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*EPISODE 4 with PURE* TF2 Podcast: The Direct Hit

Created 22nd February 2010 @ 20:46

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n1 exfane :)



guys you makin swarley scared and all………………show him some support!



i liked your shoutcast last time exfane, it was really good! all those insights improved my game a lot!



good pod cast :)

not REALLY that great, but it is only the first episode.
expecting this to get better as the casters get into it a bit more.



shintaz for first geust speaker!


then darn to talk about his heroic gg that saved the match vs www :D



Listened to it today in the car – good job, I enjoyed that. Once you relaxed a bit it seemed to get easier for you. The music wasn’t too intrusive.

There were some noticeable clicks in the audio when I think Swarley and Spence started to speak, but the audio seems clear once they get going.

and where’s the love for http://www.kritzkast.comkritzcast[/url]



was quite interesting, and the background music made me laugh


Great job guys, keep it up!



Thanks for all the lovely feedback! We’ve decided to give episode 2 a slight change to background music, so keep an ear out for some rat-a-tat-tat loops! If any of you can suggest ways of recording the podcast at a better quality can you let us know? Someone mentioned Skype so we are looking into it.

Cya on Monday (hopefully!!!)

Last edited by Anderson,



If you need a hand getting your audio woes sorted give me a call. Have been running KritzKast, the TF2 podcast for a couple of years now and we’ve tried pretty much every variation of everything to make it all work.

I’m going to download your podcast to listen to on the way home. Curious to see what you’ve got.



I enjoyed it, though you could tell at the start they were a bit nervous at the start but when they got into talking about Div 7 shitnerds (lol) they just breezed it…

The new villain of the week should be Swarley for ruining the www. vs Digi game for me as I downloaded the STV without knowing the score and was going to watch it over lunchtime.



Got a bit of feedback from the Friendly Fire forums (another NA comp focussed TF2 podcast):

OK, so I listened to it. You said that it is a pilot, so I’ll give you some (constructive) criticism.

1. Metatags on the .mp3 file – noone likes to scroll through thousands of songs to find a single one that you don’t know the name of.

2. The music’s good, but it gets pretty annoying after a while. That’s just my personal opinion, I wont mind if it stays.

3. Who are you? Why are you doing this? What classes do you play? tell us about yourselves!

4. Way too jump us in the deepend! You have an introduction ‘jingle’, but no actual introduction. Just a little “hey welcome to direct hit!” would be nice.

Apart from that, it is a great podcast and I hope it gets even better in the future.



Too add to what jase said. Is it the mumble voice activation that causes that horrible crackle when people start to speak?

Listening to that on headphones isn’t nice, and makes me turn the volume down too barely audible.

Maybe use PTT (I know, I know) or some thing, I have no idea what causes this so just an idea.

Also swarley is an interesting guy but let the others speak as well (not meant as a dig). Or have more people too bounce off each other.

You were pretty good about it but also, really try and avoid talking over each other. It’s hard because most normal conversations work like this.

All of that aside it was a good cast in content. Don’t worry about trying to do it all in one take or any thing, just record a huge conversation and cut up the interesting bits.

Also put it on itunes, this makes I much easier to spread the word. Heroes of the week have to be idk? for beating dignitas in a pcw (EDIT – WRONG) followed by TCM in the cup, stv was going crazy.

Keep it up. :)

Last edited by toasty.,

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