An evaluation of tf2tv
Created 5th March 2011 @ 13:10
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Quoted from Comedian
What does it matter? Embarrassed about being called out?
if i had posted this to you without placing it in the public domain i think we all know that you wouldnt have taken feedback from me seriously, and throughout this thread there have been people agreeing with points i have made, again you would not have got this if i hadnt posted it here
Your post contains fair concerns and arguments to go with them – why would we not take it seriously? As stated before, TF2TV is close to reorganising their casters and the way they cast. I received some feedback on my email, but more is obviously always welcome. You can use this topic as well apparently :D
I hope that the upcoming casts, as well as the MaxLAN coverage in exactly two weeks will be an improvement for you all! If not, please just keep the feedback coming. We wouldn’t be a public casting platform if we wouldn’t be able to take criticism ptk :)
– Pledge
Last edited by ThePledge,
Been saying someone needed to do something like this :D
Glad someone did it with less flaming than i would
Telebear my hero
Quoted from ThePledge
Your post contains fair concerns and arguments to go with them – why would we not take it seriously? As stated before, TF2TV is close to reorganising their casters and the way they cast. I received some feedback on my email, but more is obviously always welcome. You can use this topic as well apparently :D
I hope that the upcoming casts, as well as the MaxLAN coverage in exactly two weeks will be an improvement for you all! If not, please just keep the feedback coming. We wouldn’t be a public casting platform if we wouldn’t be able to take criticism ptk :)
– Pledge
It’s not like i’m talking about you pledge, no worries. It’s just the whole community in a whole. If you post something on these forums people will either troll or just be asses about it because alot of people on here are immature as fuck. So posting something with constructive critisicm for u guys on here is just retarded if you’re not known in the community; or like telebear a cool guy thats been around for a long time.
Quoted from Skyride
Or adam who laughs at everything I say bcus hes a FAGGOT!
With a cool guy I ment troll :)
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not an experienced caster and probably am not very good. When Hildreth and I approached Pledge and d2m, it was completely on our own initiative, with the purpose of covering the highlander challenge as best as possible (because it wasn’t going to receive much attention otherwise). I have no previous experience as a caster, and as such this has been a learning experience for me. Regardless, I am trying my best to improve and make my casts interesting and relevant.
I agree with the point that each cast should have a play-by-play caster and someone for colour commentary and analysis, and this hasn’t always been possible for us. It is something we are looking to improve, though.
If anyone has specific feedback for me or the highlander casts in general (since this topic is mostly focused on LAN coverage), I always welcome constructive criticism.
To be honest, shocked I agree with anything Telebear writes, considering you consider TF2 to be the most boring esport to watch you have an awful lot to say on the issue of casting it ;) /troll
Anyway, I do agree with the points raised and we are working on getting more feedback to be a better organisation as Comedian linked. Without trying to sound like im just fobbing off any arguments here, i’d just like to add that we are always looking for good casters, so if you think you can improve the casts that we do please check out our jobs page or contact one of us to get involved!
As for whoever said TF2TV is ThePledge and friends I didn’t know any of the team before I contacted them, (and i think only Comedian would publically admit to actually liking ThePledge :D) but it’s likely to be ThePledge and his friends because TF2TV relies on volunteers, and most of the time it’s hard to find volunteering strangers.
Finally @Arnold the first person vs. third person issue is one we have a lot of feedback over, roughly half the people that speak to us want third person and the other half want first person. I agree watching someone build uber from first person person is boring but equally watching a scout get an awesome 4-man from third person sucks too. Its hard to please everyone after all, but i hope we try our best.
Last edited by Krimson,
Im sure that in time the casting team from tf2tv (and other casts, with or without stream) will get better. Just look at the first games of gsl which are horrible ( ), but nowadays having best live camera work and casting team. Just give it some time.
Ofc is feedback is almost always positive thou
Last edited by Wiiking,
Quoted from Sheridyn
When Hildreth and I approached Pledge and d2m, it was completely on our own initiative, with the purpose of covering the highlander challenge as best as possible (because it wasn’t going to receive much attention otherwise).
And we love you for it! Keep it up!
Try sincing the camera with commentating, or vise versa, as mentioned in the first post. Other than that, you are on the right way, keep going. <3
Weird that Torden refused to publish this on Vanilla. It’s an insightful post which people agree with, obviously. Who elected Torden as the controller of information that decides what is and what isn’t appropriate content on the communities only “democratic” opinion platform?
Might his relationship with TF2TV, for example, have influenced his editorial judgement in this case?
Quoted from the bm man
Weird that Torden refused to publish this on Vanilla. It’s an insightful post which people agree with, obviously. Who elected Torden as the controller of information that decides what is and what isn’t appropriate content on the communities only “democratic” opinion platform?
Might his relationship with TF2TV, for example, have influenced his editorial judgement in this case?
I think it’s more due to the fact that your last piece of work was complete and utter shit.
Quoted from the bm man
Weird that Torden refused to publish this on Vanilla. It’s an insightful post which people agree with, obviously. Who elected Torden as the controller of information that decides what is and what isn’t appropriate content on the communities only “democratic” opinion platform?
Might his relationship with TF2TV, for example, have influenced his editorial judgement in this case?
Again, stop trolling. You’re saying this after he let your ban-post stay up and after that low-standard rant where you trollspawned 100 comments.
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