
A larger number of places for teams

Created 8th September 2009 @ 11:50

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PHX played one or two seasons before. maybe thats the reason why



Should have an ‘open’ ladder division 7 (or whatever bottom will be), basically consisting of play 9 games (or however many games teams in other divisions play, i forget ;D) against any of the teams, though only 1 time per team and leave it at that. It’s basically the waiting list but also gets those teams some ETF2L experience.

There would be a big skill gap for some teams and some unpleasant games, but it’s better than being left out of the league entirely, it’s also good for gauging new teams skill levels.

It’ll also show who actually is determined enough to be in the league by activity and deserves to be here, rather than foldiing/dropping due to some bad results.



So you signed at position 311 and are on the verified teams list? And we signed up in position 290 and are still on the waiting list?


As Hellfish has said I’m guessing it’s because we completed seasons 4 & 5, but I haven’t heard that this is actually the fact.

I think that a ladder for all the teams that don’t get into the league is a good idea. Those teams that were the most eager to play would be able to replace teams that drop from the league and they could come from the ladder directly to the division that they are best suited to after people had seen them play.



I see, I guess that is a fair way of doing it :) I’m sure I would be annoyed if a new team got preference over me if my team had season experience. Fair enough

At least the increase in capacity means the waiting list is much shorter.

Yeah a ladder would certainly be the best way



As far as the database tells me, Obsidian wasn’t with the first 330 to sign up.
And besides that, yes we’ve preferred some teams that were in the league for our past seasons over new teams, which is no more than logical.

Your particular team is relatively high on our waiting list though, so if you’re reachable you have good chances of getting a spot later on.


I was thinking about this one too. I’m sure there must be an easy way to add up more teams. Only real problems could be placing the teams in the right divisions as has been discussed, but you could either a) increase the amount of admins as the league grows, some are assigned to keep track of the new clans and checking out their scores (which has been encouraged to keep track of your pcw:s when entering the league) or b) implement that ladder system which has been talked about earlier too. (Allows waiting list teams to play pcw:s and add up the results and etf2l league games could easily be ladder games too and report there at the same), this would allow relatively good way to indicate how strong a team is which less work from the admins, only some admins assigned to admin the ladder.

I was also wondering what’s the structure gonna be like this year, so far I see like it’s 330 teams verified and 401 have been registered as of now.

Also I’m personally still against having direct relegation and promotion at least in div1 and maybe between div2/3. Implementing a playoff system would ensure that the best teams possible stay in div1 and not have an ok div2 team go in div1 one just because of a weakish division and get raped while the team relegated will rape their division and ultimately would be the better team than the one above. Thinking about it, this offseason has taken what? about 2 months. You could get through with a playoff system as a continuation for the league like in few weeks, there would’ve been still plenty of time for an offseason.

But about structure?

-> 330 teams?

Div1: 10
Div2: 10-10
Div3: 10-10-10-10
Div4: 11-11-11-11-11-11
Div5: 12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12
Div6: 12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12

-> 370 teams? (maybe too much, aye for only 30 teams in waiting list then atm.)

Div1: 10
Div2: 10-10
Div3: 10-10-10-10
Div4: 10-10-10-10-10-10
Div5: 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10
Div6: 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10
Div7: 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10

Here are btw. a few old threads of ladders on this forum



As far as the database tells me, Obsidian wasn’t with the first 330 to sign up.
And besides that, yes we’ve preferred some teams that were in the league for our past seasons over new teams, which is no more than logical.

Your particular team is relatively high on our waiting list though, so if you’re reachable you have good chances of getting a spot later on.

I can pretty much guarantee I was. I remember looking at the list the day after I signed my team up and thinking “wow 330”. I know that doesnt count as evidence, but I am very very sure I signed up before there were even 300 teams



I’d be very grateful if you could check again :)


I’d be very grateful if you could check again :)

you’re very close to that 330.



Doesnt ED do an entry ladder for CSS? A way to show that your actually going to commit and play? That way it filters out clans that will fold.

I signed my clan up and I’m not to sure if we will get in but I would love to, we have been practising in mix’s alot but it would be a shame to wait till next season to play some competitive TF2, having said that I wouldn’t mind joining a ladder if I miss out, that way we can practise for next season and get used to commiting to weekly times etc.



Quoted from brt

I think 12 teams in each division and still 2 maps and 30mins timelimit are great…

or we need a div 7 ^^

oh it would be for cripples


why not just add ladders

6on6, 3on3,2on2,1on1

maybe sniper 1on1, soldier 1on1?

just a idea because i see this often in some other leagues



People have necrophilia or something?


Nice bump

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