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Viaduct in the mappool for S8?

Created 21st April 2010 @ 21:20

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Quoted from l l l

By gamesense, do you mean the fact we let go of the w key when we jump?




I find that sterotype really funny. My experience playing in US has taught me that whilst probably more players bother to airstrafe, the ones that do in europe are a lot better for the most part (at a mid+ level that is).



Quoted from pyyyour

The map puts more emphasis on DM skills and is a lot more intense.

You should definitely include the map. It is a riot. We are playing Gullywash in a few weeks as well.

However stay away from Coldfront/Mainline.

Why not coldfront or mainline? OK this thread is about viaduct but I’m interested to hear why you’ve written them off.



Quoted from flix

-gravelpit ( one time )




Love to see this map in the map pool…if there is more focus on DM skills then we might enjoy this one in Div 6 (we got awful gamesense and teamwork at times).

Turbine kind of encourages too much turtling, hanging in the same doorway and spawn camping. If they would make a ctf map good for competitive play i’d love to play it but Turbine isn’t my cup of tea.

Gorge I actually like, hope you can keep the map. One map in the rotation I want to see gone is Well, too big. Coldfront is a bit like Well in that aspect, very big – I love the mid point on it though.

Give Viaduct a shot in MMM.



Quoted from Hildreth

Give Viaduct a shot in MMM.

I agree with this. Eventhough I would never want the map in the map pool, we should probably try it out anyway in the MNM. Can’t do any harm.



current maps + coldfront – turbine = great IMO



Granary, Badlands, Freight, Gullywash, Gravelpit and Gorge is what I hope for.

Dont like Obscure or Well, because it is too hard to flank, and you usually end up waiting for a uber/2 suicides(1 not enough to take that much of an advantage in div 6 in my experience). Turbine is basically fighting in a hallway + an occasional scout/spy going out from spawn.

Gorge and Gravelpit is a nice break from the 5-point maps imo, but would prefer 3 rounds, so perhaps shorter spawntimes for attacking or something as we would not get those 1 hour+ maps.



Badlands, Granary, Gravel Pit, Gorge, Viaduct, and Freight (maybe throw in some Coldfront).



How can you complain about maps being too uber/pick based but then put granary, freight and gorge in your good list?



How can you say what map’s are good for the general metagame when your in div6? No offence to any div6 players but on average div6 teams have a very loose grasp on the metagame as a whole.

I’m not saying they don’t deserve to give there opinion, they have every right to say weather they like a map or not. I just think that if a map “doesn’t work in div6” then the fault may not be in the map itself. But in the fact that the teams playing on the map are still learning and improving in every aspect.



Gorge is something different imo as it is A/D and it is usually easier to get the pick(s) as a sniper/spy.

It is easier to push in to 4th in Freight imo, mainly because the defending team is usually closer to the actually chokes than on Obscure and Well(perhaps not in higher divisions, thats one of the big differences I’ve noticed tactic wises, together with that they are better at taking advantage of single picks), so your uber wont run out when you reach the other teams medic+solly(ies), and if you get inside you should also have the height advantage.

Though I agree on the Granary one, didnt think of it at all.

Azdean: I can only speak from what I’ve experienced myself as a 6th division player, but if its something completely different all the way up in bottom div 5, I will gladly pull out of this thread.



Quoted from Azdean

How can you say what map’s are good for the general metagame when your in div6? No offence to any div6 players but on average div6 teams have a very loose grasp on the metagame as a whole.

I’m not saying they don’t deserve to give there opinion, they have every right to say weather they like a map or not. I just think that if a map “doesn’t work in div6” then the fault may not be in the map itself. But in the fact that the teams playing on the map are still learning and improving in every aspect.

Coming from someone from div 5 doesn’t really have a great deal of weight.



Quoted from Azdean

How can you say what map’s are good for the general metagame when your in div6? No offence to any div6 players but on average div6 teams have a very loose grasp on the metagame as a whole.

I’m not saying they don’t deserve to give there opinion, they have every right to say weather they like a map or not. I just think that if a map “doesn’t work in div6” then the fault may not be in the map itself. But in the fact that the teams playing on the map are still learning and improving in every aspect.

Because we’re also spectators to games in ETF2L, and as a spectator, I’d like maps like Viaduct and Gorge to be in there, just to make things more interesting.



Quoted from Chaos

To be honest, I love turbine. It’s got a great play style and tactic set. It would be a shame to see CTF die in comp

+1.Imo,everyone wolud like a map unless they’ll play it in league, so mnm viaduct and then we’ll see,who’ll be on his own after this=)

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