
Admirable's Weapon Customisation Script

Created 7th February 2009 @ 23:01

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Love it and it’s easy to customize. One problem btw
I used to play with q as lastinv
I read the notes in the weapon.cfg file and i bind q to oneTwo_tog but it doesn’t work.
I explain….
When i hit q and my first slot is selected nothing happens (even if i press q more tahn once). If i switch to slot 2 and i hit q it works as lastinv selecting my first weapon. But… if i hit it again nothing happens. It looks like it works only backward Slot2>slot1 but not slot1>slot2.
Could you help me? Switching weapons with lastinv was fast and comfortable for me.
Where am i wrong?


Love it and it’s easy to customize. One problem btw
I used to play with q as lastinv
I read the notes in the weapon.cfg file and i bind q to oneTwo_tog but it doesn’t work.
I explain….
When i hit q and my first slot is selected nothing happens (even if i press q more tahn once). If i switch to slot 2 and i hit q it works as lastinv selecting my first weapon. But… if i hit it again nothing happens. It looks like it works only backward Slot2>slot1 but not slot1>slot2.
Could you help me? Switching weapons with lastinv was fast and comfortable for me.
Where am i wrong?

alias "oneTwo_tog" "oneTwo_one"
alias "oneTwo_one" "mySlot1 ; alias oneTwo_toggle oneTwo_two"
alias "oneTwo_two" "mySlot2 ; alias oneTwo_toggle oneTwo_one"

alias "oneTwo_toggle" "oneTwo_one"
alias "oneTwo_one" "mySlot1 ; alias oneTwo_toggle oneTwo_two"
alias "oneTwo_two" "mySlot2 ; alias oneTwo_toggle oneTwo_one"


Edit ps, trying this out because my old cfg kept refusing to swap when i pressed q>_>


Edit: also if i where you i would add a extra config file with the binds to save some typing and make it a little more user friendly (maybe add just an autoexec file?)


Problem fixed. Thx admirable


(Toucan Ambassador)

Yeah thanks to revanxp and eon I have spotted an error in the oneTwo toggle section.
I don’t really use it myself so it went unnoticed.
Just replace that whole section with the following for now, but I will release a new version within the next two days.

alias “oneTwo_tog” “oneTwo_two”
alias “oneTwo_one” “mySlot1 ; alias oneTwo_tog oneTwo_two”
alias “oneTwo_two” “mySlot2 ; alias oneTwo_tog oneTwo_one”

alias mySlot1 “mySlot1Current ; alias myCurrentSlot mySlot1 ; alias myCurrentModel_tog mySlot1Model_tog ; alias myCurrentReload_tog mySlot1Reload_tog ; alias oneTwo_tog oneTwo_two ; alias mySlot3 mySlot3-1”
alias mySlot2 “mySlot2Current ; alias myCurrentSlot mySlot2 ; alias myCurrentModel_tog mySlot2Model_tog ; alias myCurrentReload_tog mySlot2Reload_tog ; alias oneTwo_tog oneTwo_one ; alias mySlot3 mySlot3-2”
alias mySlot3 “mySlot3Current ; alias myCurrentSlot mySlot3 ; alias myCurrentModel_tog mySlot3Model_tog ; alias myCurrentReload_tog mySlot3Reload_tog”

alias mySlot3-1 “mySlot3Current ; alias myCurrentSlot mySlot3-1 ; alias myCurrentModel_tog mySlot3Model_tog ; alias myCurrentReload_tog mySlot3Reload_tog ; alias oneTwo_tog oneTwo_one ; alias mySlot3 mySlot3Current”
alias mySlot3-2 “mySlot3Current ; alias myCurrentSlot mySlot3-2 ; alias myCurrentModel_tog mySlot3Model_tog ; alias myCurrentReload_tog mySlot3Reload_tog ; alias oneTwo_tog oneTwo_two ; alias mySlot3 mySlot3Current”

alias myCurrentSlot “”


Can’t wait to see new release



Can’t wait to see new release


Can’t wait to see new release

Admirable deserve more popularity xD
This script pack is simply awesome and i think lots of player use it without say just thank you



My only problem with the quick fix above is that it stops my weapon select script from working entirely where as it was fine before (the weapon script uses mouse wheels to scroll between 1+2 and mouse 3 for melee). So basically I am using quick switch and have no reload and the same crosshair, whereas the mouse wheel still changes the cross hair and reload etc.

Would really like a fix :]


My only problem with the quick fix above is that it stops my weapon select script from working entirely where as it was fine before (the weapon script uses mouse wheels to scroll between 1+2 and mouse 3 for melee). So basically I am using quick switch and have no reload and the same crosshair, whereas the mouse wheel still changes the cross hair and reload etc.

Would really like a fix :]

add me on steam and explain me what exactly you want, and i could write you a personal script, im not really into admirables :(



im not really into admirables :(

I’m really into Admirables tbh…



add me on steam and explain me what exactly you want, and i could write you a personal script, im not really into admirables :(

Will do, thanks a bunch!


(Toucan Ambassador)

Yeah I’m a lazy fucker.
I made a bunch of changes to make it easier to setup an customise but I haven’t made it ready for release.

You could bind mwheelup and mwheeldown to mySlot1 and mySlot2 respectively and bind mouse3 to mySlot3.

Or bind mwheelup and mwheeldown both to oneTwo_tog, so rolling in either direction would toggle.

On another note, the TF2 Beta has actually implemented an awesome built in auto reload for every weapon. So I will have to be scrapping that section eventually which is part of the reason I am procrastinating.


Woah, this is awesome thanks admirable. Was trying to make one myself, and to my dismay I failed.


Yeah I’m a lazy fucker.
I made a bunch of changes to make it easier to setup an customise but I haven’t made it ready for release.

You could bind mwheelup and mwheeldown to mySlot1 and mySlot2 respectively and bind mouse3 to mySlot3.

Or bind mwheelup and mwheeldown both to oneTwo_tog, so rolling in either direction would toggle.

On another note, the TF2 Beta has actually implemented an awesome built in auto reload for every weapon. So I will have to be scrapping that section eventually which is part of the reason I am procrastinating.

Does it work for sticky launcher? If so i may rethink quitting tf2 xD

EDIT: also these are the binds ive got

bind "MWHEELUP" "mySlot1"

bind "MWHEELDOWN" "mySlot2"
bind "1" "mySlot1"
bind "2" "mySlot2"
bind "3" "mySlot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "F1" "myCurrentReload_tog"
bind "q" "oneTwo_tog"



Sounds good, thing is, it works atm with the normal script (and they are using myslot1,2 etc) but with the fix the oneTwo_tog doesn’t work and nor does switching weapons. Was pretty funny in a pcw :D


Here’s the script for changing weapons, have I missed something? // Alias-only Weapons Switching with reset

alias weaponSet “secondary”
alias primary “myslot1; alias weaponSet secondary; meleereset”
alias secondary “myslot2; alias weaponSet primary; meleereset”

alias meleeToggle “melee”
alias melee “myslot3; alias meleeToggle ranged”
alias ranged “oneTwo_tog; alias meleeToggle melee”

// Reset changes the melee toggle to primary state

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