Making pixel pickup open?
Created 26th June 2011 @ 16:32
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Quoted from Dummy
cant you just unban him and see what happens
if he doesnt act nice, ban him, simple, win-win situation as such a decision would make the admins appear a bit mature
right now both of you are silly and behaving like children
Tried that 3 times, every time he ignored us and went back to his old ways. He’s had his chances, he fucked them up.
Quoted from CanFo
Tried that at least once in the past
Perm ban then?
Quoted from CanFo
Tried that at least once in the past
Yup, and then I get banned for something I didn’t even do because they just felt like it. Guess you need a vagina to get something done here. I said to skyride to permban me if I did something wrong again. But I didn’t do anything and still got banned. The admins deleting my response proves that they can’t give me a proper answer. If you give me a proper answer I’ll deal with the ban.
The problem isn’t even that I’m not allowed to play in the pixelpug, the problem is that I want to play with new players just like in pug1 ages ago (lead to several people being invited to pug2), but thats now impossible.
Quoted from Buffalo Bill
Yes, you got banned for something you didn’t do: listening to us when we tell you to stop fucking around because it’s completely destroying the fun for other people.
You are aware your post got deleted because Hildreth told you to stop? Not our doing.
All I needed the know. Thanks for admitting to your complete incompetence.
Quoted from Koeitje
Yup, and then I get banned for something I didn’t even do because they just felt like it. Guess you need a vagina to get something done here. I said to skyride to permban me if I did something wrong again. But I didn’t do anything and still got banned. The admins deleting my response proves that they can’t give me a proper answer.
Yes, you got banned for something you didn’t do: listening to us when we tell you to stop fucking around because it’s completely destroying the fun for other people.
You are aware your post got deleted because Hildreth told you to stop? Not our doing.
Final warning. We would prefer not locking this thread.
If you post off-topic after this warning, please remove your content in order to avoid a ban.
Can I suggest making a separate channel skyride? Like the pixel open one was. So it can replace the old pug1. That way we can have it back to the way it was in the old days:
pug1 -> pixel open
pug2 -> pixel (albeit slightly lower level than pug2 used to be)
invitepug -> pug2
I just want to play with new players, couldn’t give a rats ass about the actual pixel channel (the only reason i brought it up again is because of the news about making it open to any player). So if you decide to open it, please make a separate channel.
Why not have an open channel but with a ‘special’ type of pickup that is only for people who follow the div5/soliddiv6 requirement that you want? E.G: You could set +v to the players who follow that requirement, and use that status to differentiate(for the coding that is) between +v players and -v players, and those who’d want to start a +v pickup can use something like !on+ or !onv.
I’ve never played in pixelpickup, so I’m not sure that such a system already exists, but surely that’d be the best compromise between open pickups and invite-only pickups?
Quoted from Farah
Why not have an open channel but with a ‘special’ type of pickup that is only for people who follow the div5/soliddiv6 requirement that you want? E.G: You could set +v to the players who follow that requirement, and use that status to differentiate(for the coding that is) between +v players and -v players, and those who’d want to start a +v pickup can use something like !on+ or !onv.
I’ve never played in pixelpickup, so I’m not sure that such a system already exists, but surely that’d be the best compromise between open pickups and invite-only pickups?
A div5/soliddiv6 requirement is basically the same as having no requirements, so I wonder what you would want to achieve with that? The old system (from 2 yrs ago, before pixel even existed) worked great. The old pug2 was really fun and had a decent skill level (div4+ , which is current div3+). It allowed for good pug1 players to get invited to the old pug2 channel and learn the game a little bit better. For example, me and Kaidus played a fuckload there. I doubt we’d even got as decent (me) or good (kaidus) if the channel wasn’t there. Pixel doesn’t offer that level of play. Luckily the new pug2 is getting more active, at least more than active enough for me, but there’s no place to actually play with new players because even the gap from pixel to pu2 is to big.
I apologise then, I was merely trying to echo the words of the OP when he stated the ‘requirements’ that pixel pug wants people to have before playing.
Though speaking as a new player trying to get into comp tf2, I would echo the lack of pickups for newer players(that aren’t lobby) as the only ones I can find are either inactive or way too high-levelled for me. Maybe I’m not looking hard enough. Go figure :/
I do think however, if one REALLY wants an all-inclusive pickup channel then the +v system works incredibly well. It’s implemented in another competitve game I play and it works well at both including those who are new to competitive gameplay and still accomodating the seasoned veterans.
holy fuck, get over it koeitje
pug2 is active again, stop whining
The channel would be a complete mess though with all the topic updates (with 2 bots running updating the channel topic wouldnt even work, not enough space).
@Animal: I want to play with new players (not bad players that have been playing this shit for years).
its never good with u now is it
ur not even in pixel and ur whining how bad players are there… way to try getting an unban
if anything, go suggest something decent to f2 instead, would be more of a chance that something will get improved
Quoted from AnimaL
its never good with u now is it
ur not even in pixel and ur whining how bad players are there… way to try getting an unban
if anything, go suggest something decent to f2 instead, would be more of a chance that something will get improved
Because if it opens up new players will join there. They have potential to actually become any good, most of the current player base in pixel doesn’t. That’s why I want to get back in.
F2 doesn’t see any future in reopening pug1, even though it can easily be advertised on mp servers, because it’s not webbased. The problem, however, with webbased systems is that its hard to keep track of players and talk to them after the game.
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