
To Valve...

Created 11th January 2010 @ 14:41

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I don’t see a problem where a close right direct hit on a scout leaves him limping away with a few HP, the slightest whiff of a shotgun will finish him off anyway.

This is why suggestions from div1/2 players should be prioritized above those of lower divs

You think it should one shot scouts even without minicrit?

This is why suggestions from players shouldn’t be prioritized.

Do I really have to explain what impact instabbing scouts has over not instagibbing scouts? The difference is huge.

You can try, I’ll never agree though. A class as versatile as soldier shouldn’t be able to one shot classes.

Anyway my post was more of a jibe at the elitism in your last post more than anything else.



You can try, I’ll never agree though. A class as versatile as soldier shouldn’t be able to one shot classes.

Anyway my post was more of a jibe at the elitism in your last post more than anything else.

Hmm I misread your first post, my bad :/. I don’t see it as a problem either (it’s the same for the normal rl, scout can survive 1 direct and can easily die against shotgun), but the impact on gameplay between the 2 situations quite big.

I think it’s important to bear in mind that the weapon is just about a sidegrade as it is now (or even arguably underpowered) compared to the normal rocket launcher as the majority of soldiers still prefer the original due to it being more useful in more situations. As such any nerf to the weapon (even if this is merely a correction of a glitch such as the bad minicrit detection, which though annoying still adds to the productivity of the weapon) will need to be balanced with a proportional buff to keep the weapon from becoming obsolete.

I can see why people find being oneshotted annoying and also have problems with the minicrits being too great a disincentive to rocket/sticky jumping (which are 2 of the most fun aspects of the game) but if these aspects of the weapon are to be taken out it will need to be made better in other areas to compensate.. and unfortunately this is necessarily going to mean sacrificing some of the weapons uniqueness and nudging it (ever so slightly) closer in functionality to the original rocket launcher.

As such I could agree with the following changes (which admittedly have already been raised by others):

-damage capped at <125hp
+decreased damage falloff
+increased splash (at the very least enough so that a target cannot jump over the splash from a perfectly aimed shot to his feet)

My reasoning being that currently the best use for the weapon is as a short range cannon; given that there's no room for error in your aim you need to be close enough so that whether you hit or not is down to youur own aim regardless of the dodging of the target. This is not currently the case at anywhere past short range as despite the quicker rockets the need for spot on accuracy to achieve any damage at all means that the slower splashier RL does consistently more damage at mid range against an erratically moving target. The DH is currently still worth using though due to its incredible punch at short range.. if this is reduced then it needs to be made more useful at mid range to compensate (hence the need for increased splash/less falloff).

Hope that makes sense :)



I’d like to see the gunboats get a buff. Instead of removing 75% damage from rocket jumps, it could remove 50% of all selfdamage instead. I’d also like it to have some sort of asthetic look to it so that you can recognise if someone has them equipped. No it wouldn’t make sense but it would be good gameplay wise.

edit: TDH makes airshotting easier, there is no need to reward it. Being one hit killed is always frustrating, especially by one of the versatile classes in the game.

If everyone agress on getting rid of mini-crits and one hit kills they should talk more about how the weapon should be buffed to make it viable.

Either less falloff, more spread,faster rocket speed or a combination of them.



I’d like to see the gunboats get a buff. Instead of removing 75% damage from rocket jumps, it could remove 50% of all selfdamage instead. I’d also like it to have some sort of asthetic look to it so that you can recognise if someone has them equipped. No it wouldn’t make sense but it would be good gameplay wise.

lol k



I’d like to see the gunboats get a buff. Instead of removing 75% damage from rocket jumps, it could remove 50% of all selfdamage instead. I’d also like it to have some sort of asthetic look to it so that you can recognise if someone has them equipped. No it wouldn’t make sense but it would be good gameplay wise.

they already show up on the soldier’s feet, although they can be kinda hard to see in a battle

and tbh i wouldn’t really consider that a buff but that’s just me



I’d also like it to have some sort of asthetic look to it so that you can recognise if someone has them equipped.

lol k

Never noticed, I failed.


I’d also like it to have some sort of asthetic look to it so that you can recognise if someone has them equipped.

lol k

Never noticed, I failed.

its barley noticeable anyways :P



Maybe they should be made more noticeable. Does slightly go against the design philosiphy of drawing the attention of players to the torso though.




My 2 cents : give the minicrit boost to the normal RL, its way harder to airshot than with the crapy TDH, thus you should be rewarded. Even my 2 y/o sister could airshot with TDH.

I don’t hang around TF2 forums much, but is the instant detonation on the Scottish Resistance intended?

If not, why the hell is it still around, despite the fact that several patches has been released since the Soldier/Demo one?

I hate that bloody thing.


+reload in demoman.cfg solves the instantdet on SR afaik


I don’t hang around TF2 forums much, but is the instant detonation on the Scottish Resistance intended?

If not, why the hell is it still around, despite the fact that several patches has been released since the Soldier/Demo one?

I hate that bloody thing.

it’s fixed , if u still get it update the server.



I think a few modification should be made.

TDH no minicrits, no oneshot (max damage same as rl, or 110), and 50% or 60% splash radius.

Number of stickies down to 4 or 6 at max cause 8 is spamfest

On scout:
-FaN is now broken, they must fix the knockback.

– Scattergun and FaN max damage should decrease to 90.
Scout is already overpowered, with speed and doublejump, and they do 102 damage point-blank without any splash damage, I find it’s too much.
– Or change the splash damage to be efficient anytime and not doing 0 damage because of a 15px tall piece of wood…



Scout is already overpowered

Stopped reading at this point…

Minicrits are already fixed – they hit only actual airborne targets, who’re thrown in the air by an explosive. Demoman is alright as it is and I really haven’t sees any serious game being played with any of the new demoman weapons, so can’t see the problem with demoman here.
FaN’s knockback has been fixed several times, so now it should be acceptable and it’s still limited to 1.

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