
Admirable's Weapon Customisation Script

Created 7th February 2009 @ 23:01

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(Toucan Ambassador)


Updated to Version 2.0 after some interest on STV.
See original post.


great script, love it, but there’s a little mistake.
From weapong cfg instructions:
“a call to this config in your autoexec.cfg as follows: exec weapons.cfg”
but the file in the zip archive is called weapon.cfg without the “s”.



Thank you for listening to peoples demands as I was one of them :3 Gonna try it out later kinda busy right now.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Well spotted revanxp, fixed that.
I’m quite happy with how its working at the moment, but I still have a few more ideas ^_^


Well spotted revanxp, fixed that.
I’m quite happy with how its working at the moment, but I still have a few more ideas ^_^

np can you explain to me how autoreload works? i read the instructions file but all i see is autoreload toggle wihout wait command. Is there a way to simulate wait command? Only +reload make reload too fast…


(Toucan Ambassador)

Well, due to the way some weapons are implemented in the game auto-reload will not work for all weapons.

For example the pistols and smg will fire one shot an then reload, so by default auto-reload is set to off for those.
Other weapons such as rocket launcher, shotguns and pipe launcher work well with auto-reload.

The default behaviour for auto-reload and view model for each weapon/slot is set in each class config.
For example from the scout.cfg:

alias mySlot1Reload “mySlot1Reload_on”
alias mySlot1Model “mySlot1Model_off”

This is setting slot1 for the for Scout to have auto-reload on and the view model off by default.
This works well until you switch to the FAN which doesn’t work properly with auto-reload.
So then you need to hit your toggle current weapon auto-reload key (bind x myCurrentReload_tog) to toggle the auto-reload off.
The script will remember you have set auto-reload off for slot1 until you change class, team, map or quit TF2; then it will revert to the default behaviour, which in this case was auto-reload on.

Alternatively if you use FAN more than Scattergun you could set the default auto-reload behaviour to off and then toggle it on in-game if you switch to Scattergun. To do this you would edit the relevant line in scout.cfg to say:

alias mySlot1Reload “mySlot1Reload_off”

In reality the ability to toggle auto-reload in-game is only really useful for the Scattergun/FAN scenario but the option is there for all the weapons.
The default auto-reload behaviours I have set up for each class config work well without any noticeable glitches but you should experiment to find a setup you are happy with.

Further more I believe it is possible to create an auto-reload script for the stickybomb launcher, but it involves using the “wait” command which I have avoided so far.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Updated to version 2.1 with some small fixes.
See original post.


alias "oneTwo_tog" "oneTwo_one"
alias "oneTwo_one" "mySlot1 ; alias oneTwo_toggle oneTwo_two"
alias "oneTwo_two" "mySlot2 ; alias oneTwo_toggle oneTwo_one"

alias "oneTwo_toggle" "oneTwo_one"
alias "oneTwo_one" "mySlot1 ; alias oneTwo_toggle oneTwo_two"
alias "oneTwo_two" "mySlot2 ; alias oneTwo_toggle oneTwo_one"


Edit ps, trying this out because my old cfg kept refusing to swap when i pressed q>_>


Edit: also if i where you i would add a extra config file with the binds to save some typing and make it a little more user friendly (maybe add just an autoexec file?)


(Toucan Ambassador)

Yeah it’s definitely a shit storm at the moment my man.
Will make it easier to use soon.



Just thought i’d give this a bump seeing as I have been using it for a while now (albeit I used the same view fov and visible model for each weapon and mostly the same cross hair). It’s really nice and easy to use in my opinion, has a lot of room for customisation and is fairly idiot proof.

Just wanted to say thanks :)


I think a few ways to make it better would be adding more crosshairs etc and more viewmodel_fov’s

alias defCross "exec defaultcross.cfg ; cl_crosshair_scale 32 ; defColour" // Default Crosshair

alias myCross1 "cl_crosshair_file crosshair1 ; cl_crosshair_scale 25 ; myColour3"
alias myCross2 "cl_crosshair_file crosshair2 ; cl_crosshair_scale 20 ; myColour3"
alias myCross3 "cl_crosshair_file crosshair3 ; cl_crosshair_scale 25 ; myColour3"
alias myCross4 "cl_crosshair_file crosshair4 ; cl_crosshair_scale 30 ; myColour3"
alias myCross5 "cl_crosshair_file crosshair5 ; cl_crosshair_scale 17 ; myColour3"
alias myCross5g "cl_crosshair_file crosshair5 ; cl_crosshair_scale 17 ; myColour2"
alias myCross5y "cl_crosshair_file crosshair5 ; cl_crosshair_scale 17 ; myColour4"
alias myCross6 "cl_crosshair_file crosshair6 ; cl_crosshair_scale 20 ; myColour2"
alias myCross7 "cl_crosshair_file crosshair7 ; cl_crosshair_scale 25 ; myColour3"
alias myCross7y "cl_crosshair_file crosshair7 ; cl_crosshair_scale 25 ; myColour4"


alias defView "viewmodel_fov 54" // Default setting

alias myView1 "viewmodel_fov 70" // Maximum value from the options slider
alias myView2 "viewmodel_fov 0" // No model or particleseffects
alias myView3 "viewmodel_fov 10" // Particleseffects
alias myView4 "viewmodel_fov 35" // For medic




What do those last things change with the particles etc?


What do those last things change with the particles etc?

It shows the bullets, as if the gun wasnt hidden but it moves the viewmodel far back so it looks like the guns just out of the screen.

Pretty much just shows the bullets and where they are (shown) to be going. (which i prefer for shotgun etc :x)

Also the one for medic im thinking of copying your reload toggle but for medic making it so it switches the viewmodel_fov as seen as the kritz’s flashy shown bit (when you have uber) comes out the middle of the screen and the uber comes out lower right. So aka the toggle would change the viewmodel_fov instead of the reload. Maybe something to implement in the next update? Ive not tested it that much though so dunno if it will change the kritz’ thing.

Im pro at explaining things.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Aye well the idea is that people can have as many or as few preset crosshairs and colours as they want.
I only use 3 or 4 myself.

The last part refers to different viewmodel fov settings.
But again I only use one.
Previously r_viewmodel 0 didn’t remove the muzzle flash etc, and you had to use viewmodel_fov 0; but Valve fixed that ages ago.

I was just lazy with the presets for colours, crosshairs and viewmodel_fovs but I can easily bang out a few more :P

I have plans to make the whole customisation clearer and more straight forward and all in one file.

I’ll do it tomorrow… :S


Nice :> Good luck :)

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