imagine the crippling pain of being incredibly gifted at a game which you belittle at every turn. Your inner turmoil is difficult for me to watch and you’ve started lashing out at your friends like Jason…

Can’t you see Alexander?! It’s breaking my heart ((((


Quoted from Admirable

If you ever want to just talk, Alex, I’m here for you man.

I can only imagine the crippling pain of being incredibly gifted at a game which you belittle at every turn. Your inner turmoil is difficult for me to watch and you’ve started lashing out at your friends like Jason…

Can’t you see Alexander?! It’s breaking my heart ((((

They’re always after me lucky charms..


Quoted from CanFo

Are you a wizard?

I was untill i took an arrow to the knee LOLOLOLZZZ


Quoted from Extremer

Pug2 needs a non-NL server so I can play demoman there.

its uk atm, nl would be sick actually



As people might be aware I do think there is a lot of talent in the lower divisions, my team have recruited daleth, wndr and norrla from div 6/5/4 in the past and if the opportunity arises again I will have no problem giving a lower league player a chance. The thing is though, a lot of these good players in the lower leagues have a massive ego and think ‘I’m great at this game, I don’t need to learn anymore, the only reason I’m not in prem is because top teams are all a big circlejerk’. They have this massive chip on their shoulder over these prem players and it’s a bit strange. Kind of how some pubbers view competitive play. You need to have the right attitude to be picked up is what I’m trying to say, really.

During my time in division 5 I found some great players, cribby who was a scout, had a lot to learn but the guy was keen as fuck and I knew it wouldn’t take him long to learn the game, mainly because he was prepared to work at it. Filthy was another, this guy has the best DM I’ve ever seen in a lower division player, he’d regularly destroy teams single handedly, but then the downside was he never really comm’d and he’d sometimes go do his own thing. This would stop him from playing in a top team, even though he has the aim and the dm skill. But again both these players could make the step up with guidance (and if filthy really wanted to put the effort in)

Another thing that I think hinders the competitiveness of the league is when x players makes a team with y and claims they are amazing div1 standard, then they fold about 4 weeks later. wtf? I think I’ve been playing in etf2l since season 4 or something, and I know players who have been looking for a stable team ALL OF THIS TIME. what is with that? Yeah sure they might have been in a team that lasted 2 months or something but seriously? Then with never really having a stable team and never really playing officials in the skill bracket he thinks he is, he goes and puts up a recruitment for prem/div1, yeah you guessed it – he’s still team less.

We could do with more qn’s, more spam effects, guys who made the effort. Most players in the league just aren’t prepared to make a little effort and just think, oh some div1 team will pick me up eventually. Then they take out their anger on Byte for being elitist, I CAN ONLY GET BETTER BY PLAYING GOOD PLAYERS. Well get a team and work your way up so you can play these players then????????




Now all hush and get good. (:


Quoted from rtan

As people might be aware I do think there is a lot of talent in the lower divisions, my team have recruited daleth, wndr and norrla from div 6/5/4 in the past and if the opportunity arises again I will have no problem giving a lower league player a chance. The thing is though, a lot of these good players in the lower leagues have a massive ego and think ‘I’m great at this game, I don’t need to learn anymore, the only reason I’m not in prem is because top teams are all a big circlejerk’. They have this massive chip on their shoulder over these prem players and it’s a bit strange. Kind of how some pubbers view competitive play. You need to have the right attitude to be picked up is what I’m trying to say, really.

During my time in division 5 I found some great players, cribby who was a scout, had a lot to learn but the guy was keen as fuck and I knew it wouldn’t take him long to learn the game, mainly because he was prepared to work at it. Filthy was another, this guy has the best DM I’ve ever seen in a lower division player, he’d regularly destroy teams single handedly, but then the downside was he never really comm’d and he’d sometimes go do his own thing. This would stop him from playing in a top team, even though he has the aim and the dm skill. But again both these players could make the step up with guidance (and if filthy really wanted to put the effort in)

Another thing that I think hinders the competitiveness of the league is when x players makes a team with y and claims they are amazing div1 standard, then they fold about 4 weeks later. wtf? I think I’ve been playing in etf2l since season 4 or something, and I know players who have been looking for a stable team ALL OF THIS TIME. what is with that? Yeah sure they might have been in a team that lasted 2 months or something but seriously? Then with never really having a stable team and never really playing officials in the skill bracket he thinks he is, he goes and puts up a recruitment for prem/div1, yeah you guessed it – he’s still team less.

