
Byte - Looking to mentor a clan

Created 4th July 2011 @ 16:21

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I heard randa needs mentoring plz.

OT: should mentor skeej:s team :3, gl byte and the team that gets mentored!



I actually like bytes rage/hitler style mentoring/calling/what not. From (lan)experience I can say that people with sensitive skin should not take this offer up, but if you can take criticism without caring in what form you are getting it, I am 100% sure your team will benefit from his help. He can even rage at you when you fail at public servers! :D


Quoted from naMu

I actually like bytes rage/hitler style mentoring/calling/what not. From (lan)experience I can say that people with sensitive skin should not take this offer up, but if you can take criticism without caring in what form you are getting it, I am 100% sure your team will benefit from his help. He can even rage at you when you fail at public servers! :D

Ergh a naked Finn summed up my words better than I could.


RaWr ::

Was bored at work, so it’s not a relevant post… but here’s my ‘Mentor Tips’:

– If something works, do it again.

– If something doesn’t work, mix it up.

– Don’t point out mistakes that your team mates make mid game.

– Don’t concentrate on why you just lost a round or a point, concentrate on what you are going to do next.

– Keep a positive attitude, applaud your team mates when they go huge. A simple ‘unlucky!’ when they get killed with suffice… a “OMG THAT WAS AMAZING!! :D;D” when they pull something good off works wonders for the player’s confidence, which makes him play better for the rest of the game.

– The enemy team doesn’t always know how weak you are. Being in a visible position to your enemy is important at all times, even when you are weak as it will intimidate them into falling back (If I’m a scout and see 3 people close to each other, I’m not going to push aggresively into them, but if I see a single soldier out there… I’m coming for him). So don’t cower away, just be a bit more cautious, but still be present!

– Don’t let ragers rage. Don’t let them answer back. How else do you think the player who I’ve spent the most time playing TF2 competitively with happens to be Joske…

– Don’t give your opponents too much respect, even if you consider them to be a higher skill level than you. So you lose a player early on the mid fight… If you were playing against a worse team you would stay out there, just because on paper they are higher than you, doesn’t mean you should give them that ground for free.

– Go with the call that is made, even if you personally think it is a bad call, because a call that only half of your team follows is ALWAYS going to be a bad call, but a call that your whole team responds to, has a much higher chance of being successful.

– Have respect for your team mates. You might be the main caller, but most of the time you’re not playing with morons… If someone makes a call, there is a reason for it. It might not be something you have seen or heard, but trust what your team mates are asking of you.

– Positive attitude, Coordination, Intimidation, and trying to gain map positioning for free I believe are the key elements of competitive TF2.

– An easy example of mixing the mid point up, is to ask your team how they did on the last mid fight. Tell them, if they felt their play was effective last round, then do the same this round. If they felt they were useless, tell them to attack from a different position, or go for a different target. Not every battle is going to be the same, but if someone performed on the previous round, they will have confidence in doing the same style on the following round. If someone is being forced into trying to pull off something that was ineffective last round, they will have a negative attitude trying it again… so let them change it up!

– Have fun. Occasionally you can let go, have a bit of a silly game, try some crazy stuff. Most of the fustration in TF2 is not caused by losing, it’s caused by losing against a team that you thought you should beat. Playing teams that are considered better than you is often more relaxing, as you are expecting to lose so there is no pressure. Losing to a team that you consider to be worse than you, is difficult to take. Don’t focus on how you went wrong, simply focus on how well they played! “Omg their soldier combo had an amazing game! – Not, “ffsfs can’t hit that scout, fucking dodgey prick!”

Fin. :)


Quoted from AcidReniX

Was bored at work, so it’s not a relevant post… but here’s my ‘Mentor Tips’:

– If something works, do it again.

– If something doesn’t work, mix it up.

– Don’t point out mistakes that your team mates make mid game.

– Don’t concentrate on why you just lost a round or a point, concentrate on what you are going to do next.

– Keep a positive attitude, applaud your team mates when they go huge. A simple ‘unlucky!’ when they get killed with suffice… a “OMG THAT WAS AMAZING!! :D;D” when they pull something good off works wonders for the player’s confidence, which makes him play better for the rest of the game.

