
*EPISODE 4 with PURE* TF2 Podcast: The Direct Hit

Created 22nd February 2010 @ 20:46

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Quoted from Hildreth

…we entered he 5th cup, drew Snuke! and got hammered.

Pah! We got Special Attack and got mightily hammered with Maxwell’s silver hammer, repeatedly and visciously hammered on our poor, under prepared, soft heads. We capped mid once! But they were running a sniper and pyro at the time….

We learned a few things though,so it was well worth it from our point of view, not so much from theirs I would imagine.

Last edited by Monkeh,



Xman is a fuckin legend!
Love all the podcast guys, my pocket mong (swarley) is doing great



Quoted from Agro

You guys recon you can keep up the one-a-week schedule?

yup, thats our intention to get a episode out every monday.

thanks for the support guyz, and if you’d like to hear us discuss something or have any ideas for the show, spam away. we take all ideas onboard..

and aye xman is a legend xD



Quoted from Hildreth

lol @ villian of the week…do you mean all teams or just higher division teams cos a team like LTG in Div 6 won’t bother…we entered he 5th cup, drew Snuke! and got hammered.

We’re div 6 and got through to the second round and a thoroughly enjoyable match with Fakkelbrigade. Probably the only chance we’ll have of getting div 1 opposition.



i think the pros will always outweigh the cons on this situation

Great episode as always, the Hitler video is hilarious, especially the config bit.
Keep it up, good job xman.



Quoted from Mark


Why don’t you just support the game and after you’ve been hammered talk as a team about how and why you lost? Take every loss as a learning experience.

This is always great in theory but when the skill gap reaches certain point there is nothing to be learned from it what so ever.



Quoted from toasty.


This is always great in theory but when the skill gap reaches certain point there is nothing to be learned from it what so ever.

Not true, my team played cc// and we actually learned alot as to what we did right and wrong in terms of organistation and tactics.

Whilst you get thrashed you just look at how they play and what they are doing right, i.e. they had someone covering their sniper, so in our next matches we have sniper cover.

You don’t learn anything from it if you just sit there and not try and take anything away from it.



Quoted from WARHURYEAH

You don’t learn anything from it if you just sit there and not try and take anything away from it.




Quoted from WARHURYEAH


Not true, my team played cc// and we actually learned alot as to what we did right and wrong in terms of organistation and tactics.

Whilst you get thrashed you just look at how they play and what they are doing right, i.e. they had someone covering their sniper, so in our next matches we have sniper cover.

You don’t learn anything from it if you just sit there and not try and take anything away from it.

Couldn’t you have learned that through watching a demo though?

A division 6 side could play a perfect (for them) tactical game against dignitas and just be out death matched at every encounter. This is pointless.



While i agree the current cups only really caters for the top 2-3% of teams involved(namely div1) you must understand that the more we support the cups and sign up, is only going to strengthen the chances of attracting more sponsorship names to cups, thus allowing Esports Heaven to run maybe 2 or 3 cup simultaneously, having 1 cup for div1+top div2, another for the rest of div 2+div 3, and so on…so help yourselves by signing up!



What about doing it FA cup style with the top teams not having to play the earlier rounds? Let the Shitnerds battle it out for a game against Div 1, 2 and 3 teams in round 3 or whatever.

Round1: Div 5 and 6
Round2: Winners plus Div4
Round3: All the big boys!

Something like that. It would be our very own ‘Third round day’.

Last edited by Monkeh,



Quoted from toasty.


Couldn’t you have learned that through watching a demo though?

A division 6 side could play a perfect (for them) tactical game against dignitas and just be out death matched at every encounter. This is pointless.

Not really because you don’t see how effective it is unless it’s played against you and you experience it first hand, we played it on friday and we are alot better as a team than we were before the game.

If you watch a div1 vs div1 team their skill of both sides is kinda countering each other out, so you don’t really see the effects of their movements as such.

But playing against a better team you understand where you went wrong, where you’re being exposed.

Against cc// we saw their sniper have cover as I said, and using demo stickies to clear the way for the uber as we didnt want to pop uber too early it forced us to go back and cleared a way for them.

If they did those tactics against a better and more experienced team they would know how to counter against it etc. But we did not so when we learnt how to adapt against the attack against other teams.

I can only highly recommened playing against a top team and getting thrashed, key is keeping a cool head, play how you normally would and see how well you get exposed. Other teams won’t expose your flaws as much as a better team.



if you watch a demo or play against a High div team and your a low div team.. you can see the tactics being perfectly played out and can learn a hell of alot from the experiance.. for example,

you can see the high team push thru your team like a wave almost, taking hardly any looses so that the wave is easily visable, so u can see what and where they are going etc.. then just use that tactic as a concept and work on it to suit you.

whereas div1 v div1, its harder to see that wave because theres gonna be losses from each side, so the wave as it were is harder to see.. ofc div1 teams even tho they loose players on the push same for the other team, they know the tactic and they adapt regardless how messy it may look to a spectator..



Quoted from WARHURYEAH


I’m not saying playing against better opposition doesn’t help you. If it comes to the point where you are losing every death match encounter it doesn’t matter what tactics you employ or even what tactics they employ.

I saw div 6 side play dignitas on turbine in a cup game. This was before the win limit was introduced.

The game started, they lost the middle and then dignitas just had a sentry, demo and sniper outside their spawn. They didn’t even make it to the flag room to even try and defend their intel let alone get to mid.

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