We could do with more qn’s, more spam effects, guys who made the effort. Most players in the league just aren’t prepared to make a little effort and just think, oh some div1 team will pick me up eventually. Then they take out their anger on Byte for being elitist, I CAN ONLY GET BETTER BY PLAYING GOOD PLAYERS. Well get a team and work your way up so you can play these players then????????

I make a shitload of work by making teams with longas in them.
then I get kicked because longas is hitler.
blame longas.



Quoted from Taimou


I make a shitload of work by making teams with longas in them.
then I get kicked because longas is hitler.
blame longas.

that longas eh :/ asshole



Quoted from Loco


Loco are you really English? It pains me to read what you type.


The fact that people can get mad enough to protract this discussion for 14 pages suggests to me that TF2 isn’t dead.

Keep it up guys.



Quoted from Extremer


Which is funny, because they probably got the most money with the least effort ever from TF2’s items. I don’t see why they don’t sponsor competitive TF2 with a measly 1 thousand dollars a month. That’s literally pocket change for them.

They don’t need to spend a cent and still sponsor TF2 with monetary prizes, actually.

Unusual hats are worth money. Sometimes a lot of money. Lodsemone. An unusual whatever with sunbeams can be easily converted into 200$+, but costs Valve zero to make.

Considering that winning a cup with a region’s best TF2 teams, let alone an international TF2 league requires outstanding investment of time and effort, I don’t think it would affect the hat market overmuch.

Perhaps TF2 is bringing enough revenue for them not to care, and once it stops paying for itself, they’ll drop it.



i dont have fancy english skills konr,
but people get my point,
wtf seriously ….. and No im not english im a Jersey bean….
fuck me … such a pompous twat!



Quoted from Hat

Yes i understand what you are trying to say, but when these doublemixes tend to be populated with friends (regardless of the divisions they are in…) who are playing for _FUN_ its generally a case of everyone offclassing and just not playing 100% seriously. If you want to get noticed, playing in one of these mixes early in the morning is not the correct way my friend, if you say ‘oh how am i supposed to get noticed then?’ there are so many other ways to accomplish that – which have already been highlighted in other peoples posts already.

I need an invite into high level mixes, to which I have to be at a minimum of div3 (and even that’s pushing it really hard) last I read. Being a newcomer from abroad, I have virtually no contacts to the higher level players save a few I met at lan, in which the only knowledge they probably gleaned from me is that I tend to leave my laptop unlocked, encouraging illicit display of porn. Most of the initial people I’ve met are now at super high levels, some don’t even acknowledge my existence anymore eventhough they were one of the few who willingly introduced me into the EU scene. I get the same churlish rebuff when I ask people about myself, whether I have improved or not: still a div5 scrub. I’ve been stuck in the div5 region basically all my time here, simply because “you have no potential past div5”. To get a div4 team to trial me was some sort of miracle. All the while, I’ve watched patiently as other people somehow skipped past me while I stayed stagnant, either by getting friends up there or getting the chance to prove themselves, both opportunities I am almost always denied because of the simple fact that I do not know enough people. Yet, like almost every other person in our division, we are keen to learn, we try to adapt as needed, we try to grab the attention of the higher levels, we have a general aim of getting out of the “shit divs”, yet are always let down while a select few goes higher.

When I had my first ever pixel pickup (which was a generous gift from Skyride which I still appreciate despite everyone telling me I wasn’t capable of handling it) and was still bad, everyone was just telling me to generally “fuck off” with my poor gamesense. I knew I was bad, I knew I needed improvement, yet here I am with people who can help me, telling me to fuck off. If you were trying hard to get good, knowing that you’re bad, and someone tells you to fuck off regardless of your intention to get good, how would you feel? This scenario will be the same, if not slightly more veiled insinuations in the div5-in-div1 mixes.

Yes, before you point out (pretty sure some of you will), this is also a frustration post for not being able to hike up the divs even when trying my best, but that is an entirely different matter. I fully understand that 2am doublemixes are not the ideal place to get known (and the chances are scarce as well), but outside of that we have virtually no communication with people who can actually help us buck up and improve. Which brings us to the point of arrogance, as covered by so many posts here. Short version, Anty saying we’re all shit and should learn the game sums it up pretty well. When we can’t even discuss improvements with higher level players constantly demoralizing us and telling us that we’re shit and that we’re no good, how the fuck do you expect us to get good if the prerequisites to playing with the best is to BE one of the best?



Quoted from Loco

i dont have fancy english skills konr,
but people get my point,
wtf seriously ….. and No im not english im a Jersey bean….
fuck me … such a pompous twat!

Chill out fuck I’m just wondering >_>


Side|Effect and dav1dd leave and tf2 dies, coincidence?

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