– The enemy team doesn’t always know how weak you are. Being in a visible position to your enemy is important at all times, even when you are weak as it will intimidate them into falling back (If I’m a scout and see 3 people close to each other, I’m not going to push aggresively into them, but if I see a single soldier out there… I’m coming for him). So don’t cower away, just be a bit more cautious, but still be present!

– Don’t let ragers rage. Don’t let them answer back. How else do you think the player who I’ve spent the most time playing TF2 competitively with happens to be Joske…

– Don’t give your opponents too much respect, even if you consider them to be a higher skill level than you. So you lose a player early on the mid fight… If you were playing against a worse team you would stay out there, just because on paper they are higher than you, doesn’t mean you should give them that ground for free.

– Go with the call that is made, even if you personally think it is a bad call, because a call that only half of your team follows is ALWAYS going to be a bad call, but a call that your whole team responds to, has a much higher chance of being successful.

– Have respect for your team mates. You might be the main caller, but most of the time you’re not playing with morons… If someone makes a call, there is a reason for it. It might not be something you have seen or heard, but trust what your team mates are asking of you.

– Positive attitude, Coordination, Intimidation, and trying to gain map positioning for free I believe are the key elements of competitive TF2.

– An easy example of mixing the mid point up, is to ask your team how they did on the last mid fight. Tell them, if they felt their play was effective last round, then do the same this round. If they felt they were useless, tell them to attack from a different position, or go for a different target. Not every battle is going to be the same, but if someone performed on the previous round, they will have confidence in doing the same style on the following round. If someone is being forced into trying to pull off something that was ineffective last round, they will have a negative attitude trying it again… so let them change it up!

– Have fun. Occasionally you can let go, have a bit of a silly game, try some crazy stuff. Most of the fustration in TF2 is not caused by losing, it’s caused by losing against a team that you thought you should beat. Playing teams that are considered better than you is often more relaxing, as you are expecting to lose so there is no pressure. Losing to a team that you consider to be worse than you, is difficult to take. Don’t focus on how you went wrong, simply focus on how well they played! “Omg their soldier combo had an amazing game! – Not, “ffsfs can’t hit that scout, fucking dodgey prick!”

Fin. :)



RaWr ::



Please, everyone, before your post, do the following:

1) Read the name of the topic.
2) Read the OP.
3) Read Byte’s plea not to go off-topic.
4) Conclude whether or not your intended post is relevant to the topic.


Quoted from ashkan

Please, everyone, before your post, do the following:

1) Read the name of the topic.
2) Read the OP.
3) Read Byte’s plea not to go off-topic.
4) Conclude whether or not your intended post is relevant to the topic.

you of all people should know thats not whats done around here

1) Click a random thread in feed
2) Read the first line of OP
3) Flame the person for that line
4) Conclude wether or not you intend to turn it into an unlocks thread


When I was playing in Mister, he played with us and he teached us a lot of things. Even though we weren’t good pupils, he helped us to improve some things.

If you are a div1/2 team, don’t lose this chance.

Last edited by longas,


(Cat Enthusiast)

Quoted from Hildreth

Much respect to Byte doing this sort of thing but as Spam Effect aka SNSD have proven you can climb to near the top without so much help from higher skill mentors .

I’m sure Linus left no spot on Hat’s butt unkissed.

And TheSucker starts his daily TF2 regime from 10am, so, yeah.. :3


Quoted from Morphine


I’m sure Linus left no spot on Hat’s butt unkissed.

And TheSucker starts his daily TF2 regime from 10am, so, yeah.. :3

sush woman


UbeR |

I have absolutely no connection with byte what so ever, but seeing him play on the finals and hearing his comms just know that he’s a great carryer.
What amazed me the most was the speed of pushing / falling back and overall teamplay, the team that’s going to be mentored by him shall be very lucky.


Just go with uV, i think the guys are doing pretty good at the moment, if you could boost them even further, that would be amazing.


o.O at the responses last night, it’s unreal how many there are, Admirable son get your e-finger out and come share some mentoring :p

Anyway, I mentored vier last night, got some potential. This doesn’t mean I can’t mentor other teams, as vier are not always playing. For those that sent me messages and I didn’t reply, my apologies just too many requests and I couldn’t reply in time.

Keep trying and I’ll reply hopefully tonight.





it would be better if you teach the premteams how to play a season without dropping :D

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