
Rethink your moderation

Created 13th July 2011 @ 13:55

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Quoted from Dummy

doesn’t matter if it’s not serious.

Yes, it does. I thought it would be obvious but apparently people took it seriously for some reason. Joking around was never something I was told I wasn’t allowed to do.



Quoted from konr

[…]Uphold a reputation? What reputation am I of all people going to suddenly uphold once made an AC? I was hated before AC and I’m still going to be hated (and baited) now. If RaCio actually took the time to give a shit and come to me asking me not to post anymore, I would stop posting. The thing that makes me most mad is that he doesn’t seem to care, and then suddenly there are punishments given to you that aren’t even pointed out to you, but to the public instead. About the people I measured myself to, I’m not saying I’m better than them nor that I know as much as them. What I’m trying to get out of you is what is good enough experience to know what hacks look like. It isn’t a surprise that you didn’t actually answer my question though. I don’t really get how being able to code has anything at all to do with SPOTTING cheats. The actual job of being an AC admin is to watch demos so why are you faulting me for not doing more than the sole job I was given?

Indeed, upholding a reputation. Something you should’ve thought of once you joined the AC team and were made part of something bigger than just yourself. That was the point where you had to think “hey, it’s not suddenly just about me anymore, but about an entire league and the people putting their free time into it!” (speaking of not so bright seeing you didn’t ‘eh..). You will always have trolls on the internet and you can’t get along with everyone and if people hate you and bait you, shit happens. It’s _YOUR_ reaction that is important as they are _NOT_ representing a league and reputation(s). A wise lesson for you for every situation where you’re part of something more than just yourself, make sure your shit is sorted so people can’t say shit about you. Wether that be work that you put in or how you represent yourself. And this is another part where you show your lack of intelligence. Knowing the protocols to which aimbots and triggerbots react to or in other words, how they “act” ingame as you know HOW to make them, makes it easier to SPOT them, does it not? Knowing how something works always makes it easier to spot something or replicate it, does it not?

The direct fault is probably not even with you, but with the people that have put you in this position, something I called as soon as you were instated as an AC admin. I already saw this coming miles away, the inability from certain head admins to do so aswell however shows the lack of leadership and common sense this league really has. I’m not saying you should be a coder to be able to spot cheats, but it does help to a certain degree and asking people that have had experience with these things in the past should be preferred above people that basicly know fuck all about cheats. And I’ve said it in the past many times before, having an european anti-cheat “union” would be far more benefitial to everyone.. If only the leagues itself weren’t so stubborn.



Quick konr say something stupid so I do not have to post to agree with Demorage.



Quoted from Buffalo Bill

Rethink the moderation? How about the community rethinks itself first? Posts like konr’s, while bad, wouldn’t happen if people didn’t bring up the same old shit time and time again in the most retarded ways possible. (…)

Sorry, but that is just stupid.
First of all, how do you (for example) expect new players entering this league to know that there has already been a discussion (or even discussionS) about a certain issue before? They can´t know, and it IS an admins job to reply to them in a friendly way, even if their only answer is “sorry but this has been discussed and decided before”, or – if you´re lazy – just link to the thread where the issue was discussed already when locking threads. But simply justifying any behaviour by saying “this is the fucking 73491st post about XY” doesn´t do it.
Also, two wrongs don´t make a right. And in no way any admin should behave like some of them did, konr is just the latest example. No matter how stupid the post is which they reply to – they are still representatives and authorities of this league, and no matter what their feelings towards a certain issue are, they have to behave accordingly.
By the way, how do you expect people to know if 2 persons flaming each other are serious or not?
How does it look like when people write “Fuck you”-posts like konr and have a “admin” next to their name?
And aren´t there any other platforms where you can troll, flame or lick each others balls without the problem that one of the persons involved is a representative of the league and the forums of that league in which you´re posting such things?

Don´t get me wrong, I´m not saying they should be removed or even be punished with more than a temporary forum ban and a warning not to abuse their position as AC admins in any way. I don´t even know konr, and I love Gubbins just the way he is…. But there is (and has ALWAYS been) a lack of good communication and manners in some issues that almost the entire admin team reacts to and deals with on a more or less daily base. As a neutral reader, you have to get a certain feeling of ignorance, arrogance and preciosity – and that coming from the leader of this league and his white knights aka admins. It leaves the reader sometimes angry, sometimes clueless as before and in most of the cases just uncomprehending. Pretty much every admin (except CanFo, ofc) can be blamed for not behaving in an admin-like manner at some point, konr´s last post stands for itself and is still just the topping of the cake.
I have to agree, the way konr reacts now in this thread, the entire attitude is just showing more and more that the decision to remove him was right – it´s still the lack of communication from the inside to the regular player on the outside in this organisation that keeps bugging me and many others.

For the sake of this league, for people actually believing that this community is really better than CSS teenage-flamewars & Co., and for your own credibility as well as for your public perceived image, start behaving like admins, and stop treating people with serious matters like dumb children just because you are inside and have to deal with them, even if it is for the 352nd time.


Quoted from Matt

Quick konr say something stupid so I do not have to post to agree with Demorage.

The thread is not solely about konr thinking before he posts. The thread also applies to people like you, Matt.



Quoted from poxie


The thread is not solely about konr thinking before he posts. The thread also applies to people like you, Matt.

No it does not, I have never ever (and will never be) in a position of “power” on etf2l. I am also a self confessed (bad) troll, not my fault people get baited all the time.



its getting harder and harder to say tf2 ain’t dead




Quoted from konr

[…]Yes, it does. I thought it would be obvious but apparently people took it seriously for some reason. Joking around was never something I was told I wasn’t allowed to do.

‘for some reason’.
this is why it matters.
a, it was a crude joke and it was childlish.
b, not everyone knows you and orchid know each other and that it was a joke.
and c, even if everybody knew that, it would still be inappriopriate to post that. keep that to steam – I won’t go so far as to telling admins to behave on steam/private chats as well.


Quoted from Matt


No it does not, I have never ever (and will never be) in a position of “power” on etf2l. I am also a self confessed (bad) troll, not my fault people get baited all the time.

same, I sincerely dont give a fuck what I post on the forums, since, like Matt, im among the top 10 wanted-dead TF2 players everyone has, and will never ever be in a position of power =d
an admin however, obviously should, so to speak, ‘give a fuck’.


Quoted from demsii


Indeed, upholding a reputation. Something you should’ve thought of once you joined the AC team and were made part of something bigger than just yourself. That was the point where you had to think “hey, it’s not suddenly just about me anymore, but about an entire league and the people putting their free time into it!” (speaking of not so bright seeing you didn’t ‘eh..). You will always have trolls on the internet and you can’t get along with everyone and if people hate you and bait you, shit happens. It’s _YOUR_ reaction that is important as they are _NOT_ representing a league and reputation(s). A wise lesson for you for every situation where you’re part of something more than just yourself, make sure your shit is sorted so people can’t say shit about you. Wether that be work that you put in or how you represent yourself. And this is another part where you show your lack of intelligence. Knowing the protocols to which aimbots and triggerbots react to or in other words, how they “act” ingame as you know HOW to make them, makes it easier to SPOT them, does it not? Knowing how something works always makes it easier to spot something or replicate it, does it not?

The direct fault is probably not even with you, but with the people that have put you in this position, something I called as soon as you were instated as an AC admin. I already saw this coming miles away, the inability from certain head admins to do so aswell however shows the lack of leadership and common sense this league really has. I’m not saying you should be a coder to be able to spot cheats, but it does help to a certain degree and asking people that have had experience with these things in the past should be preferred above people that basicly know fuck all about cheats. And I’ve said it in the past many times before, having an european anti-cheat “union” would be far more benefitial to everyone.. If only the leagues itself weren’t so stubborn.

Admittedly, thinking about it now I should probably have indicated that I was joking so that passers by didn’t take it so seriously, but it is only one post. Notice I haven’t even slightly been replying to shit on recruitment posts compared to how I used to. I toned that down, I just didn’t expect people to take me seriously this one post. But like I said, it is ONE post. As for coding, you don’t need to code to know how the programs work. I don’t have to have literally made a triggerbot to know how a triggerbot works. Not that it matters though because you have no idea what I’m capable of, or what I’ve done in the past considering cheats and their development. Whether you think so or not, I was a good AC admin. I may take too much bait and I may act silly sometimes, but I know what hacks look like and I’ve proven that time and time again to all the AC admins that I’ve been in the company of.



Quoted from konr

[…]Admittedly, thinking about it now I should probably have indicated that I was joking so that passers by didn’t take it so seriously, but it is only one post. Notice I haven’t even slightly been replying to shit on recruitment posts compared to how I used to. I toned that down, I just didn’t expect people to take me seriously this one post. But like I said, it is ONE post. As for coding, you don’t need to code to know how the programs work. I don’t have to have literally made a triggerbot to know how a triggerbot works. Not that it matters though because you have no idea what I’m capable of, or what I’ve done in the past considering cheats and their development. Whether you think so or not, I was a good AC admin. I may take too much bait and I may act silly sometimes, but I know what hacks look like and I’ve proven that time and time again to all the AC admins that I’ve been in the company of.

It only takes 1 idiotic post to make people think your being a dick to people.


This is pretty much the topics all about



Konr called me gay on a dm idk why when i asked him he didnt answear :)


Quoted from konr

[…]Admittedly, thinking about it now I should probably have indicated that I was joking so that passers by didn’t take it so seriously, but it is only one post. Notice I haven’t even slightly been replying to shit on recruitment posts compared to how I used to. I toned that down, I just didn’t expect people to take me seriously this one post. But like I said, it is ONE post. As for coding, you don’t need to code to know how the programs work. I don’t have to have literally made a triggerbot to know how a triggerbot works. Not that it matters though because you have no idea what I’m capable of, or what I’ve done in the past considering cheats and their development. Whether you think so or not, I was a good AC admin. I may take too much bait and I may act silly sometimes, but I know what hacks look like and I’ve proven that time and time again to all the AC admins that I’ve been in the company of.

starting off with the less important stuff; konr’s right, you don’t need to build something to know it, but of course that does help you. not necessary though
on to the main dish: that was the only very flamey post from you, aye, but it was not the only one where you presented a less than desirable attitude.

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